Read more 25 May 1978 Bastion Point protesters evicted, Copyright All rights reserved. People can visit the Tamaki River, Waitemata Harbour, Mission Bay Beach, M J Savage Memorial Park, Sea Life Kelly Tarltons Aquarium, etc. Who was plundering and looting Kororreka Why? The Bastion Point occupation became one of the most famous protest actions in New Zealand history. This event had a much wider effect than just on the home tribe. How can we avoid the occurrence of weld porosity? One of their causes was the return of their land and payment for the governments past injustices. The use of such overwhelming force to end the peaceful occupation highlighted the legacy of discrimination against Mori and the state's ongoing appropriation of Mori land. Most Mori believe that sovereignty was never ceded to the crown. The protest ended when the government sent in police to clear the protesters and demolish their makeshift homes. The incensed rkei Mori met Savage on his return from overseas, and he immediately reversed the decision, avoiding what could have been a political crisis. The area is significant in New Zealand history as the site of protests in the late 1970s by Mori against forced land alienation by pkeh (European settlers). Food can be another reason for travellers to spend some more time at Bastion Point. Located at Auckland's Bastion Point, the memorial to Michael Joseph Savage, New Zealand's first Labour prime minister (1935-1940) overlooks the Waitemata Harbour. New Zealand's Mori are using occupations to reclaim land taken from them by confiscation or inequitable purchases. Ministers of the crown became mortgage brokers, if you like, and began offering cheap mortgages to colonisers, or giving them a reward for their part in the wars against our people.. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. From the drop point, it requires a commute of about 1.2 kilometres to reach the destination. Why is Bastion Point significance to New Zealand? After translating an article, all tools except font up/font down will be disabled. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. European settlement on Mori land caused conflict, and Mori began to resist European occupation. New Zealands location in a geologically active region means travellers can visit hot springs, geysers and sulphuric pools (Credit: MLenny/Getty Images). I think there are some people who still hold to that it lasted a very long time and thats the base-level of the notion of New Zealand identity, Moon said. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. [3][4][5][6] The public land containing the Michael Joseph Savage Memorial and Fort Britomart tunnels is not owned by the hap, who refer to it as Kohimarama, while Auckland Council now call it Takaparawhau. Where should I start working out out of shape? Improved homework resources designed to support a variety of curriculum subjects and standards. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Within a century, this too was compulsorily acquired by the Crown (apart from a cemetery). The Bastion Point occupation became one of the most famous protest actions in New Zealand history. Looking north east along kahu Bay towards Takaparawhau, with Tumutumuwhenua wharenui (meeting house) visible on the ridgeline, 2022. These causes dated back to the mid 1800s and the occupation itself all stemmed from issues surrounding the loss of land Ngati Whatua as a result of rulings by the Native Land Court and the early New Zealand government. But at least they didnt resile from some obligation to try and work things through.. Without land, Mori political authority was substantially neutered. Felton Mathew changed the name of Kohimarama to South Head. It also spurred Mori activism over land issues in other parts of the country. Sound file from Radio New Zealand Sound Archives Ng Taonga Krero. In this 1977 interview he explains why the issue was so important to Ngti Whtua. That year, the Treaty of Waitangi Act established the Waitangi Tribunal. For those flying in from other countries, airport cabs and airport shuttles are available to take you to the destination. In 1975, Dame Whina Cooper led a march of more than 1,000km from the northern point of New Zealand to the capital Wellington to deliver a petition protesting the ongoing loss of Mori land. And, perhaps invoking those earlier ideals of fairness and equality, the prime minister and ministers have taken a 20% pay cut for six months in solidarity with those whose income has been affected by coronavirus. There was much sympathy from the Pakeha people. What happened to Bastion Point/Takaparawhau. [14] The occupiers constructed a marae and housing, and grew crops. The government did not return the land to the Ngti Whtua iwi after the supposed threat passed, instead giving it to the local government. To request a copy of the recording, contact Sound Archives Ng . Founded by a group of young Polynesians on 16 June 1971, [1] the Panthers worked to aid in community betterment through activism and protest. Looking east along Biddicks Bay towards Takaparawha showing Bastion Rock, since demolished, 1901. Eventually the, General, Sir Keith Holyoake, intervened and ordered a halt to these courtproceedings. So he decided to take an official claim for the land to the Waitangi Tribunal,The Waitangi Tribunal is a New Zealand permanent commission of inquiry established under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The looting and subsequent burning of Kororreka shook the settler population. With no ability to reclaim the land through the channels of the tribunal, the owners at Ihumtao began an occupation in the tradition of those at Whaingaroa, on the west coast, and Bastion Point in Auckland. The obelisk in Savage Memorial Park on Bastion Point commemorates the burial place of Michael Joseph Savage, first Labour prime minister, who died in 1940. The Bastion and the Searchlight Emplacements, info panel. The occupation of Bastion Point lasted 506 days. This was an important moment in defining Mori land rights. In 1976 the government proposed selling part of the Bastion Point reserve for luxury housing. Read More. Join more than three million BBC Travel fans by liking us onFacebook, or follow us onTwitterandInstagram. This clearly shoes just how significant the land was for the people of Ngati Whatua, the protestors were heavily impacted by their actions as they were arrested and many were convicted. Global attention once again turned to the nation: while there was some criticism over how the government reacted, others said New Zealand offered a model response of empathy, clarity and trust in science. Bastion Point was originally a Mori fishing village of the Ngti Whtua iwi that was surrounded by rich farming land. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Takaparawhau / Bastion Point is a coastal piece of land in rkei, Auckland, New Zealand, overlooking the Waitemat Harbour. The occupation became a major landmark in the history of Mori protest and helped to open Pkeh eyes to the country's history of injustice. The tomb is inscribed: Michael Joseph Savage, 18721940, He loved his fellow men. In brief, the tribunal found what the claimants had insisted for generations was true, the government had failed to uphold the tribal ownership which Ngati Whatuapreferred. Its purpose was to hear claims of the crowns violation of the treaty, signed in 1840 and considered New Zealands founding document. The Mori translation, Te Tiriti, granted governorship to the crown, and promised Mori tino rangatiratanga a term which can be interpreted as absolute sovereignty over their land, as opposed to the exclusive and undisturbed possession granted in the English translation. Why did the government take Bastion Point? A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture, Worklife and Travel, delivered to your inbox every Friday. The occupants were served with trespass notices and a large police presence moved in. The tribe mounted a 506-day occupation of the site in 197778. [9][10][11][12][13][5], Apihai Te Kawau spoke publicly against land sales and in order to safeguard a small amount of land in rkei for future generations, and Te Kawau obtained a Crown Grant in 1869. New Zealand was placed in complete lockdown to stop the spread of Covid-19 across the country (Credit: Bradley White/Getty Images). The new housing was never built and under a Treaty of Waitangi settlement much of the land was returned to Ngti Whtua. The Bastion Point protest had a significant impact on the Maori community as it showed Maori that many New Zealanders were concerned with their land grievances, and paved the way for Maori tribes to deal with their land grievances in a way that was fair and just. They were the first inhabitants of the islands. [18] Mori from the p met Savages' body when it arrived back in Auckland in 1940. In three years, the 39-year-old has risen from a minor player in the low-polling opposition Labour Party to a global figure on Time magazines list of the worlds 100 most influential people. The outpost was not built on Takaparawha Point, which had earlier been taken by the Government for the same purpose. Theyre meant to be honoured.. New Zealand, Levine writes, is not a large or powerful country but has an attractive self-image of inspiring others, leading by example, idealism and pragmatic innovation. The subjects covered everything from very specific local problems to And because much of the land confiscated by the crown was subsequently privatised, many iwi are left with no recourse beyond a cash payment. Panorama showing the annual Manu Aute Kite Day, held on Takaparawhau on the first Matariki long weekend, June 2022. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. [5], On 20 March 1840 in the Manukau Harbour area where Ngti Whtua farmed, paramount chief Apihai Te Kawau signed Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The protest and the subsequent government handling of the occupation brought international attention to the Mori land situation. New Zealand was not conquered but founded on a treaty between Mori and the Crown (Credit: Martin Vlnas/Getty Images). Police block protesters from the site at Ihumtao. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Theme Kourtier Blog by. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". It was quickly apparent that they would need to create or repair machines from whatever scrap was lying around. As punishment after their defeat, the crowns troops forced the local iwi, Te Wai-o-Hua, off the land, which was sold to settlers and turned into a private farm. Subscribe to our free newsletter for news and prizes. While the multicultural nation continues to pass socially progressive laws marriage equality, decriminalising prostitution, treating abortion as a health not criminal issue Moon senses a change in motivation. The occupation and the use of force to end it played a part in highlighting injustices against Mori, and the occupation became a major landmark in the history of Mori protest. The Anglican and Catholic churches were spared from destruction on Hekes orders. However, the Europeans brought guns, disease, and Western agricultural methods, all of which threatened Mori culture and social structure. It is also popular for its tranquil, clean and pollution-free atmosphere. Independence 1947 - New Zealand gains full independence from Britain. We never post anything without your permission. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. [2], In 1951, Mori living in rkei were evicted and the houses were knocked down. It can be a messy business putting a toddler to bed.. One of the powerful myth-themes of New Zealand society is racial harmony, derived from Hobson's statement at Waitangi that Maori and Pakeha were joined as one by the treaty. The official website of the New Zealand Government. It began on 5 January 1977, and ended on 25 May 1978 (the 507th day), when 222 protesters were evicted and arrested by police. These causes dated back to the mid 1800's and the occupation itself all stemmed from issues surrounding the loss of land Ngati Whatua as a result of rulings by the Native Land Court and the early New Zealand government. Ngti Whtua sought British protection from Ngpuhi as well as a reciprocal relationship with the Crown and the Church. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The outpost was not built on Takaparawha Point, which had earlier been taken by the Government for the same purpose. The illumination of the past showed the need not just for a settlement of present claims, but a better law for the future. How big was Bastion Point when it was built? New Zealanders prize modesty, and are suspicious of anyone who seems to consider themselves better than others; hence what is called Tall Poppy Syndrome: chopping down someone who thinks they are a cut above the crowd. Create and share itinerary, download PDF Guides and free access to Holidify's full content. Over 40 years later, just over a week ago, Joe Hawke's daughter, Sharon, told a crowd on Bastion Point that the late great Denis Hansen had derided Eddie. Over time, through negotiations and a successful treaty claim, Bastion Point was returned to Ngti Whtua. She pointed to her grubby sweatshirt. The protest ended when the government sent in police to clear the protesters and demolish their makeshift homes. But different understandings of the Treaty terms by both Mori and the Crown, and subsequent breaches of those terms, caused conflict. We hope you and your family enjoy the NEW Britannica Kids. To this day, New Zealanders like to see themselves as practical, coping with anything thrown at them, with good life skills and a cooperative can-do spirit. Dutch explorer Abel Tasman was the first European to travel to New Zealand in 1642. Bastion Point was originally a Mori fishing village surrounded by rich farming land. However this came at the cost of $200,000. By its 30th anniversary in October 2005, the Tribunal had Choose a language from the menu above to view a computer-translated version of this page. Joseph Parata Hawke You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The scale and nature of the evictions, in which police demolished the protest groups gardens and makeshift buildings, helped alert New Zealanders to the land claims of Mori around the country. Some Mori elders disagreed with these tactics. So, taxis and intercity buses, especially the hop-on and hop-off buses are best to reach the point from any part of Auckland. Local Mori were certain they would be priced out, despite Fletchers assurances that a number of homes would be reserved. There are gardens, lawns, meadows and several other beautiful features that make Bastion Point an Aucklander's favourite haunt. [8] The surrounding land was purchased and confiscated by the New Zealand Government for public works and development over a period stretching from the 1840s into the 1950s. The roadways in the city are well-connected and well-maintained. Ask your librarian to subscribe to this service next year. These claims have not stopped, in the last 10 years there have been a number of multi-million dollar claims settled as a result of findings of the tribunal. A settlement which was much more comprehensive, followed on in 1991, and what land that could be returned to the tribe, was returned. The route to Bastion Point from the airport goes via Ray Emery Drive South-Western Motorway/ SH 20 Waterview connection road Tamaki Drive. A fire in a tent on September 26, 1977 caused the death of a young girl named Joanna Hawke, the niece of protest leader Joe Hawke. [14] In 1886, the Crown used the Public Works Act 1882 (46 Vict No 37) to take ownership of 13 acres (5.3ha) of Bastion Point for this purpose of defence. New Zealand's central bank has raised its benchmark interest rate by a half-point to 4.75% as it continues trying to wrestle down inflation Show More Summary Read a brief summary of this topic Wellington Harbour New Zealand, Mori Aotearoa, island country in the South Pacific Ocean, the southwesternmost part of Polynesia. The government returned some land and set aside part of Bastion Point as a natural reserve. It was given to the Crown by Ngti Whtua as a defence site during the Russian scare of 1885. In 1873 the Native Land Court stated that "the land shall be inalienable." Why is Bastion Point significance to New Zealand? The British suppressed all Mori resistance. Takaparawhau / Bastion Point is a coastal piece of land in rkei, Auckland, New Zealand, overlooking the Waitemat Harbour. They surrounded the camp and made 222 arrests for trespassing. The land at Ihumtao was bought by developers Fletcher Building, one of the largest companies on New Zealands stock exchange, in 2016. For travel information and stories specifically related to coronavirus, please readthe latest updates from ourcolleaguesat BBC News. Other attractions located within 3 kilometres from Bastion Point can also be explored over a one-day trip. Moon explained that these notions of equality and fairness continued until the 1970s and 80s. Auckland and Christchurch are in the top 20, despite Christchurchs decade of devastating earthquakes and the attack that took 51 lives last year. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. But this remote nation is not as perfect as it seems. 40 years ago the eviction of protesters from Bastion Point or Takaparawhau in Auckland triggered the beginning of the new era in land rights, says the Minister of Mori Development the Hon Nanaia Mahuta. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. There are some good restaurants, cafes, eateries, bakeries where one can find delicious food. How long did the Bastion Point protest last? In 197778, Mori protesters occupied a plot of coastal land called Bastion Point (Takaparawh in Mori) near Auckland, New Zealand. Five hundred and six days later, police and army arrived en masse to remove them. Weve been busy, working hard to bring you new features and an updated design. Bastion Point is a scenic destination located in Orakei, Auckland, New Zealand. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Bastion Point and the land surrounding it was seized for public works and further development of the region was carried out which continued well into the mid-20th century. In January 1977 members of the Ngti Whtua iwi peacefully occupied the land in protest. . Looking north east along kahu Bay towards Takaparawhau, showing the sewer line in course of construction, 1910. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Takaparawhau / Bastion Point seen from the fishing pier jutting out into the Waitemat Harbour. "[15][16], In 1936 rkei was proposed as a site for state housing by the First Labour Government, and in August a Mori delegation asked Prime Minister Savage that at least the marae on the flat foreshore where he had been ceremonially welcomed after his election should be retained by the tribe. At the same time, they are reopening for a new generation of Mori the question of how much of their lost land can be reclaimed. . Please note: Text within images is not translated, some features may not work properly after translation, and the translation may not accurately convey the intended meaning. As Ranganui Walker states, this is by no means a simple case of willful dispossession: "In a long running battle to resist the state and save the land, there were eight actions in the Maori Land Court, four in the Supreme Court, two in the Court of Appeal, two in the Compensation Court, six appearances before Commissions or Committees of Inquiry, and fifteen Parliamentary Petitions. 40 years ago the eviction of protesters from Bastion Point or Takaparawhau in Auckland triggered the beginning of the new era in land rights, says the Minister of Mori Development the Hon Nanaia Mahuta. Around the same time, the Government of New Zealand was formed. What is thought to influence the overproduction and pruning of synapses in the brain quizlet? As occupations emerge, New Zealands government must face complex questions around ownership and redress. In 1885 the New Zealand Government built a military outpost at Bastion Point, because of its commanding strategic position overlooking the Waitemat Harbour, known as Fort Bastion. In 1948, New Zealands first professor of political science, Leslie Lipson, wrote that if New Zealanders chose to erect a statue like the Statue of Liberty, embodying the nations political outlook, it would probably be a Statue of Equality, he writes. 4 How big was Bastion Point when it was built? Your details are safe with us. Who is the rightful owner of Bastion Point? A 1977 government plan to develop expensive housing on Bastion Point prompted a 506-day occupation by the tribe and supporters. The suburb's beach is a popular resort, located alongside Tamaki Drive. The occupation of Bastion Point lasted 506 days. It was misleading for the government to be pushing for it to be purchased using housing money, when clearly it could be purchased using a heritage fund, or the conservation fund, but they wanted to make it look as though there were still going to be houses on that land.. In 1988 the New Zealand Labour Government returned Bastion Point / Takaparawhau and rkei Marae to Ngti Whtua rkei, with compensation, as part of a Treaty of Waitangi settlement process. Arrests for trespassing 1947 - New Zealand in 1642 roadways in the brain quizlet terms by both Mori and subsequent! 20, despite Christchurchs decade of devastating earthquakes and the why is bastion point significance to new zealand Emplacements, info.... It arrived back in Auckland in 1940 the camp and made 222 arrests for.... 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