Yes, come along. When she woke up slowly hours later, she found Emmas head resting on her shoulder and se was pretty sure she knew why. ", Yes, I have heard something about that, Regina was frowning as she thought back to one of the more recent topics her mother had spoken about. She leaned back a bit, cradling her arm. He let her check out without a problem, but she could feel his gaze on her the entire time she walked out. Its fine, I just dont want you to get sick. Still trying to act casual, she looked side long at Emma and gave another shrug. Sorting clothes in my wardrobe, she finished my sentence and smiled. Hi, can I get a hot coco with cinnamon please? Emma asked, smiling at the cashier, a boy a couple of years older than her that she recognized from previous times shed been here. Regina was once again reminded for all of Emmas silliness, she was a competent beater and a champion duelist. So, is this it? Emma asked eagerly, looing at the professional looking broom bag Regina was carrying and coming closer. A bludger knocked from Ravenclaws experienced beater bought their keeper enough time to get into place. parkering ica maxi flemingsberg; lakritsgranulat eller lakritspulver; tacos tillbehr familjeliv Thank you for these days. Yeah, whats wrong? she asked and in the flick of a moment, her expression changed to a look of horror. Yes, I do have one, Emma said, gritting her teeth in annoyance at the inquisition. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Swan Queen Supernova III: Written in the Stars. She felt like she was re-reading the same few pages and without absorbing any of the information. How did you even know where I live?, I have some connections in the muggle world, she held open the door to the caf for Emma. People rarely wear their personality on their sleeve so obviously. And sixth year Hufflepuffs have meetings with her the first day back too. She was able to find Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, but that was about it. A prophecy? Mary Margaret said, hushed, like a little kid listening to a suspenseful fairytale. If meltwater from artic ice could be used to temper dragon tears then meltwater from ordinary ice that had been long frozen would likely help control the fire salamander saliva that was frequently used in her warming potions, which had a tendency to be unpredictable. This one is kind of based on the huntsman winters war. Once Emma was at one of the points of the star and Ms. Sapphire was opposite her near the center point, she said, Now, when I get to the last line, prepare to join me in the final words of the spell. It is bullshit., Regina gave her an exasperated look Emma had seen dozens of times before. Other than that, the room was relatively impersonal with beige walls and light green bedspread, which surprised Emma. Ursula and Ariel Sea, two very different girls who were half-sisters by their Father, were good to talk to as well, even if Ursula was two years older than Regina and Ariel was the year below her. Oh, I dont believe Ive said it aloud yet. Daniel stood by quietly while she put on the bareback pad and tightened the girth even though he could have hung up the brindle and left. We dont have a reservation, but wed like to rent a room if theres any available., Well.. there is only one room with a double and a single bed.. I guess I could, Great! he gave her a big smile that almost had her regretting agreeing to meet his dad. Double the trouble ensues as Emma navigates caring for a jealous little queen and her newfound twin sister. And that was when I caught Emmas gaze (and held it) for the first time since the clock hit 0:00. I thought they were gonna murder me. However, a few days later, Whale came up to her at lunch, Hey, Navar, wheres my potion? Yeah, why?, Hi, she said. Transfigured into something that doesnt look like a key, if youd prefer. We learn about plants in school, Regina said, sitting up as well. Without realizing it, Regina had grabbed her wand from the nightstand and was holding it in her hands, running her fingers over the unbroken applewood. It was too still, too unreacting. Ill come pick you up tomorrow, how does noon sound? I am searching for Henry. She coughed and rubbed the back of her neck, Its not something I ever want near me ever again., Yeah, Lily agreed, clearly not having meant to bring up such hard memories. Emma still couldnt believe theyd come. Good night, Mr. Clark-Smith! And with that, I closed the door to go back to Emma. Here, in this castle, away from her mothers close eye would be where her life would really begin. She was surprised by the genuine sorrow in his expression. Mooom! Emma wished shed been able to bring wizarding clothes too. She babysat everydayhe could manage for a couple hours. Regina walked up to the door and grasped hold of the doorknob. The stone base with the logs slid backwards as the entire mantle lifted upwards, revealing a set of stairs down. A closer look at the shop signs as she followed McGonagall on autopilot almost caused her to trip. Neal laughed again, replaced the spoon on its hook and went back behind the bar counter. Hook and Regina begin a relationship amidst the chaotic things that are happening in Storybrooke and also in their personal lives. Teach me.. Not right now, Ms Wheeler. I did it!. It ran around the perimeter of the room as if looking for something to chase off. Time seemed to go by fast since we were all really excited. With a lack of grace, Regina sat down hard, her back to the wall, her eyes wide. After a few minutes, Regina nodded, Well, alright then., Yeah. Her other yearmates were worried about her too, she knew that. Wow, thanks! Ruby gratefully accepted the fruit and began peeling it immediately. Hey, we all agreed to help, David said with a frown as he tried to catch his breath. Did you just-? I spoke as I realized there was nothing beneath me. This totally came out of the blue and I understand if you cant say yes right away I'll give you time to think about it, she explained sincerely. Ive been riding since I was little. Does that mean youll book me a permanent time and room? she asked hopefully. The fact that people have read and liked my work gave me extra motivation while writing this one. Im not helping you sneak around without knowing why., Whale rolled his eyes, Geez, fine. And shed need to come up with a list of potions she would be willing to make and standard prices. In light of this standoff, both cautiously made their way back to the entrance with their brooms. Once she got off, she started to walk the rest of the way to Diagon Alley, she needed more money and Gringotts was the only place to get it. What happens when we get there? Ruby asked. TV Shows Once Upon a Time. Wait, Regina reached out to still Emmas hand, How many shrivelfigs have you prepared?. And it doesnt matter anymore, does it? Frowning, Regina wondered what this could be and if it was safe. Shed guess he wasnt good at disillusionment charms which would be why hed asked for the potion. Let me just grab my bag, Emma said, feeling almost naked without her wand in the presence of another witch. We used it on August too, but for him it workedit never occurred to me that it might have malfunctioned for you.. It led out onto a back deck and patio. How about we try a larger circle of cards this time. I cant wait to hear where you go. Even thought the wards would now allow the aurors access to the estate, the main household would still be alerted if they were to visitthat included Cora. Their lips met in a gentle kiss that sent that increased the feeling butterflies fluttering in Reginas stomach. The blue circle flared before it died leaving just their clasped hands. Emma tried hard not to focus on any of the details, narrowing her focus to finding the clothe. Regina, you can let go now.. You? Regina sounded particularly disbelieving. McGonagall said that there was nothing like that, Snow and David had never truly expected to die so young and so hadnt left anything like that behind for her. When I graduate I either need to do exactly as she says or she will cut me off or kill me. The students were also entertained by the unexpected Ravenclaw score lead since Gryffindor had come in second last year to Slytherin in the House Cup. Regina immediately banked and followed, having learned he only made that hissing sound when he actually saw the snitchnot that hed tried to feint her very often; it wasnt his style. I also picked my notebook and started writing dates and addresses and opening hours. And she was concerned before.. I really appreciate it. Emmas lack of turning her in deserved some sort of response. You should think about trying to do it more, Kathryn pressed. Emma stared where the woman once was, wondering how everything had changed so quickly. I just wanted to thank you., Regina actually stopped short and looked Emma in the face for the first time since Emma had caught her. Regina tried to tell herself she wasnt actually lying. No, I tend not carry a bottle on me! David manage to shout in between Knockback Jinxes. Mother decided to rip out his heart instead of obliviate him., Guinevere leaned forward, Ripped out his heart?, Regina nodded. #peterpan I can ask my mom if she knows of any good potions, Kathryn offered. You mentioned that you wish to continue to use your current name, which is up to you, but with that choice Id be careful about who you do tell about your parentage, unless youre prepared for the attention which comes with notoriety. Emma wasnt going to let anyone else make her friend feel like crap. This time his spell was so powerful his wand tip started to glow orange before he even cast, Ill show you medieval, Confringo!. Its rather tiring, I havent even needed one dreamless sleep potion, Im so exhausted. Regina struggles to cope with the abuse she's endured but wants to let Emma in. But I was curious. Ill tell you as soon as I know. Shed researched all day in between transfiguration practice and charms work. Regina collapsed back down next to Emma. And I hoped you would come to me., Regina continued to stand stiff as a board, looking at him with a small amount of fear. A new lock for her diary?. Regina was reading through some of the material the fight had been over, trying to sort out who had been right, when there was a knock on her dorm door, Pst, Regina?, Frowning, Regina went over to the door and pulled it open to see Kathryn standing outside her door. And its not really falling asleep, its just her getting distracted.. That is, until an older witch walked around from the other side and Emma realized it was Granny herself. You have to learn to float.. Emma stuffed the cloak back into the trunk and pulled it up onto its wheels. He thought he could threaten her owl? Ill explain further once we sit down, can I treat you to a drink?. It was dark in this room, partially due to the half-drawn curtains over the front windows and partially due to the greenery that had grown to cover most of the back windows. I didnt see you were coming.. My friend Ruby has been a fan since she was a kid and she got to me before my other friend Mulan could convince me over to the Kenmare Kestrels., Nice, I like Puddlemere United, but Holyhead isnt bad. She would give anything to be back at Hogwarts with Ruby and Granny. Part of her felt like a little kid playing dress up, but as they walked to the next stores, part of her felt like maybe she was finally fitting in. Emmas frown deepened and Regina didnt even need to hear Emma call her out on the lie to know Emma knew it was a lie. I looked at her as I furrowed my brows. I have no plans to spend it on anything beyond a few necessities and to procure more materials for my business.. She tightened her arms around herself and looked away. You can barely walk in a straight line. Never have to you anything twiceor five times, do I?. Finally. I hear they have a thousand different candies, she said excitedly. After August was sent away with false memories, I came and got him two week later once I tracked him down, he explained. Regina no longer needed her mother to say the words for her to hear them. Emma took a few steps until she was standing right next to Regina. Pongo barked a quiet greeting before heading over to Regina. She made small talk with her fellow first years, and almost forgot that her mother had ordered her to talk to Kathryn, so easy was she to talk to without her mother hovering in the edge of her vision. I wouldnt want to miss this., Ms. Sapphire laughed, You cant miss it since I cant do this without you., Emma frowned a little at that, it pinged strangely to her inner lie detector, not a full-on lie, but not the whole story. Theres a big chance youll end up dueling your mother, right?, Yes, Regina swallowed nervously at the thought. There you are!, Emma still couldnt believe her eyes, What are you doing here?, What do you think? However, she was liable to run out of something crucial at some pointif not for potions she was selling, then for potions she needed to brew in class. She wrapped herself in it as fast as lightning to avoid any further inconvenience. I will, Faye promised. Ruby hung her head and refused to looked at any of them, wrapping her arms around herself. He handed the reins back up to her once shed adjusted her seat and she accepted them with a smile. It looks a lot longer than that.. Ive never thought of what you brought up, but I should have. It was not that it bothered me (I was watching TV as well), but I knew that she never stays up that late. Thump, thump, thump. Geez. She slumped off to her usual table in the back. She was so tired and hungrythe snack cart on the Hogwarts Express seemed like ages ago. It was one thing for McGonagall to tell her these things, and an entirely different thing to have a stranger identify her mother with a glance. I swear if I hadnt been on some remote island, Thank you, dear Regina said, flushing lightly at the enthusiastic greeting, small part of her still marveled at having friends who are so open with their affection the way Tina was. I steadied myself, not letting go of her hand while I kept coughing because of all the water I swallowed. To come here instead of waiting out the week was very strange. They get alluncomfortable.. Youre right, Id have at least gone for a mug., Neal grinned, I thought so, you would never stoop to such a low level as this.. Penniless, homeless, pregnant, and in prison. Memories of Daniels death. Dont go taking blame you dont deserve.. Shed expected Regina toto Emma didnt know what. She turned back to the teenagers, Im sorry but I really must be going. Why keep her secret?, Because I felt like it, Regina said exasperated, finally unable to keep her annoyance with Emmas constant questioning. Then we get to pick one to continue with. Does anyone have any doxycide? Mary Margaret asked, swatting at the doxies with the book in her hand before she was able to pull out her wand. Gold had been a friend of her mothers for a long time even if they werent as close in recent years, surely he would be angry with her. He acted as he always had, but she could feel his attention, as could the others. Archie came to talk to me afterward. Of course, Emmas lips brushed Reginas as she replied to Reginas question, just in case it wasnt obvious from before. Some are things I wanted to include in part 1 or part 2 but it never quite fit. Her dad had come here and gotten a wand, just as she doing now. The- the room with two beds. How about you give it a go then?, Regina felt her small amount of good humor vanish and she nodded seriously. It was enough though to bring her out of her daze and she hurriedly tried to pull on her mental armor. It made a loud whomp noise and burst into purple flames. Thats what wed like to know too, one of the witches said. Oh, he- hes here. Do you want to talk about it? Regina asked quietly. If even Emma thought she did the spell right, then She swallowed, she did actually have a theory, but she hadnt wanted to admit it even to herself, could she trust Emma? Dwarves react differently to magic than wizards, although they appear very similar to wizards to the uninformed person.. I didnt laugh because Im mocking you; I just thought you have a bigger problem., Well, considering that were at a party, I assume there were balls in the Enchanted Forest. Using the encoding spell Mal taught her, Regina was able to disguise all of the information in her ledger so that everyones privacy could be kept. She squinted and her eyes widened as she realized she did recognize the person sitting there, legs dangling, hands on the branch, hair falling loosely around her. He didnt blame her or think she deserved it. Wait! The magical crystal colloquially known as fairy dust? Ms. Sapphire finished for her. It was more unsettling than anything else, more than sad or frightening. The next room, the one at the end of the hall turned out to be the master bedroom. She carefully moved her hands from Reginas shoulders to her waist, which she griped lightly. Alternate end to 6x21-22 and divergence from there. Emma flushed before she walked closer to the door and flashed a nervous smile at Ms. Sapphire. A number of them were labeled with names and dates. No, she couldnt stay there. He went to push her under the water and managed to surprise her, so Emma started splashing him and he ran back to me (well, as fast as one can move in water). The next day, Regina was waiting in her dungeon to receive her new student, looking over the standard lesson plan Gold had provided for fourth years. Ruby was the last to reply and confirmed that Granny had heard the news for all they were deep in the north somewhereremote enough that even owls had a hard time reaching them. Wonderful, Silvia said with a smile and lead her to the counter. Sorry, I didnt mean to worry you. The room is cozy and cabin-like with a fireplace in the hearth, a large table in the center of the room, and a few older, squishy chairs scatted throughout it. I didnt waste any more minutes and grabbed my laptop to search for programs in and around New York. Are you ready?, I guess, Emma said as she came to stand next to the other witch. I think Ill go to library later, its nice to go somewhere so magical over the summer. So- Emma is your partner? he asked, trying to put the pieces together. There was a very clear place to start and Emma knew it from the look she was giving her. Well, I heard there was a book in the Restricted section that curses that took away your ability to use magic., Now Regina looked concerned, her voice was quiet but firm, Why would you want that book, Emma?, Emma noticed the change in the other girl, but didnt know the cause. Regina was staring at Emma as if shed never seen her before and it was because for the first time in her life, she felt like someone was really seeing her. She sat up more fully and leaned over. You didnt grab it ahead of time like I told you? At first, she didnt see anything out of the ordinary, except for the four or so thestrals that had gathered there. Hello, Guinevere replied, smiling kindly. It was good not to have to endure the compartment ride home with her friends, which would have felt oppressive and stilted. Emma watched as Regina smiled and brought out a second bag, You knew I had more on me, didnt you?. How are you liking your classes? Granny asked as she busied herself with the kettle. All three are looking them as the girls come in, but it was the man who spoke first, Hello Emma, its good to see you again., Emma smiled, unable to remain on her guard with Archie there. Regina quietly slipped down the hallway and out into the cool night. Oh, I think it is. Emma tried to ignore the tingling in her hand from the other girls gripe. Emma saw out of the corner of her eye a couple students run offwhether it was to get a teacher for help or just to make sure they didnt get caught in the crossfire, she didnt know. And yet, there was something about this shop, even compared to the shops, this one seemed separate somehow, like it commanded more respect--like the bank. And #emma She was reminded of Emma then, from last week, watched her, eyes filled with sympathy and yet with a distinct lack of understanding of how she must be feeling, yet a yearning for it. And Im not sure about a thousand, but Honeydukes has a ton of candy., I want to go to Madame Puddifoots Tea Shop, Mary Margaret said, which surprised no one. She smiled, It does.. Then why are you doing it?. Silence fell as the students eyes grew wide. Im just using him for my bareback riding practice. Most pureblood families told their children, even though some families saw it as bad luck to tell new students how they were sorted. The Library seemed like the best choice for finding information. And finally, Hufflepuff prized hard work and loyalty., Of course, she waved, most people have a mix of all of those traits, but everyone still has to be divided up by whichever is most important to them. Then Regina flew down to the open path by the bridge and began to pull up in tighter and tighter circles, until she was corkscrewing upwards in extremely tight circles. And Emma remembered the rumors shed heard of Regina before she started tutoring her. What was she talking about? Isnt that your professors job?, No, Emma shook her head, scowling both in reference to the card game and due to thinking about Gold, who normally annoyed her. Why did she have to go to the fountain? Emma yelled again when her head hit the floor and Reginas full body weight landed on her. We shook hands and I returned the smile. Just trying to pretend for your sake. They abruptly fell silent as they approached the exit to the section, Emma pulling out her cloak and disappearing from view. I closed my eyes and then there was that: the feeling of Emmas soft lips pressed against mine. She pushed on the sturdy oak door and into the shop with Trackleshanks Locksmith written above the doorway. The right hallway led to another sitting room of some kind and a study, although after a brief look around it turned out not to be the library they were looking for. Happy new year, Regina! Emma said and I turned to look at her, only to see the most genuine smile. Or do you want to continue talking to yourself?, Regina scowled to hide her blush, Im not talking to myself, Isimud understands me perfectly., Kathryn gave her a look, Whatever you say. I know how to ride, but not bareback. Really? Regina had only been to a few winged horse races in her life, all with Papi. Bloody hell, Navar. She rubbed her jaw and then exaggeratedly stretched. Ruby knew shed grown up without parents and with muggles, but Emma had never mentioned anything she knew about her birth parents since McGonagall had advised her to keep that a secret. Lets get you settled in and be on our way. My interest is purely selfish. Finally, finally, they reached the Ravenclaw tower and she felt some relief trickle through her. She felt Golds sharp eyes on her and turned her head to meet them. How easily this man knowledgably said your father. Regina had hoped the conversation would go in this direction, shed prepared for this. They are very accomplished with things of value. Some didnt trust the aurors offer of protectionafter all, aurors guard Azkaban along with dementors. It was shortly before dinner and Regina was just sitting down at the table, when shouting could be heard from the hall outside the main doors. The sweet smell of vanilla, cinnamon and fresh coffee filled my lungs instantly. Alright, I nodded. Regina laughed, throwing her head back, Very true.. Emmas smiling and so is Ms. Sapphire, who claps her hands together. This is a privilege I wouldnt afford any other first year, he stared at her again, as if he could see her thoughts. Why would she have come? Regina couldnt keep the question in for all she did not expect an answer. Regina knew she couldnt out duel her Mother. Emma was just glad that the other girl hadnt noticed she was crying. Near the end of the story, something caught Emmas eye that distracted her completely from what Lily was saying. Ancient Runes sounds pretty coolthats like, what I thought being a witch would be about., Right? Lily said with a laugh and she nudged Emmas shoulder. The mine really was close by and sooner rather than later they ended up at the entrance. Emma realized shed always had that on her. Kathryn must have been able to sense something of her emotional turmoil anywayor maybe she just knew that of course Regina was experiencing it given the circumstances. Then they sent you into hiding., When they went to face the group, something went wrong. However, the matron would never give her something like that multiple nights in a row without wanting to discuss why she was having such bad nightmares that required a Dreamless Sleep potion. Her eyes shot up to meet Reginas, it works! She pulled her hand back quickly before it slipped to low. Nine days after she was born? The other girl hadnt responded though, so Emma was trying to focus on other things since she didnt actually have a good reason to feel sounsettled. Its alright I guess., David frowned at her, Isnt it fun? Regina nodded, Yes, it must. It was far to close to Christmas break, anything less than very important could have waited. Came in very discretely, dearsdont worry. Her face was rather red as she ran off. Ready to go?. She also added Mal to list of customersshe wanted a tailored throat soother due to her overuse of a fire-breathing spell. And all of her Hogwarts friends didnt live near London, not that shed want to mess up their summer holiday by trying to stay with them. She thought Emma was worried about being caught. Can you access them?, Regina nodded, Yes, I canI can show you to her vault., Regina had them follow her upstairs to the large drawing room Cora used primarily for entertaining and impressing allies. Hogwarts allows owls, cats, or toads, if a student so desires to bring one., McGonagall smiled, You have enough money leftover I believe.. She sighed wistfully, before noticing Emma and Rubys stares and pinked slightly, Also I hear theres a music shop.. Additionally, Regina continued. She let me lead her into the crowd and we started dancing. Regina held her hand up over the brooms handle and said with complete confidently, Up!. She was glad shed worn trousers though since it was so cool in the cave. After they exchange a look, Emma reaches for the handle and they go in. I looked at her wet front for a moment and that was enough for me to miss a step and slip, getting completely immersed in the water in the blink of an eye. Eventually, a Scottish voice called, Regina? While she knew there were extenuating circumstances, she had often thought and wondered about Emma these past ten years. Emma pulled out the map Leroy had given her, Well start heading to the minethe pond with the valerian flowers is on the way.. I set the alarm to 9.30 so that we could stay up longer at night without getting tired. Yes, Ms. Sapphire?, Its almost time to begin, Ms. Sapphire looked over her shoulder at Emma as Emma approached the star-shaped diagram etched into the floor. Emma Swan is my friend and I wouldnt have it any other way.. She couldnt help them though, she wasnt Emma Whiteshe was Emma Swan. At least the articles mostly came out a few weeks ago, Regina thought. Yeah, Emma said, placing her hand on his shoulder. That meant whatever she spent now was coming out of her spending and school supply money for next year. Technically, it would have been a better test if they had continued to fly as if not noticing, but that was one thing in theory and another when two students were hurling at you both pushing their brooms as fast as they would go. She wasnt even able to find him when she went to leave. Maybe for one night, if she said exam stress was getting to her. I worked hard to be nice or good at DADA or Quidditch! Emma was shouting now, although it was obvious it wasnt at Regina, who was just watching Emma with wide eyes. It was late morning on the twenty-eighth. and an angry little savior. I knew you wouldnt let me down. She seemed not to notice Emmas uncomfortable twitch at her words. He didnt seem surprised to see her. She guessed it made sense. Faris took notice of this and changed his direction to shoot straight up while Regina circled after it, a gamble that paid off as he regained precious ground hed lost earlier. This woman seemed at least familiar enough with Emma to have her file and give her a look that Emma was used to seeing. What are you looking for in a vault?, A small vault is fine to start with, although I would like the ability to upgrade to something deeper in a year, she said automatically, having put a lot of thought into it. Yeah, Leroy said itd be upstairs, in thein my parents bedroom, Emma said, ignoring the looks the others were exchanging. Definitely, I should get one of those, Lily smiled as she handed the book back. Regina nearly snapped her quill in half she was so frustrated. Mary Margaret crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her chin out, I said Emmas Snow and David Whites daughter, so she isnt a mugglebornshes a pureblood. Thats how it felt, like all her happy memories were tainted. No harm in trying., They all nodded and Emma put the book aside so they could all help with the clothe. Emma looked around the large dusty hall and shivered. Like, what about all the other animals weve turned into random objects over the years? nice to meet you.. Hold out your hand, Emma did so and Regina clasped it firmly. Its hard being kept away from everything. Im not even sure how she made it here without passing out, even with your help., Im sorry, I tried to get her to let me come get you, but, Madame Pomfrey held up a hand, visibly reigned in her displeasure, and smiled kindly at Emma, Its quite alright. drarry reading the books fanfiction, what happened to the olsen twins with bob, solo, duo, trio quartet, quintet, To wizards to the uninformed person she asked and in the presence of another witch her lunch. Heart instead of obliviate him., Guinevere leaned forward, Ripped out his heart? hi. Coming out of her daze and she nodded seriously Ripped out his?... 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