Remember the weird video from Howie Mandel from last week where he cuts the corners off the bag? Except that there is no devil, as we know him now, in early Christianity or Judaism only nebulous demons and evil spirits. The fake news and clowns shilling against HCQ should have everyone totally infuriated. Your fear makes you pay close attention to most details. Reptilians is just a way to throw off people who want the truth. This skeptic doesn't believe in Satan, and thinks that snake-shaped buildings are made by architects who like curving lines. People were worried their kids were gonna go to hell because they died unbaptized, so they started baptizing as infants and then confirming them into the church once they were old enough to actually decide for themselves. Hidden from public view, Congress's Office of Compliance paid out over $17 million for 264 settlements involving misconduct and sexual harassment. Yesterday, the White House denied that the objects were extraterrestrial in nature, although the glib dismissal if anything only continued to feed into speculation online that ET had paid a flying visit. Not that we didnt know. And who did that character represent? Also, they think we're stupid and just enjoy flaunting it. There is no doubt what this is. Snowden included a UPI news report from April 1961 in which US Secretary of State Dean Rusk denied the Bay of Pigs had been staged from American soil, with Rusk telling the media, the Cuban affair was one for the Cubans themselves to settle. The One World Religion Of Chrislam Now Has A Soundtrack With The Abrahamic Symphony Of Peace, Love And Tolerance, Can You Dig It? Sure is. The nexus point was the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1964. The tests for Covid-19 can be positive for any antibodies that cause the common cold. The photographer specifically selected lens and positionas to invoke snake imagery. The song isn't calling satan god or anything of the sort, rofl. How about apologizing to the American people and the president, you frauds. What about the part where he tries to tempt Christ? I grew up going to church but stopped in my teens. And on the other side there are good guy aliens- smoke DMT, and you'll see them. collective. The original freemasons were christians and it was a benevolent organization, it was then co opted later on. I would say serpents still were. More than 700 arrested in biggest ever UK operation against organised crime after encrypted phone network cracked. Those who've been initiated understand the symbology immediately. Named after Pope Paul VI and built in 1971 by Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi, it seats 6,300 and contains a really ugly bronze statue called La Resurrezione, designed by Pericle Fazzini, within. These things really do exist and occur more often then people realize. Its unclear what the fire-damaged Bozrah location will mean for Hallandale Farms national egg supply chain. Pope Francis Entrusts The Soul Of Pontifex Maximus Emeritus Benedict XVI To The Most Holy Virgin Mary Queen Of Heaven, NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Why Roman Catholicism Is Not Biblical Christianity, And We Take Your Bible Questions In Our NTEB Open Forum, NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The True Identity Of The Woman In Revelation 17, And The Precise Geographical Location Of Babylon In Revelation 18. Waaahhhh.". Tim Ballard went undercover for the Dept of Homeland security to infiltrate child trafficking networks. They're the bad guys in an ancient cosmic war that we've been born into. Note the date. You can lose a trademark just because people call your product the wrong thing? It is a control system meant to prevent people from expanding in consciousness. On a related note if you check out /r/DMT there are endless stories about meeting the "serpent" who is the center of the universe. Just so people are clear. In the Vatican gardens, the papal coat of arms is depicted in topiary. Because Crocodiles, Alligators, Komodo dragons and especially venomous snakes, are really scary. For a movement that is so bad and evil they sure have exposed a lot of bad and evil. If it sounds self important, that's not the point. If you're wondering how to spot a reptilian, then obviously, the first place to look is their eyes. TPTB love to mock their intended targets by showing in plain site what they are about. Not only on a conscious level, but subconsciously too. The blaze that started at the Nursery Supplies Inc. plant nursery off of Poinciana Boulevard in Kissimmee, Florida had HAZMAT crews from Osceola County, and Orange County monitoring the air to determine if this smoke is any danger to residents. These things are no shock to me. He said a black magic ceremony was performed in the Vatican by a cabal of Luciferians. billion pound cruise 6 YHWH sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many people of Israel died. The walls are not parallel. Every damn newsroom repeated this crap. What in the world is going on? More than 100 firefighters battled a massive fire at a commercial egg farm in Bozrah, Connecticut, on Saturday afternoon. Now apply that to vaccines. Lucifer / Satan. If you can't see it you are blind. The Bible calls this type of behaviour necrophilia, or necromancy, and it is forbidden in both Testaments. Making something more familiar for locals doesnt trick anyone into adopting it. The second part being what I mentioned above the grandiosity of it. The HQ of the Roman Catholics and the Jesuits is literally Serpent Worship out in the open hidden in plain sight in the architecture of the buildings, an old Freemason trick. It's the lens that was used. That's not very conspiratorial though is it? Because it is the biggest conspiracy that no one talks about . . Now, if the United States did blow up the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline, then any energy crisis experienced in Europe would actually be the fault of, not Russia, but the United States. Incredibly, they still think they are the smart ones. Nailed it, Sergeant_Fred_Colon. "1986: The Act" premieres today! Mark Passio covers it quite concisely in his "de-mystifying the occult" presentation. Not confirmed, but research suggests that /u/maxwellhill, the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs like r/worldnews and r/technology, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell. Dr. Andy Wakefield, the filmmaker who brought us Vaxxed, now brings us 1986: The Act, a story of how the powerful force of a mother's intuition leads down the rabbit hole of lies and corruption surrounding the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). Lucifer just realized his autonomy before other angels and gets this bad rep. Edit: basically what we know of Lucifer being evil comes from the very institution of it. Now we have a crazy expensive egg shortage, and in an incredible turn of events, Americas largest supplier of eggs just burned to the ground. 1. Anyone can be like Jesus. They should not be coddled and kid gloved they should be shunned and their lot should be cast into the desert for another 40 years to let them think about their bullshit manipulative ways. It happened in the 1960s, according to Father Malachi Martin, a Vatican insider and exorcist. But if you want to talk Bible, where there is a real reptile that presents itself as a dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns, now Im interested. I went to Catholic mass once and was absolutely shocked. Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and all the rest of these evil entitles are driving us ever closer to Agenda 2030. Now there are worries about the environment and transportation network. It has been split. How many of these companies and agencies, etc, used this SolarWind software [KNOWINGLY]? He is a surfer of ideals and meditates often on the promise of happiness in a world battered by the angry seas of human thoughtlessness. Worms and smaller snakes fit through a small mouth just fine. Everyone was calling game consoles nintendos and thus nintendo could have lost their trademark. Many here understand that Big Pharma drugs are made to create revenue streams, not cure or heal. It's probably included in the movie as a pun on the title. ",, What about amerigo vesbucci? Here is a rundown on how this scam works: Lead Attorney in Child Protection Services investigation was shot and killed in his home yesterday. Only a crazy conspiracy until it's confirmed, then everyone knew all along. Wow, this looks like the exact type of thing that Jesus fellow would have recommended the church spend money on. That hall is called Sala Nervi (Nervi hall) from the Architect Luigi Nervi who designed it. The interior of the Audience Hall also closely resembles a serpent, strikingly with two fangs positioned over the stage. Dominion submitted a bid to The City of Philadelphia to be considered for use in elections. Like America today. Please. I love Joe, but I didnt like how he just laughed this off. I bet it has 20k+ upvotes. The serpent in Genesis is never equated with Lucifer in the Bible actually. It is a building that is designed to look like a reptile. 'Satan' rules the world. You read what Big J did to the moneylenders? The CDC changes the definition of vccination on September 1st. They're Luciferian. No one shall be deceived into hell. Neither do I because it never happened. Edit: I will add this and you can research it yourself. Today is the one year anniversary of Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest - and the last day that u/MaxwellHill posted on Reddit. Audience Hall is in the shape of a snake head. How easily we are programmed to act against common sense. Google, long ago, put out a press release attepmting to stop the usage of "google" as a verb. You want to be narrow both to catch your slightly-smaller narrow prey and to fit into spaces that your slightly-bigger predators can't. Founder Of the God Made Millionaire Show TC Bradley Rejects A Gospel That Does Not Produce Large Sums Of Money For Its Followers, No, The Biblical Messiah Is Not Preparing To Make An Appearance To The Jews Just Yet, But There Is A Tantalizing Potential Prophetic Nugget Here Anyway, Jesus Paid For The Sins Of The Whole World On The Cross At Calvary With The Blood Of God, But John MacArthur Denies These Bedrock Bible Truths, Watch As Heretic Paula White And False Teacher Larry Huch Deny That Jesus Christ Is The Only Begotten Son Of God, Plus Myriad Other Heresies As Well, At Davos 2022, All The Talk From The Global Elites Centered Around The Coming Metaverse Digital Prison They Have Planned For Us All To Enjoy, Citibank Says That By 2030, The Metaverse Will Be A $8 Trillion Dollar Business With Over 5 Billion Users Logging In On A Daily Basis, The Metaverse Will Be A Full-Time Tracking And Surveillance Platform That Records Your Eye Movements, Facial Expressions And Biometric Data, NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Matrix Was A King James Bible Term Long Before It Was A Movie On The End Times Dystopian Metaverse Theyre Building, United States Navy Pilots Are Baffled As To Why The Pentagon Shows So Little Interest In Finding Out Exactly What The Recurring UFOs Actually Are, Pentagon Releases Stunning UAP Footage Of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Captured During Army Apache Attack Helicopter Training From 2018, In Dramatic Testimony, Director Of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray Admits To 400 UFO Sightings And 11 Actual Encounters With Unidentified Flying Objects, For The First Time In Half A Century, Public Hearings Will Be Held On Capitol Hill To Present Evidence Of UFO Incursions And Alien-To-Human Contact, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu To Meet With Emmanuel Macron In Paris Thursday To Discuss Ways To Expand And Accelerate The Abraham Accords, Chairman Of The World Likud Danny Danon Says Its Only A Matter Of Time Before A Leader Steps Out From The Shadows To Create Middle East Peace, European Parliament Passes Wide-Ranging Resolution Demanding That The New Netanyahu Government Commit To Two-State Solution For Palestine, The Israel Air Force This Week Will Conduct Massive Drill With United States Military Simulating A Strike On Irans Russian-Built Nuclear Program, Global Banking Conglomerates To Join With Federal Reserve Bank of New York To Conduct A 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot Program, Leaked Documents Show That Major Social Media Conspired With Biden Administration To Suppress Free Exchange Of Information During Pandemic, Elon Musk Wears Halloween Costume Called The Devils Champion Complete With An Upside-Down Christian Cross In The Head Of Baphomet, Man In England Becomes First Ever To Have Microchip For His Bank Card Implanted Into The Back Of His Right Hand From Biotech Company Walletmor. The one in the very back center? Patriots Are Now In Control. The Paul VI Audience Halls draws many conspiracy theories not only due to this sculpture that people swear is a demonic representation and a serpent idol, but also because the design of the hall makes many associate it with snake imagery. Now he's President. But since it was Bill Clinton, it is being suppressed, ignored, and censored. Is this just a trick on the eyes? This is incredible. Snake Shaped Salt Formation in the Dead Sea in Israel. The enigmatic statuettes were discovered at the archaeological site of Al-Ubaid. The enigmatic 7,000-year-old statuettes discovered by scientists in Mesopotamia show an odd resemblance to modern-day depictions of reptilian humanoids, and some have even suggested the worship of the Reptilian Gods is strictly connected to the Ancient Anunnaki. Caecilians typically have a well-developed right lung along with a . Same here. They rape kill and decieve their way to the top because they have no regaurd for anyone else but themselves. The sinuous shape triggers a primal jolt of recognition: snake! For science. What they worship in there is power. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thouartcursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:14,15 (KJV). Wrong. I dare anyone to go to a Croc and snake infested swamp, hunt something to eat in the bush, dig roots and tubers from the ground and gather firewood and water to prepare, cook it and sleep on the ground. The 20 m bronze sculpture called "The Resurrection" backs the papal throne. This person is a professor and the director of the Center for Humanities and the Arts at the University of Colorado. Vatican - that word means divining serpent. I love how this is a fairly silly post but some people are taking it very seriously. The Sistine Chapel contains a fresco of Jesus granting the keys to Peter. Excerpts here: The Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein) documents have been unsealed here. The area developed into . Between the years 1508 and 1512 he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. why is the vatican shaped like a pregnant snake with a crown on its head value in Gematria is 5464 Meaning of why is the vatican shaped like a pregnant snake with a crown on its head In online Gematria Calculator Decoder Cipher with same phrases values search and words. But will still sell cigarettes, which have killed millions. Do your own research on the topic of, reptilians. I feel like you can overlay anything on such a crazy shape like that. The whole building and stage appear to resemble the image of a snake. Just tryna divert the . The head of Jesus is turning into(anyone care to hazard a guess here? The eyes and fangs are a nice touch. Still looks like they made it to be the shape of a snake's head. Christianity has mixed the serpent, Satan, and Lucifer/"Morning Star" and made it all incomprehensible. Something forgotten about the death of Andrew Breitbart. Theyre just telling you who their God is. Many of their teachings are not biblical at all - from saints to baby baptisms to the concept of confessing to pedo priests. Human pattern recognition is wonky. He is a staff writer for. S.I.D.S. For some reason that's been theorized as having to do with DNA, people also often see twisting serpents while on DMT or ayahuasca. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her foreheadwasa name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Revelation 17:3-5 (KJV). 8 YHWH said to Moses, Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard: and it shall happen, that everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live. 9 Moses made a serpent of brass, and set it on the standard: and it happened, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he looked to the serpent of brass, he lived. ~The Bible,Numbers 21:4b-9. The retardation in this sub has grown exponentially in recent years. Its officially named the Paul VI Audience Hall, after Pope Paul the Sixth, who reigned from 1963 to 1978. You have to pledge your allegiance and love to Jesus Christ when you are taken in. All of the things you're not supposed to do, like killing and stealing etc. It is all a ruse for control of the non-questioning. The devil looks gorgeous in a Sunday hat reminds me of the sentinel from that extra trippy animatrix episode. They aren't. Australians - thanks for giving up your guns and showing the United States what happens. Most-wanted pedoophile mastermind behind darknet sites that served thousands across the globe is arrested. The plumed or feathered serpent was a deity in ancient mesoamerica, also known as Kukulkan or perhaps more famously Quetzalcoatl, long before it was associated with the pope. I dont understand why people think Freemasons worship Satan? Were gonna need a bigger scoreboard. Is Google is censoring text messages on Android phones? It was to suppress the masses of their terrible lives. Welcome to the end times dystopian world of you will own nothing, you will eat bugs, and like it. If Jesus wanted churches he could have built at least one as a carpenter. But the serpent that saves: this is the mystery of Christ". +1-408-834-0167; vatican snake church. If the unsealed documents had placed Trump on the island with young girls it would be plastered all over MSM and social media with non-stop coverage right up until the election. Free with trial. If you look at the outside of the building you can see that its clearly not parallel. I can agree with what you are stating but I will prefyisis on the idea that the church understood for centuries that they could sell a bill of goods to the congregations that they were ordained from God. Infiltration is a much better ploy than overt destruction because it doesn't call attention to the enemy, and if successful, the enemy can use the established power structure to further corrupt the world. Note the overall shape wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top. . Thats a terrible business decision. Could you explain further? Why did these Governors Defy Federal Guidelines and Put COVID-19 Patients into Ill-equipped Nursing Homes? Just saying. Ive also seen how American company reps in China have been offered similar bribes to get licenses for large AAA titles. Of course, none of this has anything to do with the coup in Ukraine sponsored by then-President Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden that installed a puppet regime in 2014. Where ancient wealthy bloodlines sat on top and controlled everything. Some things to consider: - the Washington monument is also built to an odd absolute height, making it 6,666 inches high and 666 inches wide (you can confirm on Wikipedia). A few years ago they actually rejiggered some of the responses because the English was felt to have strayed too far from those used in other language churches, switched and also with you to and with your spirit and such, Wow! WE CREATED THE BOOK BUNDLES FOR THE SALE, BUT THEY PROVED TO BE SO POPULAR THAT WE HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE THEM A PERMANENT PART OF THE BOOKSTORE, SAVE MONEY ON OUR BEST SELLING BOOKS!! The Pope is the forked tongue and the voice of the anti Christ and the great deceiver, the serpent. The Vatican is a key-shape. This is one of the most heavily censored documentaries across the internet right now. The catholic church was created by Rome after christianity started to become more popular than their mulitple gods religion. I suspect they couldnt dismantle the church directly because the public wouldnt accept it. Replaces "immunity" with "protection". Apr 16, 2018. There is clearly something very intentional going on here and one doesn't spend many millions to design and build a very obvious snake within Vatican-owned buildings for no reason. So I looked this room up, it's hideous. Strongly Q-themed antipedo protests are a thing now. In statues, Peter is usually pictured holding keys, the symbol of his authority. In our view. Mass is not a cannibalism ceremony, but rather an offering to God. Discover short videos related to snake at the vatican on TikTok. All of them? he built it because the plans he laid out to Moses lost their meaning through pharisee law benders. Twitter is now disabling the ability to share or even Like Trump's tweets. Its the first time Ive noticed the two pillars made to look like fangs. Ghislaine Maxwell documents from 2015 unsealing no later than Thur, July 30th. FWIW. If you break down most religions to their core they say the same things. It is an eighth the size of New York's Central Park and is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope at its head . Tales of shape shifters go back thousands if not 10,000s of years from Native Americans to the Egyptians in the time of the Pharaohs. What is the Vatican? They don't have anyone's full consent and never did. They inform us, and since our masses don't push back it means that we are consenting, in their view. You also need to see the end time sculpture (?) In the Bible, Satan is pictured as a reptile who will have a coming war with King Jesus at the Battle of Armageddon at the Second Coming. You just need to have the conviction and discipline to follow through with it. Do the right thing, and you'll better prepare your soul for wherever we are all going next. Also the building is a sneakhead and in the back you will find Jesus who rises from the dead. There's gold in that 'stirring up racial division' business. Because apparently no one here has heard about photography or different lenses before. The occult level is one that is often hidden from Christians, and it does turn some off to Christianity and cause confusion. 555 feet is 6660 inches. Something about knowledge? We're looking outside in at a world we can't even hope to understand. (Interesting link: ) Also, Try googling 666 eye Hollywood and you will find as many famous people as you want showing the ok symbol (I.e. Again not saying the church is a force for good but you're looking at their stalking horse. Jesus was Jewish, but as insane as this sounds, I think he would have agreed with the likes of Hitler. That's just not true. With that in mind, the fact that the Vatican created a building in the shaped of a giant reptile and the pope gives speeches from the beasts mouth is off-the-charts interesting. Cdc changes the definition of vccination on September 1st add this and you can see that its clearly not.... Not parallel and in the back you will own nothing, you will find Jesus who rises the. Else but themselves its unclear what the fire-damaged Bozrah location will mean for Hallandale Farms national egg supply chain and... Not the point or even like Trump 's tweets is usually pictured holding keys, serpent! 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