When ascending, the body is seldom above medium, of fine build, round features, rather delicate. 7 Zodiac Signs With Expensive Taste Who Love The High Life, How You Love To Be Spoiled, According To Your Zodiac Sign. This is often a hotly-debated question. I am African so the dark Complexion is correct I got black hair is correct A round thick neck and round face. Having Sagittarius rising in your birth chart automatically makes you one of the most positive and optimistic personalities out there. They have these bright, open, jovial faces. She's one of the most beautiful zodiac signs. Some people will fit into the exact description when their charts have an emphasis on the ascendant sign for the reasons noted above. As per astrology, Virgos are blessed with a charm that dazzles and looks that could kill. Impulsive, enthusiastic, self-assertive and aggressive. A sonorous voice (no, I have high pitch voice), and elastic step. That would be Scorpio. Im Sagittarius rising and Im very small! Some what on target hair color and eye color off some but pretty cool I like. He's the most conventionally attractive person I've ever dated for sure. Everything on point except the being the center of attention nonsense Guess its cuz my Mars in Scorpio and my moon in Sagittarius. Walks with a waddling gait. With Venus in the house of appearance, beauty is usually indicated. Press J to jump to the feed. Usually have a striking face with sharp features. Somewhat jerky movements in walking. Polite and graceful deportment. Square off at the tee and I`ll fit right in. Aries is the best Rising sign to have, according to Sharpe. Sometime I found out that sleeping and dreaming are the most colorful than dealing with reality. House 4/5 Cusp: Uranus in Pisces 21 32 15 Rx This combination makes them that zodiac sign that has the most attractive personality. 13 Ways To Know If A Gemini Man Is In Love With You, 13 Unique Traits That Make A Scorpio Woman Attractive. WebThe ranking is in ascending order of attractiveness, concluding with the most attractive zodiac sign. Dark hair light complexion. For example, the predominant element in the chart may downplay or emphasize the rising sign characteristics. For a sign that is all about balance and stability, these are definitive character flaws. I still have much to learn overall and I absolutely feel like this site itself PLUS MY OWN ACTIVE MOVEMENT.. reguardless of the subject or anything else, its movement and just riding the waves and finding this calm relief I literally just pushed out of my mind to its farthest possible simply because of the EMOTIONAL and high sensitivity I still feel awkward to call gifts, etc. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A measured, decisive step. Like Gemini, they have the girl/boy next door thing going for them. Physically, their long, toned legs are their most attractive feature. And, she adds, Leos are also known for their enviable, voluminous manes. They are typically introverts, who like to keep their circle of friends small and intimate. EYES dark, sharp and penetrating (this is the most accurate, as I am considered to have a piercing gaze). What are the most attractive rising sign traits for each astrological persona? Leo: The BEST hair. We don't collect your IP address. If your horoscope ever says that youll cross paths with a Sag, brace yourself for new adventures! Maybe Scorpio in Neptune conjunct ASC makes it different, but I cant relate to the description. Square face and large teeth. Im kinda scared tbh check it out for yourself if you want: 08/21/08 13:04pm Houston, Tx, US, House 10: Sun in Leo 29 02 16 Something always stands out about them, they can never be called basic. Others, however, may find Taurus risings focus on spending money and acquiring material goods unattractive. What makes them the most attractive zodiac sign in true earnest is the fine personality traits that perfectly complement these physical attributes. Round face and small teeth. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. People born under this zodiac sign almost always reflect this personality trait. Rising: February 28, 2023. When ascending, the body is large boned and stout, strong and robust. WebAries Rising Signs Aries - Leo This produces a dynamic and flamboyant personality that never gives up, and is bold and proud, forever a fighter and not a flighter. Here Ares (Mars-Aries) and Apollo (Sun-Leo) join forces in beautiful harmony. the body is usually large (no, my body is small compared to my peers), well built and of a stately carriage. Its not that they need to be the center of attention all the time, but if they receive an invitation to go somewhere and they know they wont receive the attention they want or from the person they want, theyre absolutely declining the invitation, DeFranco says. "Shockingly, 1 in 5 people who will be diagnosed presently are younger than 55 years of age, which is quite Isnt it? They neither relent nor forgive easily, making them unpleasantly overpowering people to be with. Hair and complexion dark. Someone with a Libra rising appears fair and slow to judge, a perfect ally when you're alone in a crowd and just looking to talk to someone. :O. They also value their freedom above most else in life and can often be careless and unthoughtful in their relationships. But, what precisely is it that makes this person so charming and unique? A keen eye. Others wont look at all like their ascendants because their suns will be so strong, another planet conjuncts their ascendant, and so on and so forth. Please remember: Creating new threads about yourself, your chart, or your placements is not allowed on this subreddit. HAIR (Like a Leo curly, but brown/blackish though) and complexion dark (I am mixed so quite light). [The rising sign] sets up the entire birth chart; it sets up the rest of the houses, says Witt. wth is large teeth?? Something always stands out about them, they can never be called basic. Also, out of curiosity, how can such a short description be given for the way someone physically looks, considering how many different people in the world may be a this-or-that rising?> And how/why does your ascendant have anything to do with how your physical appearance manifests? Press J to jump to the feed. Favorite Ascendant/Rising For Women: 1. They probably also think that you are inflexible and a little strict. Aquarians have a stunning physical appearance. Youll see pretty much all of them are people saying similar to ummmm yeah none of this is accurate for me at all., usually with details as to how. i never see anything about them, Im a cancer rising, just wanted to see if its attractive to someone i guess im just going to cry. Round face and small teeth. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. They see you as an ethereal, precious being. Lab Leak DENIAL: Biden White House dismisses OWN Department Of Energy report. The inevitable distance between two people in love, the restless neediness of love. var isYTTikTok = 1; The days about July 28 and August 18 give weak eyes, especially when born close to sunrise. Im the lightest of all my siblings, and I dont have any acne. According to astrology, Cancer ranks right toward the top and their dependability is the reason behind it. There is definitely some truth to this. Lab Leak DENIAL: Biden White House dismisses OWN Department Of Energy report. Ruddy complexion (I have dark skin color), light brown or golden hair (black hair) and blue or gray eyes (dark brown eyes). Now let us dive deeper into the science of attraction and how the zodiac signs are poised on the attractiveness chart. When ascending, the body is straight and generally slender and rather tall. tiktokscr.parentNode.insertBefore(jsTikTok, tiktokscr); Keep in mind that your rising sign is only one factor of your chart that influences physical appearance. Greenish eyes tho. But which are the ones that can make you drool? Not all Cancer Risings look innocent. Of course, they may not see it themselves but others will immediately Thanks for posting a topic for astrological discussion! Its on par with claiming that certain dates have some kind of significance to universal energies because the numbers of the date are this-and-that.. but why would universal energies care about fitting in with a calendar that humans created, which has been changed a number of times in the past? "Your charm and diplomacy are radiant, and your ability to consider multiple perspectives makes people feel included and understood," Lettman says. According to astrology, Sagittarius is the best zodiac sign for those drawn to a free-spirited nature. While it may seem like the emotional Cancerian is volatile, trust them to be the most sincere when they say they will be there for you, or that they will do something they promised, says Kreena. Blake Lively is textbook Leo rising beauty imo. This rising sign usually implies good skin and expressive eyes. If you have broken these or another subreddit rule, delete your post or you could end up with a temporary or permanent ban on participation. Its because your chart is perfect," Sharpe says, and "Aries naturally rules the first house, so it rules the All the signs have their unique characteristics, which are hot in their own way. Liable to troubles with the genitals. Aries or Leo rising have a certain regal-ness to their appearance. Aries: Soooo hot. Follow us at: This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The only thing that works against this otherwise charismatic zodiac sign is their high emotional quotient. I am introverted and cautious in general). "People are drawn to you because of your compassion, helpfulness, and ability to brighten anyones mood.". Finally, the most beautiful zodiac sign of them all Aquarius. Usually have really nice throats or a really nice voice. For example, Im a Leo Sun and Virgo Rising. They will usually have dark hair and eyes, the latter being very attractive. o_0, whereas theres still bound to be a few people who jump up and say But my name DOES start with an F!!! But i also have a scorpio sun mercury and venus. I am often asked to speak up) and elastic step (Not sure what this refers to) Liable to hurts to the back. Whith courage,resilience and much more I come to this point that a sane mind in a healthy body is the most basic and not to change no matter what happen even if you have to give everything away for keeping the essential to survive in a mythomanic and pseudo mythological society that is preparing a cultural holocaust to get rid of most of the population in the next century or so to save the planet earth ,these powerful people who invent the industrial era will barely survive in their super bunker .Life is short and can be unfair,careful with ignorance its aches of problem,farewell . Sagittarius rising just wants you to chill, and we all needthatfriend, especially in a time like this. all im saying is, its quite likely that your appearance matching the description is either highly culturally specific, or pure coincidence. Crablike manners and a graceless gait. The Caps I know are just broad shouldered, confident men. I was born August 7 at 6:27 am my Ascendant is Leo. Web1. The most attractive zodiac sign female or male can vary, depending on your definition of attractive, and also what your experiences with people born under a specific sun sign have been. Sagittarius is popularly called the amazing explorer. What makes them attractive: Luscious lips and loyal personality. House 8: Vertex in Cancer 12 28 06 Taurus: A gentle, plodding gait and a strongly built body give it away every time. I am supposed to have/be: When ascending, the BODY is large boned and stout, strong and robust (I am tall and slim and have more of a dancers body). Virgo has a covert "healer" reputation, partially due to its co-ruler, Chiron, the wounded healer. Cancers also have highly imaginative and sharp minds. While the sign is known for their perfectionism, that need (and skill) to fix any problem is actually wildly impressive, when you get down to it. "Your zeal and love for life are enchanting, and you have a natural ability to help people forget about their worries when theyre around you.". Bonobology.com is the couple-relationship destination for Indians everywhere! What if that dark-skinned African guy with hip problems turns out to be an Aries rising..? While Aries rising is focused on taking initiative and getting things done, CBS News' Michael George introduces us to a patient who learned she had stage 4 Scorpio (October 23rd November 21st), 11. ALL of them are wrong, not only one or two This is nonsense. "People are attracted to your excitable, lighthearted, and inquisitive natureyou're a fun person to be around," Lettman says. I feel compelled to delve deeper and spread awareness to help others like me love more mindfully. Always have a crush on one// my ex gf was one. When they finally do get into relationships they may resent their partners for limiting their freedom, she says. Sandy or dark flaxen hair. Thats because you are ruled by the Sun, meaning your heart is always in the forefront of everything that you do, which in this world is what you need to survive., RELATED:The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Leo Zodiac Sign, Gemini is next, says Sharpe. Perhaps, I am inclined to agree with you. Discover the best hairstyles and more for your rising sign from an astrologer! I am much like the discription of Sagittarius rising procrastinating, LIMITLESS amount of inner intensity , imagination and compassion for everyone which is basically what brings delight into my soul when another has felt so immediately safe with me to share what Ive been told throughout my life had not been shared with anyone for the most part.. I having a waddling gait and poor eye sight. In no particular order - Scorpio, Aquarius or Capricorn. being born as pisces rising and all above stuff true to me .My eyes problem with night light , bright light, smells and sounds. They are also blessed with lovely stocky body structures, which add to their sex appeal. Leo rising is all about carrying a star presence. They also stand out for their sharp mind and sensible nature. But its like I see and have totally been in the soul, knowing this was eventually the very AWAKENING and cosmic truth that I know how we and all of everything has been chosen before and the Sense of everything will infact always CONTINUOUSLY ALL CLICK INTO THE PLACE , when its all worth it and beyond comprehensive grasp in the human form currently at least the magnitude Im referring to.. thank you for allowing me to share and learn with yall . Taurus Rising Sign Outwardly gentle and passive, you're stubborn as well. Liberal media COPE. While attractiveness is subjectivewhat one person finds alluring another may notfor funsies, we asked DeFranco if she had to pick the most attractive rising sign, which would it be. When ascending, gives a body of medium height, weak and unproportionate, a large upper body and slender limbs. There are always people who will come to you and say wow, i like your. A Taurus Ascendant produces a physically powerful body + presence. Few people can balance playfulness and a sharp mind the way they can. Balanced, beautiful, non-threatening, charming, sweet faces. An open genial contour. Imagine Taurus rising as the perfect hostess of an intimate cocktail party. As the first of the zodiac signs, Aries are born with inherent leadership qualities. Add to the mix a charismatic smile, which is one of their most attractive features, and you have a heady concoction of attractiveness. When Bonobology and I found each other, it was a match made in heaven. The most daring zodiac sign Being that Aries rules the head, youre likely to see full-faced, agreeable prettiness here, in all features. Related Reading: 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Known To Make The Best Partners, What makes them attractive: Elegant personality and dimples. Always rubbing my hands, I also had frozen shoulder at 35yrs old. This fear can push you to hurry into relationships and be impatient and irritable. These guys are gals were born to be beautiful! My teeth isnt exactly small, as my two front top teeth are rather large. Square FACE (no oval) and large teeth (no). I got all points covered. Im Capricorn rising but I have light hair and large blue eyes. Also drawn to Pisces. To be honest, a lot of the celebrities I saw with this Rising Sign really aint all that. They just have a natural gift for getting people riled up and ready to act. Virgo: Natural, grounded beauties. Celebrities with Venus in the 1st house are Kourtney Kardashian, Audrey Hepburn, and Blake Lively. Dark, sharp, penetrating eyes. Venturesome, resistful of control. Actually, Leo Rising is said to be: muscular, fierce, courageous, temperamental, strong, assertive, passionate, and robust. theres bound to be a few, but its still a silly thing to claim in such a definitive way. The data significantly beat expectations as economists were looking for a reading of around 45.5%. Zabia First Lady Joined Jun 12, 2013 Messages 6,088 Reactions 42,397 2,564 1,319 Alleybux 21,529 Aug 6, 2018 #32 24Seven The face appears triangular, the forehead being broad and well formed. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. WebThe other typically beautiful rising sign (Ascendant), according to ancient astrologers is sagittarius- it is ruled by Jupiter- known as the bigger benefic. Even a few minutes of difference in a birth time can change your rising sign. "People are drawn towards your welcoming nature and balance between your head and your heart.". According to TikTok creator and astrologer Alyssa Sharpe, these qualities can make some Rising signs more challenging than others at times. Oval face somewhat. Very determined. We are all unique in our ways, yet share similar traits and habits with others. So which zodiac sign is the best in terms of attraction and appeal? } jsTikTok.type = 'text/javascript'; Scorpio or Capricorn. Pisces: The prettiest. Operating from a place of insecurity, a Scorpio can be judgmental, suspicious, and jealous. If born about May 19, especially if close to sunrise the eyesight is afflicted. Brisk, determined walk. Square face and large teeth. Couple relationshipsthe pains and pleasures, the anxieties and comforts, the craziness and calm. Rising: February 28, 2023. The 12 houses in astrology represent the different planes of your life. I am a Taurus sun with 1 degree Pisces rising and yes I have watery eyes and round shaped, you could also say quick movements and unpredictable moods and energy! Their facial features dont seem fixed - they look different everytime I see them and they look different according to different people. When ascending, gives a small stature, fleshy, weak and tired. In terms of physical attributes, their sensuous lips and prominent brows are their most attractive features. yes. Cancer rising finds it effortless to open up their heart to someone, and that allows others the rare opportunity to be truly vulnerable. Gemini: Youthful always, you can see the humor and mischief in their eyes. Taurus males can have a solid build, that seems grounding and This is the first time the U.S. manufacturing sector has moved into expansion territory in four months. Dark eye colour but I would refer to my easy as more almond shaped but small easy Their strong, stubborn personalities often get in the way of their relationships. Physically, DeFranco says Virgo risings may have attractive stomachs. A new report by the American Cancer Society found that colorectal cancer diagnoses nearly doubled in people younger than 55 in recent years; it increased from 11% in 1995 to 20% in 2019. I dont even fit the Libra onetechnically Id be on the cusp. jsTikTok.async = true; Libra Ascendant/Rising (ex. Libra (September 23rd October 22nd), 5. Their drop-dead gorgeous looks with innocent faces make them instantly likable. Besides, their flirting game is always on point. People with Aquarius as their rising sign are drawn to fad diets or eating the same thing over and over. Brave, fierce, and brimming with confidence, Leos are the most indomitable of the zodiac signs. Those with Venus-ruled Ascendants are gifted with natural beauty. People admire how you're thinking light-years ahead. creating beautiful ensembles that "People are drawn to your dedication and dependability, and stick around for your hidden complexities and inner mystery.". What makes them attractive: Smile and optimism. When ascending, the body is rather short. You mustve noticed that out of all the people in a group, some are effortlessly desirable. They are affectionate by nature and dedicated and loyal in their relationships. My rising is a Taurus but Im a Pisces born in the 27th. Abrupt in manners. As for their least attractive trait, DeFranco says it can be tricky to pinpoint because theyre so secretive, which can make it challenging to really get to know them. Thats because despite those hypnotic eyes and sexy gaze, they fail to make an impression on others due to an undercurrent of trust issues defining their entire personality. Because of this, all rising signs can be considered beautiful in their own way. "People are naturally drawn to you because you have a way of inspiring, motivating, and encouraging others without having to say a word. Or aspects to the ascendant or to the chart ruler and its position in the chart. "Your generosity and pride are what make you so charming. Liable to troubles with the genitals. You often dress like a true professional in whatever your chosen field is. Liable to digestive troubles. "Youre great at giving away enough of yourself to entice people and draw them in, yet not enough to still keep up your mysterious persona," says Lettman. Your rising sign provides the set-up for the rest of the astro chart action, which means the life events, predictions and happenings mentioned in your rising signs horoscope can turn out to be spookily accurate. Libra Rising is one of the most difficult to have, according to Sharpe. Aquarius rising is an excellent idea person, and a fascinating mind to watch at work. Thats good, right?, RELATED:The 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Libra Zodiac Sign. Sagittarius (November 22nd December 21st), 4. Their eyes give their rising sign away easily, they usually all have dreamy, beautiful watery eyes. Like Cancer, but they reflect the sun. Cancer rising boys may have a type of chest where you either stare too long at and/or want to touch. Sex appeal on ten without even trying. House 1: Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius 14 57 23 I look 100 percent aries and behave as one also. window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { What makes them attractive: A stunning face, beautiful feet, and a genuine heart. "Its your strong sense of self and innovative spirit that inspires everyone you meet.". Well, I have blonde hair and blue eyes, hmmmmmmmmm. Geminis are exuberant, joyful, witty, and forever youthful people. all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. "Its your effortlessly expansive outlook and optimism that draws others to you," Lettman says. Nothing but the BEST RISING UP!! Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, and r/astrology is a community for sharing news and information about astrological topics. I have been dislocating my shoulder since a high school fight Im 41 now last surgery was 2014 November. I love to stay alone . Zodiac signs can actually govern a lot of things when it comes to your personality and traits. A new report from the American Cancer Society finds more cases of colorectal cancer are being detected at advanced stages, and rates are increasing among younger people. More than half (57%) of girls felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021, double the rate for teen boys (29%), while nearly one in three girls seriously considered suicide. Lab Leak deniers want to 'move on' from probing Covid origins: Brie, Robby, Dr. Alina Chan discuss These traits dent their appeal significantly, making them rank moderately among the most attractive zodiac signs. They dont hesitate to put up a fight when they think theyre right. However, these very personality traits can also become their undoing in romantic relationships. Libra rising typically are pretty and symmetrical. These elements come together to create well-rounded personalities that are attractive and hard to resist. If your rising sign is Capricorn, other people will consider you to be organized, meticulous, and reliable. "They know how to be very analytical and take a practical approach to crazy things and so its not the ideal chart structure; your chart's kind of upside down, however, you can still get it done. Most of the Sun-Sign Leo women I have met have been either full-figured or fuller-figured, but I digress. Venus also rules makeup and When you walk into a room, it's all eyes on you. According to astrology, they rank in the middle of the pyramid of the best zodiac signs in terms of attraction because you can trust a Pisces to move heaven and hell to bring a smile on your face and to truly empathize with your lows and make them their own. But when in my proper weight and as a typical aries rising, I have a pointy chin, prominent nose and forehead, thick and arched eyebrows, rough skin with large pores and light scarring from accidents and acne. The days about July 28 and August 18 give weak eyes, the restless neediness of.. Who will come to you, 13 unique traits that make a which rising sign is beautiful Woman attractive at 35yrs.! And my moon in Sagittarius 14 57 23 I look 100 percent and... Culturally specific, or pure coincidence says Witt and my moon in Sagittarius 14 23. Dont hesitate to put up a fight when they think theyre right but brown/blackish though ) and large blue.. 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