If not, tremble, for there are but two vast families in this world. Suppose, my dear friends, that any of you were about to be tried for your life, do you think you could trust your advocacy with any man you know? We have, indeed, in the death of Christ, a great atonement; an atonement so great, that none can measure its height and depth, its length and breadth. Oh, beloved, if we have a God for our Redeemer, though our sins against God be very many, and though they be very black and foul, yet Christ's infinite sacrifice meets them all. As many of you as have been born again have been conformed to the image of Christ in the matter of his birth, and you are now partakers of his nature. It is Christ that died." Oh! While sense is grovelling down below, faith with eagle wing cuts through the cloud and mounts to heaven. "You know how you used to blaspheme his name." If thou canst but look to Jesus, thou art safe. Thou camest here to-day from thy toil, and thy bones have scarce forgotten yesterday's weariness; but thou art coheir with him who rules all heaven; thou art come here in poverty and thou wilt go home to a scant meal in a narrow room, but thou art co-heir with him who made the worlds, by whom: all thinks consist; you have come here weak and feeble, doubting, distrustful, and cast down, but I tell thee, weak though thou be, and in thine own judgment less than the least of all yet the same hand that wrote Christ heir of all things wrote thy name with his, and till a hand can be found that can blot out thy Redeemer's name thine shall stand and abide fair ever and ever. I see him putting his own imprimatur thereupon, stamping it with his own signet, dignifying it with his own seal, and again I cry, "Yea rather, who is risen from the dead," who then can condemn the believer? And what if some of us should live very many years? So in regard to God. Delivered on Sabbath Morning, October 18, 1857, by the. Bblia; Leia a Bblia; Verses da Bblia; . He has paid all we owed and he will vindicate his own death, and claim for the travail of his soul its due reward, which is the forgiveness and the salvation of all guilty men who have come and put their trust in him. Is that the tenor of thy life towards God, and towards his law? May God the Holy Spirit lead you to trust in "Christ that died"! Be not deceived; it is not so; things are not what they seem; "all things work together." I have certain experiences and feelings; turning to the Word, I find similar experiences and feelings recorded; and so I prove that I am right, and the Spirit bears witness with my spirit that I am born of God. I have known what it is to feel as if I could not pray about a certain matter, and yet I have been obliged to groan about it. The righteousness of Christ imputed, secures the soul, the better part, from death. Young man, didst thou do more than thou oughtest to have done? There is nothing about old age to separate you from the love of Christ; he hath made, and he will bear; even to hoar hairs will he carry you; therefore, be not afraid. The highest good a Christian has here is good spiritual. Such and so bright shall our glories be in the day of the redemption of the body. Can ye say, "Lord, thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I desire to keep all thy commandments, and to walk blamelessly in thy sight. We cannot be condemned for "Christ hath died. He hath suffered, the just for the unjust, to bring us to God. You can make your wooden cross into an iron one, if you choose, by being of a fretful disposition. No, there must be something done more than we can accomplish. Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? It reminds me of what I have sometimes heard of the ropes that are used in mining. "To as man as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God"; and to the sons of God alone cometh the Spirit of adoption, and all his helping grace. Let the truths of Christianity work out their perfect work: and pride, bitterness, wrath, envy, and malice, must see their graves. Now I shall conclude with WHAT OUR STATE OF MIND IS. This also is a truth full of sacred refreshment: hope sees a crown in reserve, mansions in readiness, and Jesus himself preparing a place for us, and by the rapturous sight she sustains the soul under the sorrows of the hour. Is thy calling of God? I used this argument; I thought it might be a new one; I am sure it is a forcible one. Well, that wish to change God, proves that thou art not in love with the God that now is, the God of heaven and earth; and though thou mayest talk of natural religion, and boast that thou dost reverence the God of the green fields, the grassy meads, the swelling flood, the rolling thunder, the azure sky, the starry night, and the great universe though thou lovest the poetic beau ideal of Deity, it is not the God of Scripture, for thou hast wished to change his nature, and in that hast thou proved that thou art at enmity with him. That passage in the Psalms, "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God," is wrongly translated. That is damnable doctrine. Then, what can it do? He rose again, I must rise, and though I die yet shall I live again. I do feel that he loves me better than I love myself. Let us notice in the first place, how it is that our spirit is able to bear witness; and as this is a matter of experience, I can only appeal to those who are the true children of God; for no others are competent to give testimony. Who can condemn? We find that the word "know" is frequently used in Scripture, not only for knowledge, but also for favor, love, and complacency. He just repeated his master's name and office as many times as the other gentleman had titles. Do not say you: can charge the members with sin; you may do so in the inferior courts of earth, but the bill will be ignored in the supreme court of heaven, since before that bar the accepted substitute appears to answer an demands. There is no getting away from yourself, and when you yourself condemn yourself, then you are condemned indeed. Hidden in your heart there is a damning spot which your eye has not discovered." They compelled him, however, to go, exacting from him this promise, that if the Romans did not make peace he would come back, and if he came back they would put him to death in the most horrid manner that ever cruelty could invent. The traveller has reached the hospice. Christ loved you when he died; he will love you when you die. "For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of works, but of him that calleth; It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. He starts! It cries for something, and it makes very odd and objectionable noises, combined with signs and movements, which are almost meaningless to stranger, but his mother understands him, and attends to his little pleadings. Now, to come to what is evidently in the text, and to dwell upon it for a little while, Paul being thus persuaded that there was a love of God, and that there was a union through love between the soul and its God, now says that HE IS PERSUADED THAT NOTHING CAN EVER BREAK THOSE BONDS. I might appeal to scores and hundreds here, and I might say, brethren, you with grey heads, rise up and speak. Hallelujah to the grace that makes all things work together for good! You can hear it in the streets of the city. If this be his ardent love of the Godhead, what must his hatred thereof be? AMEN. His own dear Son came, and stood in my place, and took my sin upon him. We keep our longings to our Lord, and to our Lord alone. Is not that "coming out" necessary to sonship, and were they his sons, were they his daughters, had they any claim or right to call him Father, until they came out from the midst of a wicked world, and were separate? But Solomon did not add, that things are not what they seem. That shows that this is used as an argument drawn from something mentioned before. May we still, between the very jaws of death, have solid confidence in God, and dare to ask for the presence of men and devils, too, "Who is the that condemneth?" "All things work together for good:" that is to say, none of them work separately. Our second subject is THE PRAYER WHICH THE HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRES, or that part of prayer which is especially and peculiarly the work of the Spirit of God. O God, thou Judge of all, my spirit meets thee robed in my Saviour's righteousness, and salutes thee as my Father and my all. There are other things for which we are allowed to ask, but we scarcely know whether, if we had them, they would really serve our turn, and we also feel a diffidence as to praying for them. Therefore, beloved, all the glory must be unto God and not to us. The first reason why the Christian never can be condemned is because CHRIST HATH DIED. iniquity for which words fail in description! But the text, you see, furnishes us with a higher witness than this. He was made like to her for her salvation, and now she is made like to him for his honor. "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us, for I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life," and so on. Blessed be his name. There once was chaos and confusion, but the Holy Spirit brooded over all, and His mind is the originator of that beautiful arrangement which we so admire in the visible creation. The deeper things shall be left with God. Now, who is he that condemns the people that have such a head as this? To that I give the same answer, "It is Christ that died." We do not like groans: our ears are much too delicate to tolerate such dreary sounds; but not so the great Father of spirits. And now a little capful of wind blows on you and the tears run down your cheeks, and you say, "Lord, let me die; I am no better than my fathers." A pan of hot coals is blazing in the tent; Scoevola puts out his right hand and holds it; it crackles in the flame; the young man flinches not, though his fingers drop away. In what way could the Father put greater honor on his Son than by forming a race like to himself, who shall be the many brethren among whom he is the well-beloved firstborn? "It came to pass afterward that David's heart smote him." This, then is God's great remedy for sin: "It is Christ that died.". He has not done enough "never enough;" conscience always says, "this is not perfection; it ought to have been better," Salvation for enemies must be by an ambassador, by an atonement, yea, by Christ. "Who is he that condemneth?" I shall not refer to any class of society, and say of them, we are debtors, except to one, and that is the poor. Did he not learn it by revelation? traitor against God!" You, that were going to thrash mountains, find that molehills cast you down. If you have faith enough brethren, you may this mourning be raised up to sit together in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. 1. When he sits down, he has done his worst; and his witnesses also condemn you; but if the verdict is in your favour, and the judge says that you leave the court with a stainless character, you do not care about the condemnation of others. How shall the heir of God be content till he rests on his Father's bosom, and is filled with all the fulness of God? But let the man that worketh, though it be with the sweat of his brow and with aching hands, remember that he, if he is seeking to bless the Lord's people, is in sympathy with all things not only in sympathy with their work, but in sympathy with their aim. But our God doeth more than this, he doth not send merely bread from his table, as in the day when man did eat angel's food; he doth not give us merely to drink the wines on the lees well refined the rich wines of heaven but he gives himself himself to us. The high priest first took the blood, but that was not accepted. I hear a note of holy praise; alas! "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be baptized, and thou shalt be saved," for so runneth the gospel. Can you not do it? It is not merely that our judgment leads us in that direction, though usually the Spirit of God acts upon us by enlightening our judgment, but we often feel an unaccountable and irresistible desire rising again and again within our heart, and this so presses upon us, that we not only utter the desire before God at our ordinary times for prayer, but we feel it crying in our hearts all the day long, almost to the supplanting of all other considerations. There is no fear whatever that, by any accident or by mistake, Christ should miss the honor to which his Father hath ordained him, he must be with his Father where he is. "We know that all things work." then I must love him," and he was quickened in that selfsame hour. What does he say upon it? PORTION OF SCRIPTURE READ BEFORE SERMON Romans 8:26-39 . It is a checkered scene, a garment of many colours. says the accuser "but you sinned against light and knowledge. I imagine that he said, "I promised to go back, and though it is to pangs indescribable, I will return." Brethren, as soon as a man believes in Christ, he is no longer under the curse of the law. And now, what with strifes between men and masters, which are banishing trade from England, and what with political convulsions, which unhinge everything, the vessel of the state is drifting fast to the shallows. Sad would it be to our thoughts if it were always to be so. So shall we when his Father shall say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." So it is with us to-day. He sees things he had not dreamed of even in the shades of night. He first of all stirred up their pure minds by way of remembrance as to their sonship, for saith he "as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Christ digged the well to its very bottom, but not a drop did spring up; still was the world dry and thirsty, till on the morning of the resurrection a voice was heard, "Spring up O well," and forth came Christ himself from the grave, and with him came the resurrection and the life; pardon and peace for all souls sprang up from the deep well of his misery. An unconverted man may love a God, as, for instance, the God of nature, and the God of the imagination; but the God of revelation no man can love, unless grace has been poured into his heart, to turn him from that natural enmity of the heart towards God, in which all of us are born. A quaint old divine says, that "When God in his justice rose from his throne to smite the surety, he would make no concession whatever. I think it was Bishop Hall who once said, "I thank God I am not of his counsels, but I am of his court." In preaching of this call this morning, I shall divide my sermon into three brief parts. Do I have fellowship with Christ? When we are poor, and in eternity have no shelter; when we in the next world shall find no heaven and no bliss, then, wandering as outcast orphans, we shall see our Elder Brother an outcast orphan too; if we be portionless and penniless, the Firstborn among many brethren must be portionless and penniless also, for with him we stand or we fall. His precious blood takes away every stain of guilt. That is "good," the vat bursting with wine, the barn full of corn! I want, my Lord! Our prevalence in prayer lies in the plea, "Lord, do as thou hast said." time is gone, and change is over, and I am floating on thy pacific waves where winds can never howl and tempests never lower. I knew there was a work; I knew I prayed, and cried, and groaned for mercy, but I did not know that was the Lord's work; I half thought it was my own. May he help us to expound, as he has already given us the passage to explain. Romans 1:7-8. Therefore, he aspired to be a complete and perfect conqueror. Perhaps you ask me, how is this. Here I find it written in the Scriptures, "The carnal mind is enmity against God;" and that of itself is enough for me. So it is: prayer prompted by the Holy Spirit is the footfall of the divine decree. methinks I see the martyrs and confessors rising from their tombs I mark their hands still stained with blood, and their bodies scarred with the wound of persecution. He parried the question at first, for he did not think that it was very important for him to answer it. He whose crown shineth the brightest, will know when he hath lost a jewel. There is no difficulty in our believing that as one human mind operates upon another mind, so does the Holy Spirit influence our spirits. This is something more than helping us to pray, something more than encouraging us or directing us, but I venture no further, except to say that he puts such force of his own mind into our poor weak thoughts and desires and hopes, that he himself maketh intercession for us, working in us to will and to pray according to his good pleasure. Just so! My soul hath made me like the chariots of Aminadib, and I have gotten me away to the hills of myrrh and the mountains of frankincense. Oh! God bless you, my beloved brethren, and may you feel the Spirit of the Lord thus working in you and with you. How can I pray? I have broken away from its thralldom; the new law, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, the law of grace has set me free from the domination of the law of sin and death. Romans 8:12 . I do not know a more beautiful sight to be seen on earth than a man who has served his Lord many years, and who, having grown grey in service, feels that, in the order of nature, he must soon be called home. Yet one more remark before we leave this point. The whole of the mind is enmity against God. It is not the hypocrite's groan, when he goes mourning everywhere, wanting to make people believe that he is a saint because he is wretched. But, remember, Christ is coheir with you in this. Therefore, over against my delight in sin, I set his delight in presenting to the Father his perfect righteousness and his all-sufficient substitutionary sacrifice: "It is Christ that died. The soul is like an eagle, to which the body acts as a chain, which prevents its mounting. If it sinks, I am lost; but it will not sink, for the Plot of the Galilean Lake is on board. As to his spirit, sin hath no more dominion over him, and the law hath no further claims against him. ", A further argument I might find in the fact, that the best of men have been always the readiest to confess their depravity. Christian, stop and ponder for a moment! However, just or unjust as man may choose to think it, God has done it, and the fact stands in man's face, let him reject it as he pleases. The next argument for making us sure that they will speed is this that they are "the mind of the Spirit." It was not long ago there came unto this hall, a man who was without God and without Christ, and the simple reading of the hymn. Coming to our aid in our bewilderment he instructs us. Thou canst bear faithful witness, if thou wouldst speak the truth, that each person here has so transgressed against God, so continually broken his laws, violated his Sabbath, trampled on his statutes, despised his gospel, that it is true, aye, most true, that "the carnal mind is enmity against God. You will have to carry it. Dost thou love to pay him homage? No Jew was ever content with the first-fruits. No separation: that is the end of the chapter. If he cannot afford to pay, he ought to keep at home till he can." Is there a place into which your Master went that you would be ashamed to enter? So is it also with us. The blood of heaven runs in thy veins; thou art one of the blood royal of eternity a son of God, descendant of the King of kings. 1. There is nothing here below which does not belong to a believer. O brethren, what honors are ours! Otherwise, he could not have said, "I am persuaded that things present and things to come shall not be able to separate us." These are blessed subjects, though I cannot speak upon them as I would. We cannot break the bread and multiply it, we can, however, generously distribute what we have, and thus in feeding the hungry we shall prove ourselves children of our Father who is in heaven; we cannot heal the diseased with our touch, still we can care for the sick, and so in love towards the suffering we can prove ourselves to be children of the tender and ever-pitiful God. He covers his face for a moment with his hands, and then looking down at his sons, and finding that the testimony is complete against them, he says, "Lictors, do your work." Let us, then, weigh the words of the text, for they are solemn words. All the prayers which the Spirit of God inspires in us must succeed, because, first, there is a meaning in them which God reads and approves. IV. Now, in considering this solemn subject, let me remark that there are two kinds of callings mentioned in the Word of God. The Spiritual Resurrection of our Mortal Body (8:1-13) 8:1. Nor is this little, for the body has a depressing effect upon the soul. We see not yet all things put under man, but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor; and in the person of Christ Jesus this day we, the men who are made in his image, have dominion over all things, being all made kings and priests unto God, and in Christ Jesus ordained to reign with him forever and ever. Ah, brethren! Would you have David's crown, but not his caves of Adullam, and rocks of the wild goats? I have heard that in the Marshalsea of old they did take rank according to the greatness of their debts. That faith is at first of his creating, and afterwards it is of his sustaining and increasing: and oh, brothers and sisters, have you not often felt your faith rise in proportion to your trials? Commentaries; Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible; Romans 8; Verses 38-39 - Romans 8:38-39. . Will it ever be set free? Yea, that harp is mine, and my soul by faith would make every string resound with melody. Thunderbolts and tornadoes are nothing in force compared with the charges of a guilty conscience. If the wings of the Eternal are thy shelter, what plague can attack thee? Joint heirs with Christ Jesus! Is he a victor? Sin is great, but Christ is greater. Dost thou love God, not with lip-language, but with heart-service? If you have the Spirit of God in your soul, you may rejoice over it as the pledge and token of the fulness of bliss and perfection "which God hath prepared for them that love him.". I can look back at the past, and wonder at all the way whereby the Lord hath led me. We have at this present moment in us certain priceless things which distinguish us as believers in Christ from all the rest of God's creatures. You discover that Christ had his cross, and you are asked to administer to the will. Our Lord Jesus Christ will say, in the judgment, concerning certain persons, "I never knew you," yet in a sense he knew them, for he knows every man; he knows the wicked as well as the righteous; but there the meaning is, "I never knew you in such a respect as to feel any complacency in you or any favor towards you." "Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands," poured out water, and began to wash his disciples' feet, and then went, with full knowledge of all that was before him, to pour out his blood to wash their souls from guilt. Forth it steps into the arena, and we behold the law of God. His zeal in doing them proves that he has the spirit of a child of God, and the result of those works proves that God works in him as he will never do in any but his own children. ", Then again, how zealous we should be for our Master! He is the Son of God the infinitely rich, and God will not give to his Son a petty dowry or a trifling portion. Baptist pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon is remembered today as the Prince of Preachers. "We know it. And are we not debtors to them? Above all, commune much with Christ. Now why call Zaccheus? That is the first illustration I will give you of what is meant by effectual calling. Blessed be his name, he will not refuse you even then, if you will but believe him! We teach every Sabbath day, that the whole shower of devine wrath was poured upon Christ's head, that the black cloud of vengeance emptied out itself upon the cross, and that there is not left in the book of God a single sin against a believer, nor can there possibly be even a particle of punishment ever exacted at the hand of the man that believeth in Jesus, for this reason, that Jesus has been punished to the full. Not we shall have, but we have. Go up; take them. "Brethren, we are debtors.". "It is Christ that died," becomes both his sword and his shield; and when the dread conflict is over, and even while it is raging, he sings, "Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.". Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. A Christian's experience is like a rainbow, made up of drops of the griefs of earth, and beams of the bliss of heaven. He begins by mentioning some of the things that are supposed to separate, and the first is, death. We believe that in the death of Christ there was a full penalty paid to divine justice for all the sins which the believer can possibly commit. "The carnal mind," he says, "is ENMITY against God." ", Now, my hearers, "the Bible alone is the religion of Protestants;" but whenever I find a certain book much held in reverence by our Episcopalian brethren, entirely on my side, I always feel the greatest delight in quoting from it. Some would have said within themselves "Let the caitiff nation be cut off. No hint is given in the text of foreseen virtue any more than of foreseen sin, and, therefore, we are driven to find another meaning for the word. Such men there are here this very day. Without a solitary exception the answer would be this "If I am a Christian and he is not, unto God be the honor." Some say that this doctrine would send us to sleep; it never does, it wakes us up. I will now proclaim to you the way of salvation. believe that thou art secure; that voice which called thee, shall call thee yet again from earth to heaven, from death's dark gloom to immortality's unuttered splendours; Rest assured, the heart that called thee, beats with infinite love towards thee, a love undying, that many waters cannot quench, and that floods cannot drown. "Oh, yes," he says, "I see; there is the cash." Speak to him on the road, send out the apostle Peter to him, let Peter say, "Saul, why dost thou oppose Christ? I can see that there is no better place than the brink of Jordan, after all. And they speak not; "because," says Paul, "I have obtained mercy who was before a blasphemer, a persecutor, and injurious, that in me first he might show forth all longsuffering." II. Here is the 9th article, upon Original or Birth Sin: "Original Sin standeth not in the following of Adam; (as the Pelagians do vainly talk); but it is the fault and corruption of the nature of every man, that naturally is engendered of the offspring of Adam; whereby man is very far gone from original righteousness, and is of his own nature inclined to evil, so that the flesh lusteth always contrary to the spirit; and, therefore, in every person born into this world, it deserveth God's wrath and damnation. Directions for our behaviour, as members of civil society, Rom. Another text. The world's barque, it is true, is always tossed with waves, but these waves toss her first to the right and then to the left; they do not steadily bear her onward to her desired haven. It seems to be, so far as we can judge, much more painful than the first, and has an anguish in it of the severest sort. And he could not think that it could be so; as he turned the matter over mentally, he said, "If they be indeed one with Christ, I am persuaded that nothing can separate them from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.". It is, I say, first, because of our unbelief; and secondly, because of the tremendous attacks our faith has to endure, that God has been pleased to lay down four strong consolations, with which we may fortify our hearts whenever the sky is overcast, or the hurricane is coming forth from its place. "They are so; but not when they are arrayed in the robes, and invested with the credentials of their Sovereign. Moses prayed that he might enter Canaan, but God denied him; and the man that was healed asked our Lord that he might be with him, but he received for answer, "Go home to thy friends." , find that molehills cast you down mountains, find that molehills you. I do feel that he loves me better than I love myself in my place, thou. Rose again, I am lost ; but it will not refuse you even then if..., 1857, by the dominion over him, and invested with the credentials of Sovereign... Your Master went that you would be ashamed to enter him for his honor I myself... Checkered scene, a garment of many colours first is, death us.... The cash. are so ; things are not what they seem to blaspheme name! My sin upon him. mind of the divine decree making us sure that they are words. Of old they did take rank according to the greatness of their Sovereign not think that it was very for. Into an iron one, if you choose, by the send us sleep... 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