But then came a completely unexpected and unsought conversion experience that I tell in detail [in the book]. Philip, Human Rights again ruled in my favor; the care facilty was found guilty of wrongful dismissal, was ordered to pay compensation and to not speak of it. Michael, I was just wondering how are your days. Instead of returning me home to the UK, I was sent for further punishment . Just took it down from the shelf and re-read it. [] like how Phillip Yancey explains it, stories are easier to remember than concepts or outlines. It is one thing to []. I have read your stuff for decades. Philip. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Thank you very much. I know it will encourage and inspire others. Nevertheless, Ramazan took sides with Paul against me. One day I saw Pauls memos on the Holy Communion table, just lying there waiting to be taken to the AWI for signing. I hadnt crossed the campus before I was told how each woman was being required to come forward and kneel in front of a female faculty member. Thank you for the boost, a true grace note in my life today. Is it possible there is enough there to literally write a sequel? There is this deep sense, a calling maybe, to make others aware of it anew. I would certainly include Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern hospice movement; and Sir Ghillean Prance, one of the early voices in climate change and former director of the New York Botanical Gardens. He writes on various subjects, but often not with a lot of theological "meat." Your style of writing is so wonderful and natural. They tried to cast out homosexual demons, and I was told I was rebellious and so on. Right there and then Paul informed me that he had no intention of helping me to get oriented or settled in. Just one sentence. They directed us to work with four senior Lawyers to defend his case, flew regularly to the city where Dad was being charged. Thank you for being my friend these many years. Id encourage you to check it out. The Training Session I am constantly baffled by opinions I hear Christians say and by the state of the church vis--vis a suffering world. Every Blessing upon you and you family! The reason I am writing is to request a suggestion from you. I received an e-mail reply from him shortly afterwards, confirming my dismissal but providing no reason for it [36]. That inspired me to write a memoir, but my teaching duties put it on the back burner. Thank you for your honest books, where is God when it hurts changed my total perception about suffering and I thank God I got that book at that crucial point of my life. Youve have a profound influence on countless numbers of readers. I remembered how human you were in your books and how your writing established a template that allowed room for my brain, for my soul, for my poetic thrashings. I read Whats So Amazing About Grace and agreed with your message so much that I have both recommended it and used several references from it in my amateur writer article The Simplicity of Grace prepared for my Serra Club Newsletter to be submitted for October. I had to express my gratitude (theres that word again). It provides many of the names of people, charitable organizations and corporations that have punished me for exposing the abuses being perpetrated in their midst. Hope you have a great day. Along the way, Ive tried to identify the very positive things I took away: biblical knowledge, a community that embraces the needy within the community at least, a deep sense that our life choices matter ultimately, a resistance against the surrounding celebrity culture. I was in CO recently visiting my son at the USAFA for parents weekend and took the opportunity to buy Whats Good About God at the Focus on the Family bookstore. Well thats how much of an impact this book has had on me, and I would recommend this one to anyone as the must read (if you only read one book by Philip Yancy) She said to go ahead, so I told her about how my life had changed after reporting illicit activities at work. Not long after the Korean War, a Korean woman had an affair with an American soldier and became pregnant. We were not qualified to deal with the kind of emotional and mental pain that you describe. But one thing that has not changed is the presence of your books in my life, and their ability to challenge and encourage me in my faith. This incident confirmed what Paul, Pastor Oliver Johnson and a number of prisoners had told me about Graham Spilsbys violent nature. Our ultimate goal is to be resurrected and live in Gods Kingdom on earth (remember the Lords prayer Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. I was just wondering what your thinking is on this? Painful and therapeutic to me all at the same time. Couldnt all of that money have been better spent? Later renamed Threshold Ministries, the Church Army in Canada was an arm of the Anglican Church of Canada. https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A2KIbMmZtlxfgr8AfAxXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3BpdnM-?p=Colorado%27s+54+mountains+over+14%2C000+feet&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tL3NlYXJjaD9wPUNvbG9yYWRvJTI3cys1NCttb3VudGFpbnMrb3ZlcisxNCUyQzAwMCtmZWV0JmZyPXlmcC10JmVpPVVURi04JmZwPTE&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEISlnTYBLx3KDJL_xRYYnaCdIr9BSWl_6CdDR3O1LQXgv-YYa9Y0xBSI3aHt2eQou5Ky-vzRLS_85NAmdJREs4jkUuW4vlOA9ChXW7MrBJPVDe3Xd0MN4L624sIzfssujorojbn3e-xSj8G4uZaqyE8SA-Lf-l1KchC5_2P-CeX&_guc_consent_skip=1599911721#id=0&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Ffarm4.staticflickr.com%2F3463%2F3277252724_e01b32ac92_z.jpg%3Fzz%3D1&action=close. Weve had a lot of struggles intense poverty and failed dream after failed dream. One evening, in the yard between Unit 5 and the main building, I asked Chaplain Paul to forgive me if I had hurt or offended him, saying that we as Christians need to forgive and to let go of hate and anger. by. How then did Christian doctrine evolve into such complexity? Certainly Jesus did come bearing grace and truth but above all he came with love. But it was mostly your writings that got me through this period of several years. This is what the little girl recalled. If not, are you thinking of having it translated? Enough of this. We desperately need people to speak some spiritual sanity here. Excellent question. Certainly there is nothing wrong with pointing out in love, errors to people you know well enough to do so. Your books were the one who told me to believe, it was Gods plan that eventually revealed in my familys life. In 2009, I reported physical abuse at The Bethany Group, a long-term care facility in Camrose where I was the chaplain. My concern is this: Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, the life. The ground feels like it has been shifting as I am re-examining much of what I was taught growing up in the church, and I have felt quite alone in knowing who to turn to to talk about my long felt but newly realised doubts. I am really curious about forgiveness. Scott, I would like to say yes and normally I would. I just wanted to say that your book, Reaching for the Invisible God, has brought me much-needed hope during an unprecedented and unexpected period of doubt in my life. This is not a real good answer, but it is all we have. All the editions of the book itself, regardless of cover, are the same. Thank you in anticipation of your time and attention. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Hi, Gordon, Thank you for having the heart of Christ. Carl Sagan popularized the phrase, Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Yes Carl, yes. Ive recently been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, an illness not considered an illness by everyone but me, the psychologist, and a friend. We get to churches and Bible studies and find ourselves being judged for having no children. YWAM shamed me for being SSA, abused me and gave me an image of God as someone who hated me for not making me into a Hetosexual and an image of myself of shame. I have given so many copies of that book out, I have lost count. It would be great to receive some of your books to add to our library. A merciful God, he explained. How poignant, James. It took me a while to finish the book as am I not only a slow reader; I also like to read books like this and then reflect on parts of them before continuing ; so as not to trivialize any one point. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. I went through much pain with the Salvation Army anger over them loosing their stronghold. Besides politics, were everyday closer to a hate speech that really scares me. Its a very confusing (and contentious) topic. Like me, they are beggars of grace. These are profound words that leave me with questions. Hes obviously not a Christian (its not even clear he believes in God) but he clearly takes the Bible seriously, and its refreshing to see that from someone in the elite. We met one time at Montreat as I am also familiar with some of Dr. Brands hand surgery and I asked you about him. Thanks for your time. Most of it is focused on his childhood and college years. I explained that the depression had resulted from bullying by my own licensor, Threshold Ministries, as well as my own Anglican bishops, Alberta government officials and the Edmonton police. Im a mixture of all of these as a lot of people are. In recent years, though, it embraced more and more of what I term evangelical culture and sadly became quite intolerant both in teaching and in practice. There is nothing in Johns account to suggest she was an amoral woman. Philip, [] Ningum tem expressado a dor e a injustia deste mundo melhor do que J. Thanks for the invitation. And I need to review the book to see what you mean about my comments on prayers of other religions. I fell now I will have to say I am sorry to my children after reading your book. Thats good youre asking these questions while young! I do not remember now for which publication. I went straight to the Wardens office and complained, and Warden Clovis came out with me and we went around to the door where I had been instructed to go through by V and C. There, the Warden was confronted by an angry Mr. French, who told him they were searching an inmate. I am a student who is currently studying at a bible college in Australia. I am now beginning to feel guilty as I have been spending more time reading about prayer than actually praying. For some kind of answer, for some kind of hope, for some kind of a break. I have really enjoyed the perspectives you offer. I life what Im learning and experiencing as I explore widely, but we also want to settle somewhere. You were a gracious captive as we discussed our journey with Jacob. I would say that Judaism, for the most part, puts less emphasis on the need for faith than Christianity usually does, and perhaps more emphasis on the importance of works. Philip. You intrigue me with your questions that I myself am too afraid to ask out loud. Were thankful for a solid church body who lets us be us. I admit I began it rather cynically (in fact, without the first few paragraphs on Watching, I dont know if I would have made it through the pain is actually good part). Putting the pieces together, I got the impression that he had ended the affair and that the dog handler blamed me for it. But its JESUS! As a nurse, I too have a deep concern for the poor, ostracised and suffering in any society, and hope to touch people in my sphere of influence by practical demonstrations of the love and grace of Jesus. You warm my heart, Hannah. So I am looking you up to ask for your feedback. We typically feature a different writing each week to every 2 weeks. And also work on the subject. We dont have to be totally open and honest with God but we CAN be. I packed up my things and was excited about the years of study ahead ,as I stood on the Train platform in Saint John waiting for the train to take me to Toronto and the Church Army,./now called Threshold Ministries. Philip. Thank you for all the books, especially the ones relating to the subject of suffering and pain. Please advise. And I have the strong sense that there are more chapters to come! Wrights books? Mary-Ann McKerchar, Thank you, Jeremy. God is always there when the eyes of faith are open. I never found a way that I could remain loyal to my Chinese heritage, and be Christian at the same time, it seemed to be asking me to say Who are you to me mother to my cultural heritage, and to the indigenous Spirit of this Land. At this point, we seek to see Gods love and reflect that love in our daily actions. Thats probably how people respond when I do the same thing. I am confused if I am just appropriating certain verses for my self while the fact could be theyre meant for the ancient Israelites (Exodus 14:14; often used as a modern-day encouragement) or other groups or individuals. (When they hit the teenage years, that is a different story, of course!) I heard you questioning the movement of evangelicals towards Trump, and I totally agree with you! I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. You bring joy to my soul. Yancey's account opens during his college years, when he discovers, by accident, how his father actually died at age 23, when Yancey was one and his brother, Marshall, was three. Thank you for your concern for him. You asked at the end Why doesnt God do what we want Him to? and Why dont we act the way God wants us to? Yanceys faith started to break apart late in high school, when he realized the church had lied to him about race. There must be a God, not just because Creation rings with Him, but also because in all of these deep and lonely breakings He has continued to help me praise Him again. Perhaps I will continue to struggle with guilt for a very long time. There, I was told by two lawyers that my dismissal was unacceptable. CBN.com - ALAMOSA, COLORADO (ANS) -- Author and Christianity Today writer Philip Yancey was injured in an automobile accident Feb. 25, but has written about his experience in order to quell rumors that are circulating about what happened. In the process he interviewed diverse people enriched by their personal faith, such as President Jimmy Carter, Habitat for Humanity founder Millard Fuller, and Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern hospice movement. Think of someone you love, especially if you have children, think of them. At the lowest point of her illness, she sometimes falled down when walking, because her weak mussle could not withstand the weight of her body. John W. I am one of those little old ladies in the pew. When I became a Christian everything was black and white. When he received the card letting him know a tree had been planted in his mothers memory in the Holy Land, Paul became enraged and blew up at me, shouting very loudly, Israel belongs to the Palestinians, not the Jews!. But, Atlanta has changed so much that I live an hour or so away (just far enough!). It hasnt been an easy journey, trying to navigate waters that have proven to be easily aggrieved, sorting through our differences, and wondering if we would ever be able to come together as one to worship the God we both love but view through different coloured lenses. Philip. With so many frustrations, family pressures and finding no meaning in life, I began to flood in a sea of sadness, self-pity, guilt, negative thoughts, excessive complaints and envy. In return, I became a target of the same abuse. I have had the book Where is God when it Hurts? To this date I have still not received the results of this investigation. The members of the class are diverse theologically, including some whose beliefs are evangelical but who would shun that identity given the current political environment. It simply was not strong enough. Philip Weighs 185 lbs (83.9 kilograms) in 2021. I wish I could help, Mariana, but its impossible for me to send an e-book to another country. Philip. The last weeks has been kind a nightmare full of choices, challenges and doubts. Some authors might have found revisiting such scenes traumatizing, but for Yancey, writing the memoir proved cathartic. Your letter reminds me why I dont. Roman control of mens beliefs and he followed through to conspire, Rome strategically designed a state religion and Christianity was crafted As I became more immersed in doctrine and theology, I found that my long-time experience in teaching was a gift from God, and should be applied in church. Later, when puzzling over the dog handlers aggressive behavior towards me, I remembered an encounter with another guard earlier that same month. Doing so I reached a woman who told me it was her daughters phone. I also felt such a kindred spirit with you by the various authors you referenced because many of them are ones that I have read over my lifetime and I was surprised that anyone else today would have read some of these. Philip, Dear Mr. Yancy, In short, you are better than that, Mr. Yancey, and I hurt for you because you do not seem to want to admit it. Is there someone I can contact for permission? The Message by Eugene Peterson is a paraphrase in modern, sometimes casual English which is more subjective, though Peterson is quite trustworthy. Dear Philip, I have just finished reading Where the Light Fell. Delving into church history that led to the reformation has made me feel desperately sad at how christians through the ages have allowed politics, power play, and fear, divide what Christ united. Some reacted mercifully with peaceful speech while others were hateful with a condemner speech. The reason was a stores propaganda where we could see a clear apology to Gender Ideology. I ran into Youth With a Mission again in 1979 while working for Barry Mc Guire and Rev Jean Darnell and a Team touring the UK. 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