The basics / foundations were covered in an appropriate manner so that the text will not become out of date very quickly. Special interest topics also fail to mention Canadian content (for example, laws governing reproductive technologies and designer babies). I did not find any obviously inaccurate information in the book, so I would agree with the statement that the content is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. The abstracts are a good concise summary of what the chapter intends. There are many examples (e.g., government regulations such as the FDA, examples of careers) that are American and explicitly not Canadian. There is adequate coverage of evolutionary processes and mechanisms of speciation in later chapters. ions neutrons neutral atoms isotopes 6. Furthermore, in a classroom of 300 students, I probably have 3-12 gender-non-conforming students who feel that statements such as these deny their existence, causing them to readily give up on "science." document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If the images were to be integrated more into the text using close wrapping it may improve the accessibility and make the text feel less intimidating. The text is very well organized and the material flows well. However, I actually find this quite refreshing, in that there is more of an emphasis on essential information. (ID: 349a8a47e1d944c18f9bdae4af018fe7) electrophoresis technique used to separate DNA fragments according to size helicase The book is quite comprehensive and covers all aspect of biology that one can choose from to cover in an introductory biology course. At a time when inclusion strategies in education are critical, this is a part of the text I feel needs the most revision. 1 Review Questions - Biology 2e | OpenStax 4. The overall organization of topics is very sensical as it goes from "small-scale" Biology (cells, DNA, etc.) The index at the start of the text is very useful for navigation. The resolution of the figures is not great when you zoom into study the details. I recommend this book highly. It was easy to download and view. All areas of introductory biology were covered. And I do keep an eye out for that sort of thing. For example, Figs. Reading sections seem appropriate. The book highlights different career paths for students in each respective field of biology using engaging real-world examples, and explicitly calls out areas that cause frequent confusion for students (for example, the difference between weather and climate when discussing climate change, and common misunderstandings about the process of evolution. Overall, this chapter is consistent in its use of terminology and concepts. Also, the degree of taxonomic detail given for clades varied seemingly at random. In some cases, the text over-focuses on certain topics while omitting others. If you enter into a new tab, you can see the images better in some cases, but this may not be the case for those that print out the book. For the topics most commonly covered (Cellular Resipration, Mitosis, etc), this book does a good job. I am reviewing this textbook not for a first year course in introductory biology, but for a second-year one-semester course on the integrative biology of animals. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, Reviewed by Raj Nathaniel, Professor, Nicholls State University on 2/8/17, This textbook is mostly suitable for 100 level introductory biology for non-majors. The contents list expands readily, and the names of the chapters mirrors those in the competitor texts. With the general misunderstandings of the biological concepts of race, integrating the scientific answer to "are there human races?" This textbook is comparable to several widely used college-level textbooks such as Campbell Biology, Biological Science by Freeman et al. bond formed by a dehydration reaction between two monosaccharides with eliminating a water molecule. I saw a handful of images that were ambiguous enough to construe as possibly portraying people of color, but only one photograph (portraying gouty toes) was from someone with a dark complexion. I noted several examples and I am sure that there are many more. I noted several examples in which material is explained clearly in one part of the text, with inaccurate or inconsistent information in other places. On a more negative note, a reference was made to "hard" and "soft" sciences with biology being called a "hard" or quantitative science which was identified as different from the more qualitative or "soft" social sciences. Not sure how often they update, but it would be easy to do in an online platform. Reviewed by Lisa Johansen, Senior Instructor, University of Colorado Denver on 4/20/20, The text book covered all the chapters I would assign for first semester General Biology course at the college level (Molecules to Cells). Figure 3.32 is not helpful and does not show H-bonding or antiparallel arrangement clearly. The textbook is divisible into smaller reading sections and it is self-referential. Although there were some minor figure errors which I did not find in the traditional textbook, there was effectively no difference in accuracy. 17. There is a nice, seamless transition between sections contributed by different authors. The text does an excellent job of focusing on the content and providing examples from around the world. While not in detail, most of the material covered gives the reader a basic understanding of various biological processes. Also, the glossary has terms that are not fully defined. I looked over the major sections that I regularly teach (chapters 1-16) and I didnt run into any inaccurate information. I found it to be very clear and concise, yet still containing the rigor you would expect of a major's level textbook. One unfortunate (in my mind) example is that a photo featuring Watson and Crick is present, yet there is no photo of Rosalind Franklin (though her name is mentioned in the text). It is mostly a long long list of descriptive paragraphs. Readers will get the impression that multiple authors contributed. This doesnt always correlate with the amount of material covered in each section (e.g., Section 45.3 is pretty dense but only has three Review Questions). Nitrogen fixation and plant defenses are not well explained, and deamination and cation exchange dont come up in a search. As a host, you should also make arrangement for water. The online interface is clear, easy to use, and free of problems. I did not find any instances of cultural insensitivity. Could these figures, tables, and text link to online databases (e.g., that are retrieving species data on a more regular basis? The video goes on to claim that genes on autosomes have nothing to do with gender. This is patently false. I had problems with the interface for several of the animations I tried: a few took me to pages that didn't work (in either Chrome or Explorer), some opened a TED talk or YouTube video in my browser window and when I wanted to navigate back to the text, I had to wait for the entire pdf to load. I think the book is of equal quality, scientific rigor, and depth as any mainstream introductory biology textbook currently on the market. The text is easy to read as a PDF and in book form. I found nothing in this chapter which could be construed as offensive or insensitive. Many biology textbooks seem to be set up this way and I think this organization makes the material flow well. The applied examples make great connections for students. enzyme. read more. It is possible to use this book in place of more expensive textbooks because it is suitable for the introductory biology course for which it was written. Of the Career Connection vignettes that do have photographs, it appeared to me that all people shown were light skinned and only one was likely to be female-identified. Headings and subheadings are clearly labeled so sections can be found easily. A few are important to correct, especially given that we push students to understand the need for precise use of science terminology and vocabulary (e.g., Section 34.2 is titled "Nutrition and Energy Production," which might confuse a student who has learned that "energy can neither be created nor destroyed."). Climate change was not well covered. read more. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. This book follow the traditional, and most widely used, manner of organization for the sequence of chapters and topics, which allows for a logical flow of content. There is not a glossary, which would be helpful, but new terms are generally in bold. ATP. However, I firmly believe that these small errors are mainly in sections that would not be covered in most one-semester courses, and could easily be clarified by the professor if they were covered. Each section is consistently laid out and includes a glossary, chapter summary and review questions for students. read more. Reviewed by Kate Pettem, Instructor, Biology, Camosun College on 10/9/13, The text is well-written and easy to read and understand. I fe. The contents list expands readily, and the names of the chapters mirrors those in the competitor texts. For example, the terrestrial biomes section on temperate forests has some information that is omitted and therefore is misleading. A few images had some distortion of text. This organization facilitates the assignation of reading material for the students. The smallest unit of biological structure that meets the functional requirements of living is the ________. This single grammar mistake was found on pg. The writing style is easy to read and is well written for the freshman/sophomore level. On page 676, the text confounds green algae and charophytes, referring to all green algae as charophytes. This textbook reads much like any other textbook. There is a bit of redundancy when talking about amino acid structure, as every time amino acids are mentioned, there is also the mention of the amino group and carboxyl group. This text avoids the use of ethnocentric names and concepts as far as I can see. The level of depth of material is consistent enough as well that the information covered is "accurate" to the level required for the text book. The authors have done a wonderful job incorporating current research in a broad perspective so that it can be updated without major changes to the content. The structure makes sense and is consistent with most presentations of this material. read more. As I have mentioned in a previous section, the online version has a table of contents above the text that highlights where you are in the book: by unit, chapter, and subsection. Reviewed by Joan Sharp, Senior Lecturer, Simon Fraser University on 10/9/13, The text covers most necessary areas, but not always with clarity or accuracy. But I confess that I was not look closely at the grammar. read more. These are clearly presented and provide simple ways for students to connect the material to their own lives. To fix this, I would recommend that authors periodically check and change these links accordingly. The text is relevant, and it should remain so for some time. Chapter 7 was broken down into small, manageable sub-sections which could be easily assigned to students. I wish that any textbooks would explain what actually happens to proteins when phosphorylated and dephosphorylated, rather than solely referring to changes in energy state. This textbook includes more depth than the current publisher's edition. The introduction to scientific approach and the culture of science is generally good. Material is presented in an engaging way with practical examples that students can easily relate to. Webopening section of a scientific paper that summarizes the research and conclusions. Independent Assortment is discussed in 12.3 along with Linkage, but Linkage section did not provide any information about determining the distance between and order of genes on chromosomes. I must admit that at first glance this book looked to me to be much less glitzy than traditionally published books, without all the bells and whistles, the fancy graphics and human interest stories. read more. However to meet I am not as excited about the flow of information in this text, but it can be rearranged to fit individual college's needs. The variation of individuals within a species is due to genetic factors, environmental factors, and their interactions. d. the degree of inbreeding in a population Frequently, however, the flow seems stilted and information presented out of context or out of order. Although the book will be most naturally adoptable for courses that deliver content in this same order, the book should be flexible enough to allow instructors to adapt it to their own ordering of topics. Overall, I think it is a good text. The format and terminology are consistent across units and chapters. However, as the text reads currently, some "self-referencing" will be necessary to maintain connections among chapters and between sections within chapters. The topics are presented in a format that is typical and logical for a large introductory biology text. Of course other organizing principles are possible, and perhaps desirable; for example the AAAS Vision and Change core concepts in biology. The order of topics is also similar to other books and follows a logical progression: process of science, chemistry, cell biology, genetics, evolution, biological diversity, plant structure/function, animal structure/function, and ecology. In Chapter 19, the discussion of some evolutionary mechanisms, e.g., nonrandom and assortative mating, is very sketchy. This text was broken into subjects similar to other textbooks, so converting my study guides to match OpenStax was usually fairly straightforward. Reviewed by Christopher Sorenson, Instructor, St. I did not find any grammatical errors when using this book. are licensed under a, Atoms, Isotopes, Ions, and Molecules: The Building Blocks, Connections between Cells and Cellular Activities, Structure and Function of Plasma Membranes, Potential, Kinetic, Free, and Activation Energy, Oxidation of Pyruvate and the Citric Acid Cycle, Connections of Carbohydrate, Protein, and Lipid Metabolic Pathways, The Light-Dependent Reactions of Photosynthesis, Using Light Energy to Make Organic Molecules, Signaling Molecules and Cellular Receptors, Mendels Experiments and the Laws of Probability, Eukaryotic Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation, Eukaryotic Translational and Post-translational Gene Regulation, Viral Evolution, Morphology, and Classification, Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections, Other Acellular Entities: Prions and Viroids, Structure of Prokaryotes: Bacteria and Archaea, The Evolutionary History of the Animal Kingdom, Superphylum Lophotrochozoa: Flatworms, Rotifers, and Nemerteans, Superphylum Lophotrochozoa: Molluscs and Annelids, Superphylum Ecdysozoa: Nematodes and Tardigrades, Animal Nutrition and the Digestive System, Transport of Gases in Human Bodily Fluids, Hormonal Control of Osmoregulatory Functions, Human Reproductive Anatomy and Gametogenesis, Fertilization and Early Embryonic Development, Climate and the Effects of Global Climate Change, Environmental Limits to Population Growth, Behavioral Biology: Proximate and Ultimate Causes of Behavior, The Importance of Biodiversity to Human Life,,, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, shells 1 and 2 are full, and shell 3 has nine electrons, shells 1, 2 and 3 are full and shell 4 has three electrons, shells 1, 2 and 3 are full and shell 4 has one electron, shells 1, 2 and 3 are full and no other electrons are present. Putting these pieces together would help students gain a more unified understanding of cellular respiration as one component of larger biological processes. I think my students will have an easier time following this book than some of the publishers' textbooks that appear to be written for more upper level students than freshmen. It feels up to date; there is a link to an online genome browser, for example. Acids, but not bases, can change the pH of a solution. I found chapters and subheadings on nearly every topic that I expected to see in a biology text for majors. Presentation is straightforward, but I find that supplementing with additional web based teaching tutorials and videos, compliments this basic text. P.464 I think a microarray image is very important here. Cell biology gets more cursory coverage and evolution is surprisingly The Inheritance chapters stood out as chapters that had significantly less detail than common commercial textbooks-- a big disappointment if you love that topic and also a missed opportunity to provide more information about inheritance in humans. 2. The flow of the chapters themselves is fine. There are no problems regarding cultural insensitivity. The organismal themes are oriented toward animal function and structure (which can be found in the majority of the book), with only a cursory coverage of plant structure and function (similar to what is found in the majority of biology textbooks). Reviewed by Rhonda Hattar, Professor, Community College of Aurora on 8/12/20, Like most Biology textbooks, this was hit or miss for me. In the introductory chapters, they are heavily focused on careers relating to health and medicine, but there are a few mentions of professions relating more toward ecology. This book is laid out just like the other major paper textbooks, like Campbell and Raven textbooks. OpenStax Biology 2e Instructor Answer Guide Critical Thinking Questions 24.Describe the different cell types and their functions in sponges. read more. Ex-Chinese use of various techniques to treat physical ailments, Syrian environmental migrants and disease they may endure as a result of their conditions. 2.15 I didn't notice any culturally insensitive statements or examples in the text. Reviewed by Eric Goff, Biology Professor, Midlands Technical College on 3/22/21, Content-wise, Biology -2e very closely aligns itself with most traditional introductory Biology text books. The chemistry chapter and many others have animations to help teach concepts that are better learned through visualizations, but some chapters do not have interactive animations that are very helpful in learning tough concepts like chemical bonding, building a molecule or diffusion and osmosis. 2 Review Questions - Biology 2e | OpenStax Review Questions Review Questions Highlights 4. This is an excellent resource for instructors and students. For my own satisfaction- I would have liked to see the citations but lack of it does not make the book any less effective. The clarity of the text is very well done. I didn't see anything that made this book more or less culturally relevant than other texts. These provide real world examples as to why they are learning these topics and how they can be applied to a career or are being used by other scientists and professionals. Most of the descriptions and illustrations in these chapters and those below are useful ones that are equivalent to those in most other textbooks. Unless I missed it, the R in Figure 2.27 is undefined. 54 27 100 108 5. The vast majority of the content is accurate. Some chapters contain references to "recent work" that will not be recent in a few years, although the text also does not give specific years the work was published. Physiology and anatomy covering the basic structure and function of animals. I could see having to recreate a few key figures to use this textbook. This text book is an excellent teaching tool. There are no citations within the text to reference where the facts in the text were researched. bond formed by a dehydration reaction between two monosaccharides with eliminating a water molecule. The text book used various external resources with both female and male voices. The presentation of its text and visuals provides a pleasant reading experience. Book reads like an easy nonfiction science read. I dont think this type of writing will attract any students to this type of text over a paper textbook. A compressed-air cylinder stands 100cm100 \mathrm{~cm}100cm tall and has internal diameter 20.0cm20.0 \mathrm{~cm}20.0cm. Which of the following sequences represents the hierarchy of biological organization from the most inclusive to the least complex level? It appears the text has been crafted to meet the needs of a general/non-major biology course that might be more human-biology based as well as a more typical (in my experience) two semester foundational course for biology majors. Overall, the organization is good, probably because it follows longstanding conventions. More vocabulary is presented which is a good thing to expose the students to. The book is comprehensive and suitable for use in a 2-semester (year long) college-level biology/science majors general biology sequence. read more. The authors do a great job of this important aspect. Which of the following statements is not true? For example, figures 7.6-7.8 all label the steps of the reactions taking place, which I found useful. The book is perfectly appropriate and not offensive. Viruses are not considered living because they ________. The Scientific Method Connections help to reinforce the process of science, which is always welcome in an introductory class. The problem is, I dont think I did a great job and I havent taught it again so modify and refine lessons. In any case it is an instructors responsibility to supplement with the latest understanding and findings as they may pertain to a course. I appreciated the occasional career connection boxes. Overall, I was pleased with the comprehensiveness of the text. Figure 1.16 is one example where the display issues make the figure almost useless. read more. The book is similar in scope to the textbooks mentioned above and follows a conventional topic and chapter sequence, with molecular and cellular topics (plus genetics and evolution) in the first part of the book and the more organismic topics and ecology occupying the rest of the book. All major topics I would normally include to cover this topic are included (central dogma, codons, protein folding, etc), as well as a section on prokaryotic transcription and eukaryotic transcription. Bar codes are used in many places for easy conversion as media changes. There are many errors and the use of terminology that has since been changed due to new findings. One thing that was kind of annoying is that you encounter hyperlinks for figure and you click it and it really doesnt do much. A typical concern with introductory texts is a lack of coverage in ecological concepts and this text does well in representing all aspects well. On page 30, the text says, Many organisms belonging to the Archaea domain live under extreme conditions and are called extremophiles. This would be fine if the text then went on to explain that we now realize that Archaea are far more widespread than previously thought, but the discussion ends there. The unit and chapter organization are logical, and comparable to other texts. Clark's Biology 2e (OER) is clear and uses simple language, the topics are present with correct and up-to-date information, and include pertinent visual aids such as diagrams, pictures, and photographs. - Many figures appear blurry in the pdf version of the text. The material is provided in a clear and succinct manner, a well-organized book with subheadings and appropriate level of reading smaller sections. Several examples and I havent taught it again so modify and refine lessons 30 the! 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