Management services fee per month = $7,500/24 = $312.5 From July 1 to December 31 of the current year, management services has been performed for 6 months. hand. D) Debit Salaries Expense and credit Salaries Payable. All rights reserved. $32,580 9/36 = $8,145. A) Accrued interest on notes payable. total contract is valued at $6,000, with payment received in advance. On November 1, Jasper Company loaned another company $100,000 at a 6.0% interest rate. d. demotions, For BUL's financial statement, list the accounting captions that would be most impacted by the two transactions and consider the potential impact (i.e Salaries Payable 1, The balance in the supplies account, before adjustment at the end of the year, is 5,330. D) A debit to a prepaid expense and a credit to an expense for $1,875. A customer is randomly sent to one of two different websites, offering the same products, but with different designs. = Olive follows a policy of recording all prepaid expenses to asset accounts at the time of cash payment. The company uses the The required adjusting entry is: Debit Office Supplies Expense $290 and credit Office Supplies $290. Each adjusting entry affects one or more income statement account, one or more balance Olive follows a pollicy of recording all prepaid expenses to asset accounts at the time of cash payment. A:First, find the cost of ending inventory and then deduct it from the total cost to compute the cost Q:Numble Inc., manufactures boxed stationery. Income Summary account has a credit balance of $6,000, and its Dividends account has a debit What will be the insurance expense on the annual income statement for the first year ended December 31? C) 53%. B) Is referred to as accumulated depreciation. Since the revenue recognition principle requires that revenues be recorded when earned, On July 1 of the current calendar year, Olive Co. paid $7,700 cash for management services to be performed over a two-year perlod beginning July 1. van during the first year ended December 31? Olive follows a policy of recording all prepaid expenses to asset accounts at the time of cash payment. . E) Book Value. Multiple Choice \end{array} Adjusting entries result in a better matching of revenues and expenses for the period. Which of the following accounts showing a balance on the post-closing trial balance indicate an error? All rights reserved. A company had no office supplies available at the beginning of the year. indicates that Flo's can cover its short term liabilities with its short term assets. The adjusting entry on December 31 of the current year for Olive would include: 1 See answer All rights reserved. The Unearned Rent account balance at the end of December, after adjustment, should be: $2,400 Retained earnings 124,800 The prepaid insurance account had a beginning balance of 4,500 and was debited for 16,600 of premiums paid during the year. Actual price per meter = $382,500/62,500 m D) Expense recognition (Matching) principle. The work sheet is a required report made available to external decision makers. Accrued salaries and wages at July 31, 900. Debit Salaries expense $23,000 On December 1, Orenthal Marketing Company received $7,500 from a customer for a 2-month marketing plan to be completed January 31 of the following year. $1, A:If the carrying value of the bonds is more than the redemption value, then there will be gain on red Q:P21.11 (LO 2, 3) Groupwork (Lessee-Lessor Accounting for Residual the Balance Sheet or Statement of Retained Earnings Credit column. On July 1 Olive should record: A debit to a prepaid expense and a credit to Cash for $7,500. On July 1 Olive should record: 1 See answer Advertisement jepessoa Answer: The journal entry to record this should be:; 10,000 recorded. The cash basis of accounting is a system in which revenues are recorded when earned and A company performs 20 days of work on a 30-day contract before the end of the year. the expense accounts, and the dividends account to retained earnings. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. \text{Liabilities}\\ are earned and matching expenses to those revenues is: Copyright 2019 McGraw-Hill Education. Olive follows a policy of recording all prepaid expenses to asset accounts at the time of cash payment. The adjusting entry on December 31 of the current year for Olive would include: Product costs are direct material, direct labor and manufacturing Overheads. (per unit) If Bojana Tax Services' office supplies account balance on March 1 was $1,050, the company purchased $600 of supplies during the month, and a physical count of supplies on hand at the end of March indicated $1,250 unused, what is the amount of the adjusting entry for office supplies on March 31? . A market analyst wants to know if the new website he designed is showing increased page views per visit. Total expenses 93,600 Total Debit Supplies Expense $805 and credit Supplies $805. Ending Retained earnings Balance = Beginning Retained earnings Balance + Revenues Expenses DividendsEnding Retained earnings Balance = $25,500 + $80,200 $58,800 $13,500 = $33,400. Castillo Services paid K. Castillo, the sole shareholder of Castillo Services, $5,500 in dividends during the current year. Additional information from the accounting records: a. All plant assets, including land, are depreciated. The prepaid insurance account had a beginning balance of 9,600 and was debited for 12,900 of premiums paid during the year. A) A debit to Unearned Fees and a credit to Cash for $500. B) Cost principle. Journalize the adjusting entry required if the amount of unearned fees at the end of the year is 3,600. d. the repression of disturbing thoughts. 22,250 What is the amount of revenue that should be recorded by Garcia Publishing Company for the first year of the subscription assuming the company uses a calendar-year reporting period? $1,200 3 = $3,600 earned B) A debit to Rent Revenue and a credit to Unearned Rent for $2,400. Adjusting entries always affect the cash account. A worksheet can be helpful in showing the effects of proposed or "what if" transactions but A company's post-closing trial balance has total debits of $40,560 and total credits of Ending Retained earnings Balance = Beginning Retained earnings Balance Net Loss DividendsEnding Retained earnings Balance = $297,000 $33,600 $38,400 = $225,000. The company will record consulting revenue \text{Deferred tax liability}& 18& 15\\ Garcia Company rents out a portion of its building to Jerry Company for 1,000 per month. C) Cash basis accounting. ledger after all closing entries are journalized and posted. D) $3,500. On July 1 Olive should record: In what ways would managing temporary workers be easier than managing traditional permanent employees? The cash receipt was recorded as unearned fees. E) Time period principle. 18,375 Become Premium to read the whole document. The periodic expense created by allocating the cost of plant and equipment to the periods in understates current period income. Assuming the company does not prepare reversing entries, which of the following entries would be prepared to record the $5,600 payment of salaries in January of the following year? C) Land. E) Correct errors in the accounting records. Which of the following entries would be used to close the dividends account? A) Debit Unpaid Salaries and credit Salaries Payable. Here are the page views from five randomly selected customers from each website: c) What are the sample variances for each website? Olive follows a policy of recording all prepaid expenses to asset accounts at the time of cash payment. year period. Ending Retained earnings Balance = Beginning Retained earnings Balance + Net Income DividendsEnding Retained earnings Balance = $110,000 + $110,000 $41,000 = $179,000. The furniture is estimated to have a useful life of 4 years and a salvage value of $4,000. record the salaries earned but unpaid is: A:1. closure. The entry to close the Income Summary account at the end of the year, after revenue and expense accounts have been closed, is: Debit Income Summary $84,300; credit Retained earnings $84,300. During the closing process, Retained Earnings is closed to the Dividends account. books of Kingsley Ltd.: The prepaid insurance account had a balance of 7,000 at the beginning of the year. The daily profit for a product is given by P=420x0.1x24100P=420 x-0.1 x^2-4100P=420x0.1x24100 dollars, where x is the number of units produced and sold. move the portion of these fees that has been earned to a revenue account, one effect will be: Financial accounting is one of the branches of accounting in which the transactions arising in the business over a particular period are recorded. There was no beginning balance in the Unearned Revenue account for the period. The cash basis of accounting commonly increases the comparability of financial statements 4 years = $7,500 A benefit of using a work sheet is that it aids in the preparation of the financial statements. D) A credit to a prepaid expense and a debit to Cash for $7,500. D) An understatement of liabilities. On April 1, Garcia Publishing Company received $3,348 from Otisco, Inc. for 36-month subscriptions to several different magazines. Accordingly, the company should review for errors in the closing process. E) Equipment. E) Affect only equity accounts. \text{Accounts receivable} &181 &170\\ 10 specified accounting procedures. AssetsCashAccountsreceivableLess:AllowanceforuncollectibleaccountsPrepaidinsuranceInventoryLong-terminvestmentLandBuildingsandequipmentLess:AccumulateddepreciationTrademarkLiabilitiesAccountspayableSalariespayableDeferredtaxliabilityLeaseliabilityBondspayableLess:DiscountonbondsShareholdersEquityCommonstockPaid-incapitalexcessofparPreferredstockRetainedearnings$57181(8)717066150290(85)24$852$3031868145(22)3109550155$852$55170(6)1216590150270(75)25$856$458150275(25)290850163$856, NATIONALINTERCABLECOMPANYIncomeStatementForYearEndedDecember31,2021($inmillions)RevenuesSalesrevenue$320Investmentrevenue15Gainonsaleofinvestments5$340ExpensesCostofgoodssold125Salariesexpense55Depreciationexpense25Amortizationexpense1Baddebtexpense7Insuranceexpense13Interestexpense30Lossonsaleofbuilding42298Incomebeforetax42Incometaxexpense20Netincome$22\begin{array}{lrr} Skis The adjusting entry on December 31 of the current year for Olive would . \text{Inventory }&170& 165\\ A company earned $3,920 in net income for October. \text{Prepaid insurance}& 7 &12\\ Bonds Payable The entry to close the income summary account will be: Debit Retained earnings $25,000; credit Income Summary $25,000. This result implies that Cleaver 19 \text{Interest expense}& 30\\ Flagg records adjusting entries at its December 31 year-end. High Step Shoes had annual revenues of $186,000, expenses of $104,200, and paid dividends of $18,400 during the current year. B) Debit Salaries Payable and credit Salaries Expense. A) Accrued expense. On January 1, a company purchased a five-year insurance policy for $1,800 with coverage A company owes its employees $5,000 for the year ended December 31. A) Items that require contra accounts. It represents compa Q:Salary of employee [ Choose] On July 1 Olive Co. paid $7,500 cash for management services to be performed over a two-year period. Fragmental Co. leased a portion of its store to another company for eight months beginning on October 1, at a monthly rate of $1,225. Assuming adjustments are only made at year-end, the adjusting entry on specific time periods such as months, quar, 3) Interim financial statements report a co, 4) A fiscal year refers to an organization's, 6) Adjusting entries result in a better matc, 8) Adjusting entries are necessary so that, 9) The expense recognition (matching) principle does not aim to record exp, accounting period as the revenue earned a, 10) The revenue recognition principle is t, 11) The cash basis of accounting commonly increases the, 12) Under the cash basis of accounting, no adjustments are made for pr, 13) Since the revenue recognition principl, there are no unearned revenues in accrual, 14) The expense recognition (matching) principle requires tha, accounting period as the revenues that are, 16) The cash basis of accounting recognizes revenues when cash payments from cus, Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Give Me Liberty! \text{Common stock }&310 &290\\ 13 The correct adjusting entry for accrued and unpaid employee salaries of $9,900 on December 31 is: Debit Salary Expense, $9,900; credit Salaries Payable, $9,900. On May 1, a two-year insurance policy was purchased for $18,000 with coverage to begin NATIONALINTERCABLECOMPANYIncomeStatementForYearEndedDecember31,2021($inmillions)RevenuesSalesrevenueInvestmentrevenueGainonsaleofinvestmentsExpensesCostofgoodssoldSalariesexpenseDepreciationexpenseAmortizationexpenseBaddebtexpenseInsuranceexpense13InterestexpenseLossonsaleofbuildingIncomebeforetaxIncometaxexpenseNetincome$32015512555251730422984220$22$340. issuer of bonds and the lender are set fo A:A bond covenant is a legally binding term of agreement between a bond issuer and a bondholder. C) Affect both income statement and balance sheet accounts. b. Adjustments must be entered in the journal and posted to the ledger after the work sheet is Human resources is primarily concerned with the training of employees when it serves the best interest of the company. Direct materia A:Given details: Adjusting entries made at the end of an accounting period accomplish all of the following On January 1, 2021, it had te A:Biological assets available at the end of the year (December 31, 2021): Under the cash basis of accounting, no adjustments are made for prepaid, unearned, and The approach to preparing financial statements based on recognizing revenues when they Cross), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward). If investors observe multiple "red flags" when doing an accounting policy analysis, In its first year of operations, Grace Company reports the following: Earned revenues of The required adjusting entry includes a $4,000 debit to Unearned Revenue. D) An asset on the balance sheet. 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