Everyone has a different Ascendant so will have this transit at different times in their lives. I agree with you but I would take this a lot further. are places and times ruled by Neptune. Neptune Transits Opposition Jupiter This emotional serenity, although subtle, helps you solve problems naturally and intuitively. I had added another paragraph at the ned, similar to the natal aspect. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! I visited so many doctors and nobody has reasonable explanation. By some miracle, she obtained a passport and a visa that allowed her to move to England. This aspect softens your disposition somewhat, as you tune into your imaginative and artistic side. In 1988, after breaking my foot off, I told spirit that I did not have any more external physical body parts to contribute to the lesson I was supposed to be learning. But then it will square my Saturn and Uranus at 29 hopefully this will not be as hard, At 29 degrees, this is an Ending Cycle. The body may follow certain patterns. Clematis is the most important but, if you feel that you need additional support: BLACKBERRY (FES): A frequent problem experienced during a Neptune transit (or even a strong natal Neptune or Mars in Pisces) is ambivalence, confusion and an inability to translate goals and ideals into concrete action or viable activities. It is too easy to live in ones head, to philosophize rather than execute; vitality and willpower are both sluggish. If they had established proper boundaries at the beginning, they would never have allowed others to syphon off their energies and their sympathies. I did not fit in. You are able to see your work in better perspective. The fog made it impossible! In fact, this can feel very much like emotional commotion until you accept that the essential purpose of this transit is to open up your feelings in order for you to ultimately become more compassionate, emotionally aware, and devoted. You dont have to let your partners distort your self-image. Picture the Immune System as a sea. This turned out to be a great boon to my column. The entire enterprise that he described sounded highly suspicious but, under Neptune, you only see what you want to see and none of the complications whether this is a relationship, a financial situation or a business enterprise. Sometimes people experience a burnout of sorts that eventually leads them to take a different pathoften a more spiritually rewarding and fulfilling one. Neptune opposite Ascendant natal suggests your partners and your individual identity dissolve into each other to a certain extent. It is so damn difficult to distinguish my own feelings and what do others put on me. These tend to end in drama-filled watershed moments that reveal all the dirt that lay below the surface and their real intentions, which are very often unconscious to them but toxic for me. We ask you to consider to think of this wonderful element as a guide, a guardian; the carer of the soul of the body. When they owed me over $500, they said that I did not have a contract with them sono money! In fact, your physical appearance may seem to change constantly or it may be just out of reach. I'm thrilled to launch my new book, "Astrology. Even in traffic, I must be careful not to connect with another driver, especially negatively. Finances can suffer under this transit if you have a tendency to live on credit. Are we dancing with the fear of another time, of another life? I now keep a very wide gap between my own thoughts and those of others. Someone approached her and offered her a good job. Friends came to my rescue at a time when I felt in crisis. It is like the onion, layer upon layer. When a solar eclipse applies to conjunct your Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto, the effects may be even more subtle than they are with planets out through Saturn. I received a letter from the man that I had met in Slovenia. Neptune dissolves our psychological and physiological boundaries through the vehicle of confusion and ambivalence which allows us to float beyond our perceived limitations. There is a danger that you will be more impressionable, and this could lead to deceit from others if you are not careful. I did not have any social connections in the city on this trip but we found friends. This is in stark contrast to Saturns transits, which re-connect us to the tangible, material world. Let the images come. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. When I had returned from Europe in December 1996, a friend was startled by what she perceived as my energies having changed drastically. As Neptune notoriously dissolves boundaries, I lost that invisible defensive barrier that I have developed and maintained to protect me from what I feared rejection by others or having them take control of my life. Topic: Neptune conjunct Descendant : FieryAries9108 Knowflake . They paid her less than originally promised and they found excuses to hold back even that small amount. Neptune Transits Opposition Ascendant She highly recommended this product. Years of tears, I would say, with so much of the previous me having been dissolved. My trip to Europe in November 1996 was very different from my previous trips. She just didnt see intimate relationships clearly. When Saturn was transiting my 5th it was in conjunction with Jupiter in 2020 and I had a lot of fun and creative projects at home and in the garden (I guess Jupiter influence) but wasnt able to have fun anywhere else due to lockdown and travel restrictions (Saturn?). Required fields are marked *. You are easily charmed, and you must watch for a tendency to see what you want to see in romantic partners, rather than for who or what they are. You are responsive to all things pleasurable, possibly to the point of carelessness or laziness when it comes to tending to practical affairs. Your tolerant, accepting attitude makes relationships with others pleasant and positive. Is this energy to be translated? Several things happened my dad had a very successful by-pass surgery. In this culture, the abilities of the Empath often are reflected in how they deal with people psychologically and emotionally and often literally in their careers as well; people who can absorb and change energy. Your body is, in its deepest intent, at one with you. All of my friends are the result of a common interest in astrology. Just learning. A Neptune or Pluto transit over the angles is much rarer, and correspondingly deeper and more far-reaching. In women, this can cause menstrual cramping and osteoporosis. Engage yourself as a team in the process. Each of you must be very conscious now of focusing on when you need to be open, when it is time to be closed. These issues are: 1) DISSOLUTION OF BOUNDARIES, 2) STRANGE ILLNESSES, 3) BETRAYAL, DISAPPOINTMENT or DECEPTION. Only if you are totally healthy, wealthy and wise can you afford to be saving lost souls during this transit. The transiting South Node, by house or by conjunction, reveals the area (s) in which the dragon's tail is sweeping up karmic debris. That is exactly so. : ). I also have Mars in 12th, so no point resisting energies, just dive in. It expands your idealistic nature, and it can inspire a search for knowledge and truth. I M sharing my insights and hopefully it will resonate for some- also to receive some tips on how to navigate this intense transit, I believe I have written to you in private about BOUNDARY ISSUES under Neptune. Your email address will not be published. If I ate, she could eat yet I did not feel connected because my mother always criticized me for my weight, took me to the doctor as a child for a dietfor me, not her. Strange moods and feelings that you may never have experienced before come and go during this time period. Disconnectedness can feel like depression but it is a very different phenomena. You may feel distraught, lonely, or misunderstood by others as you seek something more from your life. But do consider that these events do not call upon you to judge, to turn away from, to dislike yourself, your actions, choices or outcomes. And, while opening your heart to new possibilities, be sure to use some common sense. I tend to just be completely receptive to whatever people want to pin on me not that its conscious, just more of a way of being. How have you noticed this influence? Instead take away the language of judgment and look at these things as those you simply must cope with events in your life that have come through the sea of being. The lessons of Neptune are to put us in touch with our creative skills, to learn to define boundaries for self and others (learning to say NO) and, with disappointment or betrayal, we embark upon a journey to discover our real Self. There can be a lot of sadness as this transit can stimulate a deep yearning for something more than just ordinary life. Avoid food in the nightshade family. Please if somebody has or had this transit and discover some solution, can you help me. You may become a victim of your own optimism! Glad to find this! For instance, if a cell is growing within and the Immune System recognizes this growth it may work against it. According to my friend, Astrid, Bach works on the physical body and FES works on the emotions. . Incorporating more imagination, compassion, and spirituality into these parts of your personality will help you to not only manage the transit, but to learn from it. Neptune opposition Ascendant is also known as Neptune conjunct Descendant or Neptune setting. At the same time pluto will also begin to square natal pluto loosely (10 degrees). Rather, it is that your image of perfection, your image of the naturalness of being is too limited, too rigid, too specific. Jamie, i feel like im in a lunatic asylum, im the lunatic, sane.. walking zombies everywhere, but they know much more than i care to admit. You are in touch with your more sensitive, spiritual qualities, and you are able to express a greater level of sensitivity and greater empathy than usual. *shudders*. I had always written Edgar Cayce and metaphysical articles that had very limited interest. In this discussion of the nature of the Empath, we are setting forth some principles and, in a way, activating your own knowledge of these things. It takes about 4 days for the effects to kick in but Clematis grounded me and it has allowed me to feel very normal. Neptune is only strong when it is aspecting planets in your chart. Yet you can redirect, re-educate this guide within. MEDICAL: Empaths do not retire Water Soluable vitamins Bs and C vitamins. Elisabeth. Is a part of me fearing what happened to Mother? My Adrenal of choice is by Nutri-Meds. Now you are going to come into your own period of more conscious honing of these abilities. I used to say that she would rather tell people that I had run off to join a Hippie Commune than becoming an astrologer. A powerful support for me has been the Bach and FES Flowers essences. Contact us. I personally experience Neptune by feeling ungrounded, a bit lost and I know that I am going through great changes but I have no idea HOW I am changing. Greater forgiveness and understanding in personal relationships. *You encounter people now who are very considerate, understanding and nonjudgmental. The spirit world seems real and possible. I was more interactive with people. Your email address will not be published. You may, for example, be inclined to take shortcuts or to not know where you are headed exactly, and attract negative influences as a result. Neptune Transits Trine Ascendant Even people who are normally punctual might find it hard to be on time during this transit. As I realize now, having my subtle body lifted from the physical, having slid out so to speak, I was indeed looking at my world from a different perspective, from my etheric body. We even engaged in conversations with drunks on the U-Bahn. Acceptance is, instead, honoring that you are part of many things and many aspects of living and that the conscious mind and the conscious self often can only see a certain view at a certain time. This could actually work in your favor depending on . I carried a lot of weight as a child for protection but this also further compounded the alienation and disconnection from others. Both opposition to Saturn (10th cusp Virgo). You may discover your own psychic or clairvoyant talents during this transit. Your desires are tender and compassionate. going with the flow is easier said than done. The Empath does not receive through channels in the same way. In fact, the outer world has become so pressing in its demands that youve partly lost contact with the inner one. Technical support support@astrolada.com. You can now Google for supplements that offer immune support. Neptune is actually transiting my midheaven. Neptune has been floating around my descendant for years. Not true! Connecting with interesting people makes for an experience, not just a vacation. I am a good speaker. In a job, you may take one set of information and make a translation for another group. When it comes to matters of the heart, the things you yearn for may not be mirrored in your experiences or romantic partner. Your values are shifting during the course of this long-term transit. Consider that what seems simple is always part of complexity and multiplicity. Neptune acts to dissolve what it touches. A square to Jupiter can manifest as a relationship that feels really good, but doesn't run smoothly. This book discusses the latest discoveries (at that time) in adrenal exhaustion. Sorry I just realised you meant transit Saturn. A loving marriage can become more romantic and spiritual. Chiron Trine North Node - Synastry, Transit, Composite. The native will, likely, learn the lessons of confidence and ego strength. Breathe in, breathe out. That is part of your job, your discoveries. We feel, it is very vital for each of you to begin very consciously addressing the energetic flow in your lives. Increased compassion and sympathetic awareness of others. This was a major turning point in my life. Your desires are tender and compassionate. Planets in Transits: Life Cycles for Living by Robert Hand. Now I could change my column and write it exactly as I wished. T Neptune conjunct Moon opposing Saturn is personal and it can indicate several things: 1) the health of a female family member can be affected, 2) Keep your property safe from invasion (people and insects), 3) with Saturn, there can be a job change. I may have an article on the lymphatic system on this website but my house is being renovated and I cannot access all of my files. But theres an alternative: trust the process. However, with Aquarius, relating is shifting towards the Transpersonal, with something bigger than the relationship involved in the connection, not needy or obsessive, more therapized with needs being spread out among the members of the community.. MADIA (FES): This remedy also addresses the mental ambivalence of produced by Neptune. When Pluto entered Sagittarius, I discovered a significant technique for defining boundaries directness in relating, putting your cards on the table, being honest about how you really feel and what you really want or expect. We planned a great trip. Every single thing you read, applies to you. Events that call upon you to meet challenges, to feel emotions, call upon you to redefine, perhaps, yourself, your goals or your understandings. You can never decide if you like your appearance or not. Neptune Transits Square Ascendant This can be interpreted as friendliness but it could get me into trouble if I am too open and connect unwisely. Transiting Neptune was opposing my 11th House Saturn. We lost ourAREmeeting place when she moved. The ambivalence of Neptune allowed me to tolerate the intolerable. Jane wonders if this type of diffused relating is not transitional because she does want an eventual partnering. Lived for 2,5 years with a man with Mars in Libra and Venus Pisces in square to Neptune on the Desc. Most doctors will write the off but Dr. John Pagano wrote about this a decade ago when he research the Edgar Cayce files. Also you should be very careful about consulting . There is a strong tendency to exaggerate and put on a front to impress others and gain the advancement that you seek. I just thought that I was doing something wrong but I had no idea what it was. When the Moon squared my Moon, my last surviving aunt passed away, followed by my cousin. I always felt that I could be abandoned by school mates at any moment. Mercury in the 12th can easily tune out of a conversation that is not stimulating. It is a point of transition wherein I must consciously establish this protection since I no longer have the weight or the psychological barrier to closeness. I like hearing how a person develops techniques that work. The family was so excited that I was doing this. When it is disturbed or thrown into motion like the sea, it can create peaks and valleys. Begin paying attention to your dreams, fantasies feelings, subtle impressions, inklings, and thoughts that seem unusual or unrelated to your usual way of thinking. Thank you for watching! Friends take me in because there is room for one person but never two peopleand, who would come with me? Dear Lynn, Its true Ive got Neptune transiting ever so slowly over my descendant. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. When the individual cannot concentrate, when there is low mental energy and when the individual is too easily distracted in the thinking, leaving lots of unfinished projects and tasks, Madia disciplines the mind with greater focus and concentration. Tendencies toward addictions and dependencies increase. You have Neptune in Libra, the sign that rules the 7th house which exacerbates your situation. In each city, I would connect with so-called strangers who willingly took me in and befriended me. As a result, we made sure to address this issue in the Positive Immunity Program guidebook; giving concrete examples of how you may get many responses to a suggestion on the tapes. This often occurs as we get older and it is indicated by low body temperature called Wilsons Syndrome. You are easily charmed, and you must watch for a tendency to see what you want to see in romantic partners, rather than for who or what they are. At first, the connection seemed tenuous but then I felt more firmly grounded. programmes in finance. It all goes swimmingly for awhile. Yet, even in Slovenia, people were friendly and I met a wonderful gentleman at breakfast who spent the day showing me around Ljubljana. It stimulates confidence that makes it easier to let others know what you really think and believe, to stand up for your convictions. What does the Moon rule in your chart? You're entering a period of time that will strongly test your focus in life and how you go about achieving your goals. My condition, however, was just the opposite. It may be difficult for others to understand you or you might be communicating in such a way that you are not clear. What if the 7th house angle is ruled by Pisces , change anything? On the other hand, you can be extremely inspired if your personality is extroverted, and/or if you work with Neptune instead of against it. When he left, I felt so alone, so lonely, that I never wanted to feel this way again. The transit of Neptune conjunct your natal Ascendant is an important transit in which the impression you make on others will change. Then, in November 1989, as the Berlin Wall came down, my house caught on fire. I am afraid that this has been true for me as well with Neptune. Olive Leaf, Wild Oregano and Peptides help the immune system. Am I dancing with a belief from childhood? The 12th house is also irrelevant unless the ruler of your DC sign is in the 12th. There have been money issues good and no-good. Translate your empathy and charitable feelings into acts of generosity and kindness. The other symptoms are connected with Leaky Gut Syndrome. Areas of expansion but possibly some confusion or unreal elements can include publishing, advertising, long-distance connections or travel, drama, and higher education. Although she spoke no English, she found employment with a family who greatly abused her and her ignorance of the language. With major disappointment in a significant relationship and life in general. Do you think 2H transit could make my mind more clear and get me much more active in life? However, change through dissolving what no longer works is still the prominent feature of a strong Neptune transit. My career was at the crossroads for the last few years, but now, I've firmly decided to chase my dreams - of being a teacher (something that i've been naturally good at, all along). She was overly protective. Within 3 days, my energy level soared and it gave a boost to my immune system. It felt like I had somehow been transported to a sister planet that looked exactly like planet earth yet something was different. THE FULL TESTIMONIAL FROM THE LATE PAT GEISLER: I still shudder remembering Neptune on my ascendant. Being totally honest and straightforward in all your dealings will lower the risk of being deceived or taken advantage of. I feel that the Bach Remedy,CLEMATIS, saved my life in 1997. My brother has Pisces Des and that alone is enough to match everything that goes under the above descriptions of Neptunian Piscean relationship issues that Elsa offered. Also quite a weight gain that Im wokring on to change now. A false set of ideals may mislead you and cause you to neglect your responsibilities and get lost in what will amount to a bunch of nothing. You can learn many things about yourself. Just wanting to say that I hear you! We visited the Hotel Orient which has a special reputation for afternoon liaisons. You tend to project your ideals and fantasies on others now, and not really see them objectively and clearly. There she found an entire spectrum of humanity and interests ranging from the conservatives who are anti-communist, the AFL-CIO representatives seeking to protect American jobs, the human rights activists, the Taiwanese and liberal congressional spokespersons. It has been so hard. Hi Leah, sorry about the confusion. I do not care what the lesson is but I want to learn it today. It takes 2 or 3 days to feel anchored but, if I miss a day, I start to disconnect quickly. I believe that a major Crisis of Disconnection came in 1986 when I decided to let go of The Amethyst Lecture Series, a series of monthly lectures free to the public. It is vital that when you come to recognize yourself as an Empath, and then let yourselves fully understand this element of your being. A man in the bar whom we presumed was the house gigolo told us a history of the hotel, local gossip and many personal stories. Dissolution of Boundaries There is a strong desire for peace and harmony, and perhaps some sense that you have to make sacrifices for that end. Distinguishing between what is real and what is deceptive and a false illusion. Use well-grounded and trusted friends or advisors to get a perspective on your thoughts and experiences now. These people saw another Lynn that I did not know existed. *You approach your work and important projects with an unusual degree of imagination, idealism, and optimism now. You try to help those in two different situations find the same language, to come to an understanding. Venus shows how you give and receive . First, Neptune never brings clarity. In writing my monthly e-column, my interpretation was tailored to the requirements of the editor. Astrologer Pat Geisler advises: Make NO choices based on new ethics, but only on the standards you had used all your life., Follow the routines you had created for yourself, accept the responsibilities that are yours without whining about it and just keep on plugging. [Wikipedia]. It dances with your fears, it dances with your stresses. You may be overlooking important details when it comes to money, and neglect of material concerns could impact your life now. Connecting with the divine feminine. Strange, unusual, even obsessive, feelings grip you now. Some of you might feel that youve lost your edge, or will to fight and take action. You are opening psychically at this time and its very important to do it in a balanced way, and in a positive, supportive, or at least non-threatening atmosphere. A more sensitiveeven mysteriouspersona is projected this year, and this can attract pleasantly unusual circumstances (and people) into your life. 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Mahidol University Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, Articles N