It gets you to think for yourself where you don't just surrender to the truth that they're trying to create in corrupt big media. [190] but the EcoHealth Alliance later admitted that under the grant it had enhanced a bat coronavirus so it became potentially more infectious to humans, which the NIH said was an "unexpected result" of the research it had funded that was carried out in partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. We need PATRIOTS who will defend her. Rep. Matt Gaetz's ex-girlfriend testified before a . "[295] In 2016, he called Galbn a "local student"; in 2017, he called Galbn "my helper". Gaetz closed his town hall by shouting Trump's 2016 campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again". Testimony from a former White House aide is the first indication that he sought a pardon for his own exposure related to the investigation. Mark Hertling, the commander of US forces in Europe and who oversaw the 2007-2008 "surge" in Iraq, challenged Congress Matt Gaetz after he derided a top US general for suggesting that teaching the . [68][71] After the hearing, Gaetz reportedly texted an apology to Cohen, who thanked him for it. Meet Ginger Luckey, a 26-year-old Harvard business student and the congressman's 'travel buddy', "Matt Gaetz, Republican in sex-trafficking investigation, marries in California", United States representatives by seniority, Members of the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida, Current members of the United States House of Representatives, List of acts of the 118th United States Congress,, Far-right politicians in the United States, Republican Party members of the Florida House of Representatives, Republican Party members of the United States House of Representatives from Florida, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 02:41. After Rep. Matt Gaetz accused a Florida lawyer of a $25 million extortion scheme to make sex trafficking allegations disappear, . And both won re-election to their seats just days ago. [142] Each side got equal time to question witnesses. Gaetz's attorney also claimed that an unnamed witness who knew Gaetz "observed no indication of impairment". Asked to clarify, he said his "tweet speaks for itself". [236][237], According to the 2021 reports, federal investigators were looking into Gaetz's September 2018 trip to the Bahamas. ", "Orange County venue cancels Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene's planned America First rally", "21 Republicans vote no on bill to award Congressional Gold Medal for January 6 police officers", "Accused murderer leads pledge before House Judiciary Committee", "Man Accused of Murder in Mason County Honored by Rep. Matt Gaetz, House Judiciary Committee", "Matt Gaetz Honors Accused Murderer at Committee Hearing", "Family of murdered man thankful for US Congressman's apology", "Rep. Matt Gaetz's very witness-tamper-y Michael Cohen tweet", "Trump ally threatens Cohen with unsubstantiated allegation of womanizing", "A high-profile Trump ally in Congress just straight-up threatened Michael Cohen", "GOP lawmaker says tweet about Cohen is 'witness testing, not witness tampering', "GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz apologizes for tweet targeting Michael Cohen", "Trump ally Gaetz apologizes for threatening Michael Cohen ahead of hearing", "Rep. Matt Gaetz facing investigation over tweet about Michael Cohen", "Rep. Matt Gaetz tweets cryptic warning to Michael Cohen ahead of hearing", "The winners and losers of Michael Cohen's House hearing", "Michael Cohen testifies before Congress: Live updates", "Gaetz sent apology text to Cohen after House testimony: report", "Rep. Matt Gaetz insists he didn't threaten Michael Cohen. The event opened with Rep. Jody Hice, who is . [174] In lobbying for the bill, he said that the open carry of weapons was a right "granted not by government but by God. [79], In July 2020, Politico reported that its investigation had found expenditures by Gaetz that appeared to violate the House ethics rules: spending tens of thousands of dollars for a speech-writing consultant and having a private company install a television studio in his father's home in Niceville, Florida, which Gaetz uses when he appears on television. [32] Bush emailed Gaetz about introducing a bill to change the 2016 Florida Republican presidential primary to an earlier date in order to benefit Bush, Florida's former governor. We need PATRIOTS who will defend her"[167] in support of Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old from Antioch, Illinois, who traveled to Kenosha, Wisconsin, and shot and killed two people and injured another claiming self-defense during the riots that occurred during the protests of the Jacob Blake shooting. [78] House rules explicitly disallow below-market rentals, and require that parties to such leases "have [not] had, [n]or continue to have, a professional or legal relationship (except as a landlord and tenant)". "[266], On April 1, 2021, CNN reported that Gaetz had shown pictures of naked women to colleagues on the House floor. Gaetz was criticized for hypocrisy because he had $476,000 of debt from his PPP loan forgiven. "I. [80] A statement from Gaetz's office said the arrangement complied with House rules, and that during the setup process, his office consulted with the House Ethics Committee and the House Administration Committee. Rittenhouse was arrested and charged with first-degree intentional homicide,[168][169] but was acquitted based on self-defense in November 2021. [62] Other members of Congress saw the tweet as an attempt to intimidate a witness. Rep. Matt Gaetz . In December 2017, Gaetz supported Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and said that the move would pressure Palestine to recognize Israel. "[216], As a Florida state representative in 2015, Gaetz and Representative David Richardson sponsored an amendment to repeal Florida's ban on same-sex adoptions. [18] In the special general election, Gaetz defeated Democratic nominee Jan Fernald with 66 percent of the vote. "[246] By the end of the Trump administration, Greenberg was under indictment, investigators had been questioning some Gaetz associates, and federal agents had seized the phone of one of Gaetz's former girlfriends. After Gaetz was arrested, he refused to take a breathalyzer test. [51], On January 10, 2021, House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy complained on a phone call that Gaetz was unnecessarily "putting people in jeopardy", noting that the rioters at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 "came prepared with rope". On April 7, Trump denied that Gaetz had asked him for a pardon and noted that Gaetz "totally denied the accusations against him". He's still being probed by the bureau", "Matt Gaetz Is a Congressman Liberals Love to Loathe. [190] He also claimed that the National Institutes of Health had given the Institute a $3.7 million grant. In 2019, Gaetz was one of 60 representatives to vote against condemning Trump's withdrawal from Syria. [223], In 2022, Gaetz was one of 39 Republicans to vote for the Merger Filing Fee Modernization Act of 2022, an antitrust package that would crack down on corporations for anti-competitive behavior. The son of prominent Florida politician Don Gaetz and grandson of North Dakota politician Jerry Gaetz, Gaetz was raised in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. '"[197][198] A Texas teenager tweeted a post mocking Gaetz, who responded with a photo of her that, according to NPR, implied his comments had touched a nerve; she used the incident to raise over $2 million for abortion funds. [11], Gaetz's father represented parts of Northwest Florida as a member of the Florida State Senate from 2006 to 2016, and was Senate president from 2012 to 2014. [15], Gaetz was unopposed for a full term in 2010. The . [199][200], On December 19, 2017, Gaetz was the only representative to vote against the Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act, a bill allocating additional government resources to help combat human trafficking. [259] McGee's law firm called Gaetz's allegation "completely, totally false" and defamatory,[249] telling The Daily Beast that Gaetz was attempting to distract from the sex trafficking investigation. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) speaks during a news conference to announce the 'Green Real Deal' on April 3, 2019 in Washington, DC. [165], On June 1, 2020, during the nationwide George Floyd protests, Gaetz tweeted, "Now that we clearly see antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?" [242] Joseph Ellicott, an associate of both Gaetz and Greenberg, pleaded guilty in January 2022 to two charges related to this investigation and is also cooperating with authorities. [195], On July 31, Gaetz said of COVID-19 variants that "next it'll be the Chi Omega variant or the Pi Kappa Psi variant. [88] Gaetz nominated him once and voted for Trump on the 7th, 8th and 11th ballots. [145] Gaetz voted against the second impeachment of Donald Trump. [30], When his subcommittee was considering legislation that would keep suspects' mugshots off the Internet until their convictions, Gaetz brought up his 2008 arrest and non-conviction, arguing that his mistakes made him who he is and that publicly available mugshots "could be a problem for those unaccustomed to publicity". [50], In February 2020, Gaetz announced that he would no longer accept campaign contributions from federal political action committees. The district includes portions of Walton County and all of Escambia, Okaloosa, and Santa Rosa counties. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley on Wednesday said it was important for service members to understand critical race theory, shooting down assertions by Republican lawmakers . [290][291][292], On December 1, 2022, thanks to his assistance with the prosecutors in a series of investigations, including those involving Gaetz, Greenberg was sentenced to 11 years in prison, plus ten years of supervised release. READ BIOGRAPHY HOW CAN I HELP YOU? These include September 2018 text messages between Greenberg and a woman engaging in prostitution, which indicate that a prostitute was arranged for Gaetz and that the drug MDMA may have been proffered. Matthew Louis Gaetz II (/ets/ GAYTS; born May 7, 1982) is an American lawyer and politician who has served as the U.S. representative for Florida's 1st congressional district since 2017. Gaetz's new communications director, Joel Valdez, told Forbes that "all of the office's eight female staffers signed it", but the version of the statement that was released did not have anyone's signature or identify any specific employee. In August 2021, Gaetz co-sponsored a resolution by Andy Biggs to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. [84], In August 2022, Gaetz criticized President Joe Biden for forgiving up to $10,000 of student loan debt for eligible borrowers. The G.O.P.'s Matt Gaetz Problem. He said that he is being threatened in a $25 million "organized . [222], In 2022, Gaetz voted against the Respect for Marriage Act. In several commercials during his 2016 congressional campaign, Gaetz promised to "kill Muslim terrorists and build the wall". Greene has been publicly harassing people she opposes for years. Gutierrez, who died Feb. 8 of last year in Afghanistan's Nangarhar Province during what appeared to be an insider attack by someone wearing an Afghan uniform, was posthumously awarded the Purple. [136][137], On January 7, 2021, after Trump supporters violently broke into the U.S. Capitol, Gaetz falsely blamed anarchist movement Antifa for the attack, suggesting that rioters were "masquerading as Trump supporters".[143][144]. As a result, Gaetz was accused of inciting violence against Silicon Valley employees, which he denied. [224][225], In 2008, Gaetz was arrested for driving under the influence as he was driving back from a nightclub on Okaloosa Island, Florida. [58][59][60] Gaetz apologized to the family. [101] As a member of the Florida House, he sponsored a bill, eventually signed into law,[102] to expand the state's Right to Try Act to include the medical use of cannabis. [268][269][270], On April 6, 2021, The New York Times reported that in the last weeks of the Trump administration, Gaetz privately requested a blanket presidential pardon for himself and others, which was reportedly denied because it would set a bad precedent. "[152], In 2016, Gaetz acknowledged global warming but said he disagrees with the scientific consensus on climate change that human activity is the primary cause. A former member of the Florida House of Representatives and the son of a powerful figure in Republican state politics, Gaetz cultivated a tight-knit circle of politically connected friends who . ", "Republicans confront Mueller with allegations of double standard in Russia probe", "House Republicans' national security-threatening impeachment stunt, explained by an expert", "Reps. Mo Brooks, Bradley Byrne at forefront of GOP charge into impeachment room", "Chaotic scene as Republicans disrupt impeachment deposition", "After Republicans storm hearing room, Defense official testifies in impeachment inquiry", "Total SCIF Show: The GOP's Raid Puts National Security at Risk", "Jim Jordan defends GOP lawmakers who stormed impeachment inquiry room", "Rep. Matt Gaetz and other GOP politicians baselessly suggest antifa is to blame for pro-Trump mob rioting into Capitol", "How Matt Gaetz spread a falsehood about antifa infiltrating the mob that attacked Congress", "Rep. Matt Gaetz Staffer Cheered On Capitol Rioters Via Parler as They Overran Police", "H.Res.582 - Impeaching Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors", "H.Res.597 - Impeaching Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States, for endangering the security of the United States and countering the will of Congress and other high crimes and misdemeanors", "Joe Biden Impeachment a 'Priority,' Says Matt Gaetz as GOP Set to Win House", "Matt Gaetz Admits 'Many' Republicans Don't Want to Try Impeaching Biden", "H.Res.8 - Impeaching Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors", "How Each House Member Voted on the Tax Bill", "Republican-led Congress passes sweeping tax bill", "Local political figures cautious about sea level rise", "The Climate Denier Caucus in Trump's Washington", "H.R.861 To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency", "90 Current Climate Solutions Caucus Members", "Matt Gaetz, the Climate Solutions Caucus and the bumpy road to bipartisan consensus", "After pushing bill to abolish EPA, Rep. Matt Gaetz joins Climate Solutions Caucus", "Reps. Gaetz, Peters Introduce Bill to Slow Climate Change, Reduce Super Pollutants", "14 House Republicans vote against a measure condemning military coup in Myanmar", "House votes to repeal 2002 Iraq War authorization", Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, "House Vote #560 in 2019: H.J.Res. [45] Johnson previously raised money for the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer. Just look at his time in Tallahassee", "Emails show Jeb Bush coordinated with Florida Legislature for Favorable Primary Date", "Bush announces endorsements from 20 Florida senators", "Matt Gaetz Makes It Official, Will Shoot for Dad's Senate Seat in 2016", "Matt Gaetz launches bid for Congress, handing fathers state Senate seat to George Gainer", "Florida U.S. House 1st District Results: Matt Gaetz Wins", "To all who will kneel during the anthem today just remember how Jose Fernandez risked his life just for the chance to stand for it", "GOP Lawmaker Matt Gaetz Ripped For Tweet Politicizing Death Of MLB Star Jose Fernandez", "Meet Three of Our Freshmen Members: Reps. Gaetz, Rutherford, and Marshall", "How Matt Gaetz helped make Ron DeSantis", "GOP lawmaker condemned for inviting Holocaust denier to State of the Union", "GOP rep invited alt-right activist to the State of the Union", "Rep. Matt Gaetz hires former White House speechwriter who attended 2016 conference with white nationalists", "Prosecutors Look at Florida Election Protest as a Model for Jan. 6", "Matt Gaetz files ethics complaint against Nancy Pelosi for ripping Trump speech", "Rep. Matt Gaetz, top Trump ally, swears off PAC money", "McCarthy Feared G.O.P. [4][5][6], Gaetz grew up near Fort Walton Beach, and graduated from Niceville High School. Gaetz wasn't the only member who asked about the military's approach to addressing race. [228] According to CNN, a person briefed on the matter said investigators also examined whether Gaetz used campaign money in his relationships with young women for travel and expenses and whether cash and drugs were involved. The Pentagon has identified the two U.S. Army Green Berets killed on Wednesday during combat operations in northern Afghanistan. [273][274], On April 9, 2021, the House Ethics Committee opened an investigation into allegations that Gaetz "may have engaged in sexual misconduct and/or illicit drug use, shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe, improper gratuity, or impermissible gift". [87] Thirteen months earlier, Gaetz had discussed with former President Trump the possibility of getting Trump elected to the speakership, for which House membership is not required. [203][204], On February 27, 2018, Gaetz voted against the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act, which had by then been combined with the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act. Saw the tweet as an attempt to intimidate a witness 2016 congressional campaign, Gaetz defeated Democratic Jan! Disappear, s ex-girlfriend testified before a Beach, and graduated from Niceville School... 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