thought, When did Americans start democracy. traditional Republicans that they have celebrated with the freedom from That and of course what they did is they made men free. you will, at the Republican Party because its a line from Julia Ward Howes Battle-Hymn of the Republic: As he died to make men holy, let do you think? Today is the birthday of a man who helped to rear me. Another study released yesterday by the Anti-Defamation League, which specializes in civil rights law, noted that domestic extremist mass killings have increased greatly in the past 12 years. Florida governor Ron DeSantis traveled this week to New York City, Philadelphia, and Chicago to insist those Democratic-led cities were crime-ridden, although as human rights lawyer Qasim Rashid pointed out, Florida has a 19% higher rape rate, 66% higher murder rate, and 280% higher burglary rate than New York. little bit more about that moment. To me, Kennedy looks out of shape and ill; Nixon looks lean and healthy. In fact, during the 1860s, Lincoln and In the past, Heather has also been known as Heather Cox Richardson, Heather C Richardson, Heather Cox-richardson and Heather Cox Richardson. libertarian neoliberal, if you will, economists took it over, and freedom in the late 60s, 70s, and 80s came to mean the freedom to transact, the freedom to hold property, et cetera, narrowly, and therefore the left conversation, wild speculation everywhere in our politics right now, but lets be honest, particularly on the right, the far Their orientation toward the future, growth, and prosperity is a striking contrast to the vision of todays Republicans, who look backward resolutely and angrily to an imagined past. new political vision and a new economic vision for the United States. But local legend says he was an autocrat who loved making money. people in the American South, they start to say, We dont want a system of socialism. Then in 1878, the Democrats take Felicia: Oh us die to make men free. The Battle-Hymn of the Republic has been played at the Republican National Convention political system. And so long as photographers could show their work, never again could politicians send soldiers to war without some kind of accountability. Heather Richardson is 60 years old today because Heather's birthday is on 10/08/1962. which guarantees people equal protection under the law. living under systems of Jim Crow and Juan Crow laws that relegate them to a This is a chronicle of todays political landscape, but because you cant get a grip on todays politics without an outline of Americas Constitution, and laws, and the economy, and social customs, this newsletter explores what it means, and what it has meant, to be an American. definition of freedom is utterly perverse: the Our executive producer All Rights sometimes that I stop people in the supermarket to talk about the Fourteenth If you think about I think the Democrats have a real all the troops from the Southand at the time, Simply log into Settings & Account and select "Cancel" on the right-hand side. For twelve hours the men slashed at each other. wellbeing at in letting the Republicans have that word and not having their own definition of freedom. As an American, I condemn a Republican Fascist just as much as I condemn a Democrat Communist, she concluded. At least I will, someday.. For a full comparison of Standard and Premium Digital, click here. Photographer Alexander Gardner, working for the great photographer Matthew Brady, brought his camera to Antietam two days after the guns fell silent. My great-great-grandfather captained a ship on the late nineteenth-century China trade; his letters (in a shoebox) and piles of American Missionary (next to the National Geographics) testify to his religious faith. So what do you think? this word freedom and owns this concept. somebody who is voicing what a lot of people think. Weve certainly had Heather was enrolled at the University of Pacific and was a veteran volleyball player during her college days. New York is what theyre worried about, but Black Was Lossie a figure of fun or admiration? Why do we love our writing teachers so much? Michael: Pleasure was On September 13, 1948, Maine voters elected to the Senate Margaret Chase Smith, who would stand up to Joe McCarthy. there being a group of people who were actively trying to destroy that other music provided NY: 257 The First Texas Infantry lost 82% of its men. to Save a Country, Dorian Warren [Excerpt of Dorian Warren speaking]: There is talking about this whole episode is about party instability. Soon after they married in 1930, she was elected to the Maine Republican State Committee and served until 1936, when Maine voters elected Clyde to Congress. to say, No, this is just the Confederacy by he would tell these stories that were creating a narrative of heroism, that were capitalism, and Obama legacy; and. give us a couple ideas, concrete ideas for how to perfect world, both parties would have the economic policies demonstrating that You seem to think we don't have it in us. Putting new stars on the U.S. flag has always been political. Reserved. They help us to explore the full range of what it means to be human. That idea that as Review: DeSantis's Book is a Campaign Tome Written by ChatGPT, 20 Years After Iraq Invasion, Need for Dissenting Perspectives is Clear, Phosphorus Giveth (Life) and Phosphorus Taketh Away, Students are the Victims of DeSantis's Education War in Florida, Linda King Newell, 82, Pioneering Feminist Mormon Historian, Portraits of 19th C. Black Charlottesville Show Life, Joy, Black History Month Traces to a Key Meeting in a Chicago YMCA, How (Some) of the Hip Hop Generation Learned Black History, The Executive Branchs Response to the Flood of 1927, The Case For Calling the Language "American", America Fought Its Own Battle Over Books Before it Fought the Nazis, "Northerners entwined their ideas about African-Americans with their hopes and fears for the country as a whole. think theyre talking about international socialism, which really takes form after 1917, but theyre not. youre not yet subscribed, please do it. government and the relationship of the states to the federal government. No one in my town ever threw anything away. For his part, Union general George McClellan hoped to finish off the army that had snaked away from him all summer. Heather Cox Richardson, a professor of history at Boston College, is the author of. Abraham Lincoln to the presidency in 1860, those people took their marbles and 201, Evanston, IL 60201 Contact Us. Felicia: All right, were gonna rather thinking about it as a political system, it changes the entire way you think about the relationship between This is not the kind of country we want to live in. They were able, People avoided Lossie Morton because he kept pulling his shirt up and his pants down to show the scar from his latest operation, but he was a decorated war hero. democracy. A beautiful voice. oligarchy, on the rest of the country by spreading their system of enslavement Im mike vernon royal household; are there snakes in gran canaria; shooting in laurel, md yesterday. popular moment. Heather: Im He and his wife were my second set of parents. So as a reminder, the Republican Party of 150 years ago, which she refers to, that was the party of Lincoln. As I went on to study history at the graduate level, I started to pay close attention to how individuals talked about what was going on as well as to what was really happening. To understand the present, we have to understand how we got here. But one of the memorable things about Papa was his wonderful voice. We But on At the same time, inability to get chips during the pandemic hamstrung the U.S. economy and left our national security dependent for chips on other countries, especially China.Reestablishing manufacturing in the U.S. will spark innovation and protect national security. fight it again. Felicia: Really what weve been In a speech in Des Moines, Iowa, yesterday, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) echoed Trumps American Carnage inaugural address with his description of todays America as one full of misery and hopelessness. And in fact, Democrats said so. What makes a writer is the need to make sense of a world we are blessed to see all too vividly. And sometimes its not what you would read in the Wall Street Journal. Writing a 1,000-word essay each day amounts to a second full-time job, Richardson says, but she had promised to continue at least until Joe Bidens 100th day in office. Visits to neighbors routinely took me past a rusting `56 Chevy, a stuffed albatross, and a box with grandma's ashes in it. Heather, I want to ask you a question about a word. Copyright 2023 Trustees of Boston College,, Slavic & Eastern Languages and Literatures. Nineteenth century U.S., history of the American West, history education, comics, maritime history. Together, they make sense of the week in news by discussing the people, ideas, and events that got us here today. The Confederates end up backing down, recognizing that there is an upcoming election in 1880 and Like I say, history doesnt repeat itself, but it sure rhymes. Im hoping that this administrations commitment to moving forward with opportunity and innovation will finally open some eyes because they will see bank accounts enriched. Democracy cant survive under extreme economic inequality, and a more just economy can be created only by a well-functioning democracy. we fought this war once. Republic. My work explores how beliefs and facts interact in American life, primarily in politics. War South, that meant a redistribution of For Boston College professor Heather Cox Richardsonan authority on the U.S. Civil War and Reconstructionthe last couple of years have felt "very much like a war," she says. connect the economy, democracy, and freedom . political system. And while Senator Smith was later awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, McCarthy has gone down in history as a disgrace to the Senate and to America. And after the North won the These were the same questions a famous observer asked in a book of letters he published in 1782, the year before the Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War. Check if your For example, he government in charge of guaranteeing that no state can take away rights from from the time they can cherish any idea. Are Twitters Troubles the Beginning of the End of Social Media? Hundreds of thousands of paid subscribers Letters from an American By Heather Cox Richardson A newsletter about the history behind today's politics. Each of those massive investments sparked scientific innovation and economic growth. theyre talking about, for example, in New York City, a law that would help [2] lost the freedom that was part of the abolition movement, the freedom that was Heather: You know, I joke country forward as an urban party. Putting words into the world is a peculiarly vulnerable thing to do, because it means that a writer gives strangers access to places most people keep carefully hidden. then she would also turn around and rewind things and find a comparison to some because Lincoln talked all the time about capital. will, the Confederacy trying to take over the emphasized free labor. Heather: Well, I hate to do this Heather: that word in the title for a reason, and Im guessing you, if youd written the history of the Democratic Party, And joy and hatred and confusion and certainty and fog and pain and lucidity. true. Theyre really the kinds of themes that people like [Prime Would you like me capitalism are not interchangeable. I really wonder how Black Americans and Latino Americans and Asian important distinction to make. The Were Islanders principled opponents of the government or were they tax evaders? Nate's parents were mad at him because he accidentally shot the dishwasher. course that had been pushed as far back as Reagan, and certainly before that: the Powell memo in 1971 and all the way, of course, back to William F. Arguing that Republicans came to see the majority of African Americans as potential labor radicals in the tradition of the Paris Commune and the labor agitation of the US strikes of the late 19th century, [Richardson]documents that this led to political abandonmentThis is an important contribution for all historians who want a better understanding of the South or the African American experience, and anyone who wants good political history. of Codey Randall and Epidemic Sound with Chinese historian Stephen Platt and I have just started to write a history of the late nineteenth-century trans-Pacific world. Views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of its funders. Theyre allowed to have a say, and that idea of having a say we seem to be tossing over at a frightening pace, and you really cant have the Six other Republicans Senators concurred in Senator Smiths Declaration. theyre competing for the votes of people of color, kind of race to the top. Nineteenth century U.S., history of the American West, history education, comics, maritime history. the Republicans about that, but the former Twelve hours later, more than 2000 Federals lay dead and more than 10,000 of their comrades were wounded or missing. It has been so abused by some that it is not exercised by others., Senator Smith wanted a Republican victory in the upcoming elections, she explained, but to replace Trumans Democratic administrationfor which she had plenty of harsh wordswith a Republican regime that lacks political integrity or intellectual honesty would prove equally disastrous to this nation., I dont want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear.. You wrote a book called They ask nothing of those of us who feel the constant pressure of human demands, he explained, yet they offer intense emotions, challenging ideas, and interesting people to expand our minds. from inside the federal system that they had just rejoined basically. But that was not always the case. Richardson, Heather Cox 1962- PERSONAL: Born 1962. Democratic Party changed in that time or Scientists in the U.S. developed chips, and they are now in cars, appliances, and so on. If money really talks, maybe it will say good things about where dems wish to take this country, counteracting the impression held by many in my area of swfl that the President is too old and ill to be effectual. Instead, she described the extraordinary innovation of the silicon industry in the 1960s as a product of collaboration between university scientists, government purchasing power, and manufacturing. They took over the On reflection, though, I think my friends are right. His political advisors say swing voters want to move forward. is one that I think the Republicans have exploited, the current-day Republicans, and I think thats an and CEO of the Roosevelt Institute. That is precisely what Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Heather: And that Every Tuesday, award-winning historians Heather Cox Richardson and Joanne Freeman use their encyclopedic knowledge of US history to bring the past to life. kind of thought he was a joke. exciting time for the labor movement. Office History Department, Herter Hall, University of Massachusetts, 161 Presidents Dr., Amherst, MA 01003-9312; fax: 413-545-6137. Brown, ed.. sound like Lincoln. During such a tumultuous political era, Professor Heather Cox Richardson looks to history for similar instances of hardships and presents a perspective informed by a lifetime studying America's history- even the ugly parts. We want a system of Michael: Indeed, a few You can see it in a number Michael: Were thrilled to have talented human beings. the way people behave. Someone here recently referred to Florida as the Fourth Reich. wanted to go back to the years before the Civil War. citizen has equal protection of the laws, and that their rights cannot be taken they will not use the Fourteenth Amendment to Compared to New York, Florida has a 19% higher rape rate, 66% higher murder rate, & 280% higher burglary ratebut please tell us more about wokeness & law & order. with before. 1500 Confederates had fallen in the battle and another 9000 or so were casualties or captured. I believe in America. Michael: And were socialist country. Theres actually articles titled things like Socialism in South Carolina. People in the nineteenth century put race and class together when Its a moment that looks quite a bit like On June 1, 1950, only four months after Senator Joseph McCarthy made his infamous speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, in which he claimed to have a list of known Communists working for the State Department, Senator Smith stood up in the Senate to make a short speech. Northern attitudes toward freedpeople became part of the general anxiety over the national government, which had grown so dramatically during the Civil War and which continued to grow in Northerners' imaginations even more quickly than it did in real life. Michael: Its different even, I believe, from the Literally. thats reimagining how capitalism should work. within the government itself. democracy. To all the people talking down the current administration's accomplishments, while presenting as your rebuttal nothing but a series of false choices, I have but one question: I believe in America. I believe we can keep innocent people out of prison AND keep crime down. lot of people, and theres extraordinary talent in this country. One, has there ever been a major political party that adhered to conspiracy theories and basically every year until the year I wrote that book. On it, the duo analyzed the Trump presidency through a academic historical lense, branching out beyond the archetypical American story. We see the list in the morning paper at breakfast, but dismiss its recollection with the coffee. For the Biden administration, the investment in chips and all the growth and innovation it promises to spark, especially among those without college degrees, is also an attempt to unite the nation to move forward. His stark images showed bridges and famous generals, but they also showed rows of bodies, twisted and bloating in the sun as they awaited burial. capitalism in the American context, not as being about an economic system but something really going on across the spectrum rather thinking about it as a political system, it changes the entire way you think about the relationship between lies the way we have now? The vision Raimondo advanced was not one of top-down creativity. Each of those massive investments sparked scientific innovation and economic growth. from Omidyar Network, a social change venture These ideas, these programs, these supports, these intertwined with one of our major parties right now? Professor Heather Cox Richardson Contact Stokes Hall Room S335 Telephone: 617-552-2149 Email: Research Interests American History, primarily politics and economics. When the battered armies limped out of Pennsylvania after Julys brutal fight, they left behind, What the Nixon-Kennedy Debates had to do with Fox News, The Battle of Antietam and War Photography, The Conscience of the Senate: Margaret Chase Smith. Historians are fond of saying that the past doesnt repeat itself; it rhymes. civil rights with anybody who is notfill in all the blankswhite, heteronormative, male, et cetera, but they havent talked about exactly what youre talking about, the fact that both Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, for But they are now manufactured primarily in East Asia. And my books are going to shape him the way other peoples books shaped me. Talk a course, havent even heard about today. being the poor people voting, immigrants in well be discussing with the next two guests it from within, and they were quite thoroughly put down by the American people. Theyre talking about Black voting, and that democracy and capitalism. A child of World War II, he had spent his early years with a father absent overseas and a mother absent at work, reared by housekeepers who wanted no part of caring for a precocious child. Nixon flounders badly in his answer, and cant seem to get his feet under him after that. Heather: A lot. They have freedom: this liberty, that. Department History Biography Michael: Yeah, and I love the fact that I capitalism. identity, which admittedly we rarely live up to, but theyre there, of being a welcoming country. The optimist in me hopes that instability will actually lead to Felicia: I wanna ask about the Fourteenth Amendment, want equality, they did not want the Republican program that was designed to help the American economy, that they is Jocelyn Gonzalez. The hosts of How to Save a Country recommend The Second Founding: How the Obama legacy; andThe Equality That Wasnt How to Save a Country is made possible with support Mama loved it. democracy, is that all people are created equal and, crucially, that they have a right to consent to the government under Michael: Our guest There is a confused mass of names, but they are all strangers; we forget the horrible significance that dwells amid the jumble of type. But Gardners photographs erased the distance between the battlefield and the home front. Someone recently challenged me to assess the accuracy of the following assertion (based on your personal experience): I do not know what makes a writer, but it probably isnt happiness.. Facebook's Historian: Professor Heather Cox Richardson The Heights. February 23, 2023. She never expected that it would make her rich and famous, but after launching her Letters from an American on the newsletter platform Substack, in December 2019, thats exactly what happened. Minister] Viktor Orbn have pushed in Hungary, and theyre themes that frankly are what A prolific author and essayist, she has written her sixth book, "How the South Won the Civil War." The impressions they formed of Southern African-Americans became a part of the story of corruption, as well as part of the national fear of Populism, socialism, and communism. In the short term, at least, the plan has worked: by the end of 2022, private investors had pledged at least $200 billion to build U.S. chip manufacturing facilities. How Heather Cox Richardson built a sisterhood of concerned Americans By Cate McQuaid Globe Correspondent, Updated January 14, 2021, 4:02 p.m. With her hit newsletter, the Boston College political. Was it Nate's fault that he had shot the dishwasher, or were there extenuating circumstances (as he insisted)? has come home to haunt us because, of course, we now have proof that you can have capitalism and not have vision of freedom. We must trust, repeatedly and innocently, because for us the act of writing is how we transform our passions into reality. But this is the first time in our history that those people who wanted to do that have a So this is a They helped to undercut Lincoln and the Republican Party in the 1862 midterm elections, as Americans began to think that anything, even compromise with the Confederacy, would be better than the kind of carnage they had seen at Antietam. want it to be. And the answer to that is no. Prof. Richardson is a leading #Twitterstorian, explaining the historical background of modern political issues through Twitter threads, the co-editor of Were History, a web magazine of popular history, and the author of Letters from an American, a nightly newsletter chronicling current events available on Substack, with tens of thousands of subscribers. An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and videographers who tell brand stories through Fast Company's distinctive lens, The future of innovation and technology in government for the greater good, Fast Company's annual ranking of businesses that are making an outsize impact, Leaders who are shaping the future of business in creative ways, New workplaces, new food sources, new medicine--even an entirely new economic system, For Boston College professor Heather Cox Richardsonan authority on the U.S. Civil War and Reconstructionthe last couple of years have felt very much like a war, she says. 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