"My wife said, go on, you could do that' and off I went.". Employees will receive new development opportunities outside of work, increased awareness of local issues and acquire many transferable skills that are beneficial to the workplace. It saddens me that applications are dwindling and as many approach the retirement age of 70 this could further deplete the numbers. Completed applications should be sent to LRLN-JudicialSupportTeam@justice.gov.uk . Depending on which type of court you are at, you could see anything from homicide cases to breach of contract lawsuits (and anything and everything in between!). As the UPSC exams are conducted for the whole country, in the same way, AIJS will be conducted for the judges on the central level. In the Governments view, a properly framed All India Judicial Service will significantly strengthen the overall justice delivery system. 806 8067 22, Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, Advantages and Disadvantages of Magistrates, Lay magistrates advantages and disadvantages, Advantages and Disadvantages of Lay people, Advantages & Disadvantages of Magistrates, Advantages and Disadvantages of Trial in the Crown Court, See all The Criminal courts and lay people resources , AQA Law Unit 1 Predictions (17th May PM) , Unofficial mark scheme for aqa as law unit 1 , AQA Law Unit 1 (FRI 23/05/14) - Exam Revision , AQA Law - Friday 23rd June 2014 Unit 1 Exam , Cost-Magistrates are unpaid, but judges earn 90,000. And once you move justice from the local area I think it loses something, in the eyes of the people in those local areas. Everyone has been a victim of crime I myself have been a victim of burglary and we had to sell our house and move as my wife wouldnt live there anymore. Now you are just a number. For a magistrate position a person does need to hear clearly . Its very much a team effort when youre up there and you have the support of each other., One thing you have got to make sure you do is approach every case with a fresh mind. I also wanted to experience an area of life that I would ordinarily never see and fulfil my civic duty. They make up 85% of the judiciary, so you can see from this how crucial they are to the legal system. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. 216066). There are two types of clerkships: term clerks and career clerks. Will I get time off work to sit as a magistrate? Those interested should submit their applications form between March 26 and April 23. The individual must be at least 35 years old (age differs from state to state). The judicial service exam has three phases, i.e., preliminary, mains, and interview. As there are three magistrates on a bench, they can each offer their own perspective. "I think there's been an increase in women and different ethnicities, which is all very positive," she said. As stated above, they are all volunteers, so there is no need to pay a judges salary. There is a cap on the first 60 applications received. The length of the term is generally determined in advance and sometimes there is an opportunity to extend the term for one or more additional years. Live in local area as they know local news. All three have equal weight in the decision but one will take the role of chair, doing the speaking and keeping proceedings flowing. But Agnes argues it benefits everyone. Everything is going well. Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. A Gannett Company. They must be able to sit for at least 26 half days a year. This was particularly heartfelt in the Welsh focus group, what you have is a civil service approach, imposed from Englandin an office in London looking at a map saying why on Earth are there loads of courts next to each other? No understanding whatsoever of the topographic, the tribal differences between those valleys and communities or the difficulty in getting from one of those areas to the next because they are valleys areas. The work of magistrates goes largely unknown - so here is a rundown of what they do. Across England and Wales around 1.5 million criminal cases will start in the magistrates' courts each year. Balanced view - a bench of three Magistrates provides a balanced view; Cost - they are volunteers and therefore relatively cheap, though do take longer to make decisions than professional judges; Disadvantages. We may request cookies to be set on your device. Those ads you do see are predominantly from local businesses promoting local services. DeSantis won't say he's running. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Sky News presenter Gillian Joseph is a court magistrate. Without magistrates, would need 1000 more judges, saving of 100 million. I started sitting in Wigan in 1996. Judge is a very reputed position in the Indian judiciary. Required fields are marked *. inaccuracy or intrusion, then please Another aspect which is difficult is when people are blatantly lying or they say no comment in court. Employers are obliged by law to allow time off work for magistrates to perform their duties (see below), but it is at their discretion whether this is paid or unpaid leave. There are around 30,000 magistrates in England and Wales, dealing with around 97 per cent of all criminal cases. (LogOut/ Read about our approach to external linking. Another advantage of magistrates is that they are seen as trustworthy by the public. All the interviewees were asked about the job satisfaction of being a magistrate. Principal correspondent at Catch, Suhas studied engineering and wrote code for a living before moving to writing mystery-shrouded-pall-of-gloom crime stories. Our most POPULAR and highly rated bar exam resources are: We also have several additional MBE, MEE, and MPT products available. One magistrate told the manager that he did not want to sit with a colleague, because they had fallen out. More available than judges as no training is required. Newsquest Media Group Ltd, Loudwater Mill, Station Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. There can be threats if the decision by a judge is not favourable for a party or section of people. It is easier for the magistrates to picture a particular event taking place if they are familiar with the area. "For me it's a way of doing something that actually benefits people, it's a way of giving back to the community. A career as a judge will surely give you financial and job security. 7A-170 and 7A-143. Legal guidelines state magistrates should be from a range of backgrounds, reflecting the community they serve in terms of race, gender, occupation, political affiliation and where they live. Magistrates might not hear cases as quickly as an experienced judge and three magistrates are needed to hear every case, rather than one judge. Best Answer Writing Tips for Law Exams 2. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this sites owner is strictly prohibited. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. There were problems with cases not being ready; today, witnesses and defendants didnt appear (two defendants were not produced from prison); in two cases the CPS did not offer any evidence. If your employer wants to learn more about employing a magistrate and the benefits of doing so, they can find out more here. Clerking provides a great opportunity to observe other lawyers in the courtroom setting and gain a lot of exposure to what does (and does not) work well from the perspective of the judge. Application forms can be found on the website www.gov.uk/government/publications/become-a-magistrate-application-form. The Best Part about the Uniform Bar Exam? Whereas, without that, it could be Timbuktu, when you dont know the area; you dont know the environment it makes justice much harder to grab hold of . As of April this year there were 1,059 magistrates in Wales. Despite having close to 17 years of judicial experience between . As a subscriber, you are shown 80% less display advertising when reading our articles. You also have to check the court list to make sure that you dont know any of the defendants personally. They knew what they could get you to do and not to do. Find out about how being a magistrate can benefit you as an employee. Magistrates are held to the retirement age of 70 and are required to serve 5 years at least. "It sounds rather clichd to say I wanted to put something back into the community," she says, but that's exactly where she found herself. Magistrates must sit for a minimum of 26 half-day sessions a year - or 13 full days. You can check these in your browser security settings. When we make a decision, it's a structured decision.". Show How much time will I need to commit to the role? Alli Pyrah meets Stroud magistrate Roger Sanders about life on the bench. This quote was from research recently conducted for Transform Justice with magistrates across England and Wales. Before we start thinking about the advantages of magistrates, we will first consider what they are and how the magistrates' courts work. It shall also address the key issue of social inclusion by enabling suitable representation to marginalised and deprived sections of society. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. "Usually it's done as a last resort," he said. Unrepresentative of society- Only people with free time. We are excited to announce that our students had an 88.88% pass rate on the July 2022 bar exam! Candidates called for interviews are three times the number of vacancies available. You can also change some of your preferences. When addressing a counsel, litigant, or witness, a judge should avoid using a controversial tone or attitude. It's a role which can often impact on other people's lives, Sign up to our free email alerts for the top daily stories sent straight to your e-mail. An average day for a magistrate will involve sitting on the bench in a court room for the morning and afternoon sessions and make judgements based on the law on a variety of cases. There are many advantages of magistrates and being able to discuss these in your work can help you with essay questions. Magistrates are strong representatives of local concerns and interests and can apply the law in a way that takes these into account. Fewer than 5% identify as black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) - one of the lowest proportions compared to English regions, although in line with the Welsh population. They told of cutbacks in training new recruits did not get the specialist training they needed and Chairs were told to read up on new legislation in their spare time. It requires a lot of hard work to become a judge. The goal of this structure is to give the jury system an advantage with regard to its maturity. A number of magistrates complained that the pace of change was swift and that the training was inadequate. contact IPSO here, 2001-2023. "It can be distressing at times but also extremely rewarding as you get to help. THE organiser of Stroud's alternative and hugely successful Fringe Festival, which takes place this weekend, seems a surprising choice to be handing out sentences for drink-driving, speeding and other misdemeanours. One day he came in for his review and he had brought in some paper with him. This interference means the lack of influence of magistrates as a body; the magistracy is being run by the civil service. You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. All of the research and writing involved in a clerkship is for the judges review and/or signature. Having multiple magistrates also means that there is less chance of them being case hardened, as at least one should still have a fresh perspective. Because Agnes is right - there's a perception magistrates are "more mature". Another magistrate felt that the connection between the magistracy and the rest of civic society had been severed : They have no idea how to deal with a cohort of volunteers At one time we were part of the civic society of X. Were more and more divorced from that. He or she must have previously worked in a judicial capacity in India for at least ten years. Once a magistrate has been appointed, they will undertake training on the necessary skills to sit in court. Also, the training given to every magistrate can be expensive. 806 8067 22 Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Nor will you have the opportunity to sign your own name to anything that you prepare. The other two are called wingers. The individual appointed as a Supreme Court Judge will remain in office until he reaches the age of 65. Clerkships often attract the top students from law school; these are the same students who are generally in a position to accept jobs at the top law firms that pay really well. 10 Legal Jobs and Career Options After Law. You may be wondering what exactly a judicial clerkship is and whether it would be a good position for you. 3- Judges have practically unlimited power to make things better.. No doubt, judges can make a life changing differences in many cases. Affected parties can challenge judgments only in higher courts. Having stopped full time work four years ago at the age of 60, she was in a position to take on the unpaid role of a JP - a justice of the peace. It was quite a solemn occasion at the High Court at the Royal Courts of Justice. Prosecution Biased- As untrained , they may side with the police. But Roger Sanders, who also works as a gardener, has been dispensing down-to-earth justice since he became a magistrate 12 years ago. Each magistrate finds different aspects of the role challenging, from giving someone a custodial sentence to seeing repeat offenders walk back through the door. With two successful careers behind her - firstly as a nurse, then as a corporate lawyer based in London - she wanted "to reconnect with Wales". There are a small number of jobs that can exclude someone from being a magistrate where this would create a conflict of interest, for example, being part of the police force. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. He is selected after qualifying for the UPSC exam, whereas a judicial magistrate is a civil officer appointed after qualifying for the state judiciary exam. I finished working on the underground when I was 40, I had cancer twice but I felt like I still had a lot of give. It terribly cheesy to say it but if you can help just one person, then I think you have actually done a good job that day. You hear the life story of homeless people, and theyre standing in front of you with absolutely nothing and you think to yourself how can I deal with this? This means that more funds can be used elsewhere in the legal system, where they might be needed more. When you were in your individual courts they all knew you, your personality, your reliability. This involves setting the timetable, deciding bail, hearing the evidence and deciding on a verdict. By continuing to use this site you are giving consent to cookies being used. Many supportive employers allow magistrates leave for their public duties in addition to their normal holiday entitlement. Interviewees were unhappy that they had very little influence over the running of the courts, what cases they sat on and how the rota worked. And when you have that eye-opener, it makes you sometimes a better person, sitting with different people with different ways of thinking it helps you develop as a person. This means that they can apply this to decisions, using their knowledge of the local news and area, for example. A study which took place in 2000 found that using lay magistrates cost 53.10 per hour, whereas using a district judge would cost 61.78 an hour. But away from the court, magistrates are everyday people who give up their time to give something back to the community. Section 50 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 states that An employer shall permit an employee of his who is a justice of the peace to take time off during the employees working hours for the purpose of performing any of the duties of the office. Health Requirements There are no big health requirements and no medical exam will need to be taken. Find out what they had to say here. The Supreme Court of India comprises one Chief Justice of India and 33 other judges. Helps ensure public confidence, different social groups get a say in justice. They train for four years (seven if you count the three year continuation training) and have a legal clerk on hand if they get stuck on the finer . More than half were over 60. Contact Carmine Proofreading for a friendly, professional service from a qualified proofreader. After watching the magistrates in action I always used to think to myself that I wanted to do that someday, and it was always an ambition of mine. * Anyone 18 and over can apply. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. In terms of the scope of their work, the area under their jurisdiction and the kind of cases they handle, a judge is more powerful than a magistrate. One of the satisfying things is you get the sense that the defendant feels that theyve been dealt with fairly.That might mean they are going to prison and it might mean something else but they can feel that theyve been given a fair hearing. Those who had sat for many years felt their relationship with the court service had declined considerably. We want our comments to be a lively and valuable part of our community - a place where readers can debate and engage with the most important local issues. Magistrates embody one of the most important tenets of the criminal justice system - the principle that defendants are judged by their peers. Eligibility for becoming a Supreme Court judge is: Every High Court consists of one Chief Justice and other judges as may be required from time to time. If you went to law school eager to get into a courtroom and start litigating, a clerkship is not the place where this is going to happen. There are about 14,000 magistrates in England and Wales who sit . In March 2018, I startedWritingLaw.com. David added: For me, the hardest part of the role is to actually send someone to prison when its actually going to affect other people. The Magistrate's broad conclusion that, for the purposes of service of process, all Scientology organizations may be treated as "agents" of Mr. Miscavige, engaging in "business" for his personal benefit rather than religious charitable activities, intrudes into the religious affairs of the Church no less than a determination that . In the final piece in our series, we look at the magistrates themselves. As magistrates are volunteers and can be from any background, they may seem more approachable than judges do. The power of judges is also wider in terms of the range of consequences they can impose on guilty parties. "They're making their own staff richer - it provides a wealth of experience that will help them with their careers," she said. "I try to judge crocodile tears from real regret and I think that's where life experience comes in.". The salary for clerkships can also deter people from clerking. A judge must be fair and impartial, doing everything for the sake of justice and nothing for the benefit of friends or family. * Employers are obliged to give magistrates time off work under the Employment Rights Act 1996, and if they choose not to pay them the state will refund their earnings. Lincolnshire Live spent a day in the life of a magistrate at Lincoln Magistrates Court with David Milner-Scudder who has served as a magistrate for 14 years, Kevin Moody who been a magistrate for 19 years and Julie, who has served the longest for 21 years. Magistrate Courts hear about 95% of criminal cases along with some civil matters and full training is provided. These adverts enable local businesses to get in front of their target audience the local community. The opinion that magistrates are under qualified and a stereotype is inconsequential compared to all of the advantages. It is often highly regarded. (LogOut/ This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Some state appellate courts may even have staff attorneys whose job is to assist all of the judges, not just one particular judge. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Want help proofreading your work? Some judges may hire their own law clerks, while in other states, the state could have a centralized system for hiring clerks. A law clerk is often a recent graduate. Advantages? let out on strict conditions - for example to keep away from named places or people . Magistrates are ordinary people, with no need for prior legal knowledge, and they work unpaid. You have powers that are often life changing to people. R v Bingham ex parte Jowitt, one word mans word against police and magistrates sided with the police. The process of obtaining a state court clerkship is less formal (and often slightly less competitive) than the process for obtaining a federal clerkship. And I think that value has certainly been eroded. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. Two stages of interviews will be held between May and June. "I think more young people should become involved," he said. On the bench in court there will be three magistrates, with one presiding magistrate who sits in the middle. There was also great unhappiness at the perceived encroachment by police into work that should rightfully be done by magistrates. 1) Magistrates are volunteers and therefore it is cheaper! We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. Supporting your employee to fulfil their duties as a magistrate is an innovative way of supporting staff development. I find all the interference behind the scenes which blocks us from doing what we want to do totally and utterly irritating. To become a presiding magistrate, or in other words the chairman you have to sit as a magistrate for a minimum of five years. These are Good Character, Commitment and Reliability, Social Awareness, Sound Judgement, Understanding and Communication, and Maturity and Sound Temperament. Click on the different category headings to find out more. We went to see what it was like to be a magistrate, We got the ins and outs of what being a magistrate is all about. Looking to pass the MPRE? "I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her heirs and successors, according to law.". A person appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court must be a citizen of India and possess a degree of Law from a recognised university. Once a magistrate has been accepted, they will undergo training to make sure they are ready for the role. Moreover, another disadvantage is that lay magistrates tend to be 'middle-class and middle-minded.'. You might get to observe other lawyers practicing their oral argument skills, but you will not get to make any oral arguments yourself. Ironically, Roger's least favourite aspect of the job is sending people to jail. "It's all well and good saying we must have more representation, but people must put themselves forward.". Will I get compensated for time off work to sit as a magistrate? 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