"I've been in Las Vegas since end of 1999," she told CY Interview in 2020. Surya Bonaly: Never mind, that's life, I'm used to it. Sandra Bezic: It's a beautiful sound. You're the first person in the history of the human race who has done that. The sport's balletic arm . Now it's down to the judges as to whether the gold medal belongs to Sato of Japan or Bonaly of France. Now I'm preparing to go on a big tour in Europe for Holiday on Ice. Surya Bonaly: Yeah, it's mine. It's a glide. Tracie Hunte: That's Tonya Harding again. Elvis Stojko: Explosive. And then, after about a minute. Latif Nasser: Yeah, these are legit skaters. TV Interviewers: What did you think of those marks? Laudace de Bonaly ne sest pas limite dfier les normes ; cela stendait aussi les pousser leurs limites. Elvis Stojko: Surya would go from one end to the other-, Didier Gailhagu: Would speed across the ice-, Tracie Hunte: Flying across the rink-, Didier Gailhagu: With powerful stroking-. Robert Krulwich: Wait a minute. Latif Nasser: But there is this kind of ironic thing, I guess, which is that if you took her and you put her in competition today, if she was competing on the world stage today, she would would probably do better than she did back then. Latif Nasser: The sound I have in my head is like a hockey stop. Stone Cold 37m An unbelievable loss in the 1985 Canadian championship leads curling legend Pat Ryan to perfect a dominant strategy that changes the sport forever. Latif Nasser: And so by the age of ten, she decides she wants to spend her life figure skating. Tracie Hunte: And when we asked her why, this is what she said. Tracie Hunte: In 1992, at the age of 18-. Was there just the one sort of-. When you do the back flip, do your skates go up towards the ceiling and then come back down underneath you again? It's a skater who usually finishes below Surya in competitions. Tracie Hunte: They would just be flying through the air. As a former champion. Lost in the Desert 34m Johnette Howard: They want these people to look like little ballerinas but leap into these jumps like predators. And this is where things kind of get confusing. Tracie Hunte: And that's when the judges basically pick first, second, and third. Here we go.". And even if you spill, if you fail at those moves, you still get points. Tracie Hunte: Now, I cannot imagine how Surya felt in that moment, but I didn't necessarily think that these prejudiced people had denied her this. "But it is what it is. Next skater. Latif Nasser: And to make matters worse, Surya at that moment was already recovering from a ruptured achilles tendon. Latif Nasser: She goes back out on the ice. Little Girl: Look, there's Sonja Henie! Ctait comme, H, je peux faire des triples, alors quelle est la prochaine ? Born in 1973 in France Adopted Rename Surya (means Sun in Sanskrit) Birth mother & father Adopted parents lived off the grid Surya was an active toddler Focused on skating and gymnastics at the age of 4 1984 she watched the Winter Olympics Broke her ankle Joined the French National Team in Figure Skating Back flip on ice Tumbling award 1986 Awards Surya Bonaly: Like Holiday on Ice. Jad Abumrad: So what ended up happening? Depending upon the beholder, Surya Bonaly is the most gifted and athletic figure skater in the world today, or she is a unique but squandered talent whose career seems destined to stall at. Latif Nasser: Out of the picture. Jad Abumrad: And does she quit at this point? Black girl magic Cest chiant. That's wnyc.org/participate, and that link is also in the show notes for this episode. Tracie Hunte: I just felt empathy for her. Tracie Hunte: And eventually, what she says is-. They see it was possible for me, so hopefully they think, 'Why not try it?'" And I said, "Whatever, just put a zero so we can move on.". TV Announcers: International Skating Union President Olaf Poulsen-. Bonaly became an American citizen in 2004 and lives in Las Vegas. Latif Nasser: No, she keeps going. Ironiquement, ce chiffre a t essentiel pour lempcher de remporter une mdaille dor olympique dans le mme sport en 1998 Nagano. This is Tonya calling. And Surya was daring. She had maybe less triples than me, but she was maybe more prettier. TV Interviewers: Are they unfair to you Surya? Bonaly even learned the jump without a harness, a tool that pulls skaters towards the ceiling using a rope . Latif Nasser: But, here's what happened. Surya Bonaly: Well, you know. I don't know why people keep saying that. And he told me he planted these stories! I still follow my passion!". Surya was always very like-. En raison de mon haut niveau dathltisme, jai pens quil serait bnfique pour moi dessayer simplement damliorer mes [quad jumps].. Yet, commentators claimed she couldnt skate, and judges never gave her the high marks she felt she deserved. Many times I have heard that word. Seriously. She was a darer. Olympian Surya Bonaly may be best remembered for rattling the judges during her 1998 Nagano Olympics free program when shegasp!performed a backflip. Latif Nasser: But clearly there were some times where it got to her. Tracie Hunte: Yeah, totally. Latif Nasser: And she goes over off to the side to a bench with her coach to await her results. Well, we had the World Championships in Japan. The answer they giving to us was, "No, no she didn't.". But when I asked Surya if that's what was happening, she said-. Jad Abumrad: And? And that is our sport, which leads to Surya. Surya Bonaly: And I couldn't lift. Surya Bonaly: And so people start to be kind of curious. It was so close. Jad Abumrad: Story comes from our producer Latin Nasser and also, producer Tracie Hunte. Latif Nasser: Did you feel like any of it was about race? Tracie Hunte: Oksana Bayul got gold-, TV Announcers: Nancy Kerrigan is physically-, Tracie Hunte: Nancy Kerrigan got silver, Chen Lu got the bronze, and fourth place was Surya. It's a good story that pops off of, it's like-. Black?". Whipping around, Bonaly landed on one blade which was an Olympic first that no one has dared to match. I was just trying to be happy. The retailer's cutting-edge new offering is angering some local residents. "I wish there was somebody back in my day who was able to do that for me," the 48-year-old retired Black athlete told TODAY. "I mean, even many years after I'm like, 'Did I really finish fourth [at the Olympics]?" Latif Nasser: Oh, that's called the Bonaly? I will say, from what I can tell, for the first time, that there's more than one black skater competing at the same time, internationally at least. Tracie Hunte: But when it came down to the artistic marks-. Didier Gailhagu: And what do you want to hear? TV Announcers: And now the silver medalist. And, you know, I spent lots of hours there, just waiting for my mom. Les rgles du sport sont impntrables et peuvent parfois tre un peu injustes. This article is more than 3 years old. Tracie Hunte: And speaking of difference, you know, if we fast forward a little bit TV Announcers: And here she is on the world stage, Surya Bonaly. Jad Abumrad: She competed in the World Championships in 1995, the very next year and she came in second. Elvis Stojko: And Yuka had this very-. Marie-Renie Le: And we had to choose only two girls. Latif Nasser: But then moments later she said-. I know I need to fit something.". TV Announcers: Oh my goodness! TV Announcers: She competed for France in 1994 and just missed the podium. The question is, "How will they see her artistic effort?". Tracie Hunte: A lot of them were like, "Eh". Surya Bonaly naci en Niza, Francia, el 15 de Diciembre de 1973, al principio su vocacin era ser gimnasta de competicin, pero a los 11 aos, empez a centrarse en el patinaje sobre hielo llegando a sobresalir ms en este terreno.. Bonaly, tiene una trayectoria envidiable dentro de este tipo de competicin, ha obtenido tres veces la medalla de plata en el Campeonato Mundial de Patinaje . Surya Bonaly a avou Ouest-France en 2015 quelle se sentait vraiment dpasse par la douleur. Tonya Harding: She had the stepping, the gliding, the running. Tracie Hunte: I'm just not lucky. I couldn't do anything. We're at the Olympics in Nagano. TV Announcers: Yuka's one of my favorite skaters, but she doesn't have the combination jump like Bonaly did, so she's going to need all her jumps. Kirsten: Hi there, this is Kirsten recording from Orlando, Florida. Elvis Stojko: I didn't want to skate like what they wanted skating to look like. Surya Bonaly: Well, I did start skating because of my mom, actually. Latif Nasser: Making his return, Elvis Stojko. of 6. Tracie Hunte: So the judging system in figure skating goes from zero to six. Surya bonaly enceinte 2020; Lors de sa performance libre aux Jeux olympiques de Nagano en 1998, lolympienne Surya Bonaly est peut-tre surtout connue pour avoir choqu les juges en faisant un saut prilleux arrire, ce qui tait une premire pour elle lpoque. Latif Nasser: Her left leg. Just doing it like it was nothing. Latif Nasser: The margin was so close. I found ample videos of Bonaly, as well as her female competition and male counterparts performing intense, skilful, stunning routines - all whist poised on top of two TV Announcers: Absolutely. Si Surya Bonaly a poursuivi une seconde carrire aux tats-Unis, conforte par sa naturalisation amricaine en 2004 et ses fianailles avec le patineur Pete Biver en septembre 2016, elle reste une habitue de la France. But, I can kind of see where he was going because what he was trying to do, was that he was trying to present her to the world as this radically new kind of skater. So, how did you first get into skating? Latif Nasser: Japan. TV Announcers: There's a lot there to be fixed. Latif Nasser: Yeah, you can watch the YouTube videos from that period, and it's like she's a different skater. Tracie Hunte: In her routine there were these moments where it just looks like she was sort of skipping across the ice, just very balletic moves. Didier Gailhagu: Yeah, she was still a young baby-. Surya Bonaly: Oh, the World Championships? She's not elegant. Tracie Hunte: It actually ends up being a tie. } Sandra Bezic: And the other thing about skating that you don't necessarily get on camera is the sound of the edge. Tracie Hunte: And she'd do jump after jump-. UPHF 's educational offerings cover all levels of Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees in many fields of study, while offering an innovative interdisciplinary approach to the curriculum. Tracie Hunte: Johnette Howard, that ESPN writer-, Tracie Hunte: She says that the first thing you've got to know, and this will take a quick little dive into the weirdo world of figure skating-. ", Bonaly has also opened up about being one of few Black skaters, and how she doesn't know how much racism may have affected her career. TV Announcers: Off to the dressing room for the new champion. Latif Nasser: Pretty much as soon as she hit the scene, you started hearing these rumors that she had adopted been adopted from a coconut-strewn beach in Reunion Island, off the coast of Madagascar. Tracie Hunte: They were also-. Latif Nasser: That was the World Championships, not the Olympics. Are there back flips everywhere? Latif Nasser: No, no back flips, sadly. It's a clean sound. Bravo !!! Really I was so messed up. Did she get nailed? she told the Olympic Channel podcast in 2020. Dans cette vido on vous parle de l'histoire de Surya Bonaly , l'une des plus grandes championne franaise du patinage artistique.Championne avant gardiste d. Sandra Bezic: Well, I think the idea that was held back in her marks for any other reason other than the quality of her skating I think is incorrect. Particularly injury problems. Thodore de Banville, auteur de La Mer de Nice. Bost aldiz izan zen Europako txapelduna , eta hiru aldiz irabazi zuen zilarrezko domina Munduko txapelketan . Tracie, we'll miss you. TV Announcers: That really was a corker. Jad Abumrad: What did she do? https://www.instagram.com/suryabonaly1/?hl=en. Speaking of her Olympic backflip in the interview with The Root, Bonaly said, "That was my last Olympics, and pretty much my last competition ever. Between my legs and my achilles, I was a disaster. Jad Abumrad: So they didn't change their mind about the back flip in the end. Ela foi trs vezes medalhista de prata do Campeonato Mundial (1993-1995), conquistou cinco medalhas de ouro e uma de prata em campeonatos europeus e foi eneacampe do campeonato nacional francs. Deux jours plus tard, le maire de Nice, Christian Estrosi, lui a fait un cadeau inestimable : sa nomination comme chevalier dans lOrdre de la Lgion dhonneur. She won a 1986 World Trampoline Championships silver medal for France in team tumbling at age 12. partir du jeudi 2 mars 2023, retrouvez Nous faire justice , le nouveau cycle de discussions des Couilles sur la table.5 ans aprs le dbut de la vague #MeToo, nous commenons, collectivement, mesurer l'impact des violences sexistes et sexuelles sur nos vies. These are all just words to me. The French figure skater was able to perform backflips on ice, and in 1998, she became the only person to land a backflip on one blade during the Olympicsdespite it being against the rules and even though she was injured. Tracie Hunte: She could barely speak English, she was barely 16. In fact-. "Illegal but . And towards the end of the program, I was supposed to go for two more triples, and I said, "You know what, I don't feel it. Robert Krulwich: In a similar pattern? I wonder if you can hear the truck outside. Latif Nasser: We'll get there. Jad Abumrad: I'm Jab Abu mrad. "Sans lui, sans elle " ralis par Claude Couderc - Dargoole cerca e cataloga i video presenti sui pi famosi portali di video sharing del Web. It was very subtle. Latif Nasser: So she would go to these ice shows-. And she was part of a team whose job it was to decide which girls to send to the Junior World Championships. TV Announcers: A late arrival, and here she comes. Sandra Bezic: And on behalf of everyone at Radiolab-. Closing Credits: Start of message. An entertaining part of the event was a video shown of famous figure skaters doing backflips on the ice. Surya Bonaly: I don't know, I'm just not lucky. She was adopted when she was 18 months old by Suzanne and Georges Bonaly, who. The French figure skater was able to perform backflips on ice, and in 1998, she became the only person to land a. Matt Kielty: It's a back flip! Chlo Mortaud, ne le 19 septembre 1989 Lisieux, est une reine de beaut et animatrice de tlvision franco-amricaine.Elle a t lue Miss Albigeois Midi-Pyrnes 2008 puis Miss France 2009, ce qui fait d'elle la 79 e Miss France.Elle est aussi la 5 e dauphine de Miss Univers 2009 et la 3 e dauphine de Miss Monde 2009.. Elle est aussi citoyenne amricaine [1] ; il s'agit de la . I was like, "Oh, okay. 2012 WFSC 03d 890 Anisina Bonali.JPG 1,069 710; 212 KB. Maris au premier regard Latif Nasser: She started skating. L'Amour est dans le pr . Incroyablement, Surya Bonaly a remport un total de neuf titres de champion de France, cinq titres de champion dEurope et quatre mdailles dor dans des comptitions de championnat du monde. When you're black, you know. She was going to take it. Robert Krulwich: I'm Robert Kruller. Fortunately I was good at it. And, at her final Olympic performance, she attempted one jump that flew in the face of the establishment, and marked her for life as a rebel. Latif Nasser: Now, we should say that wasn't the sound of Surya skating, or any of those other people. There's such jumping ability. Tracie Hunte: I think the rep that she got after this was that she was a sore loser. Tonya Harding: She was just so exciting, and there was just no boundaries for her. Latif Nasser: They called out Surya. Latif Nasser: I guess it depends on how you define first. And still, what do you need more of me to do at this point? Surya Bonaly is a former French skater and current coach known for her tremendous technical ability and, famously, for the one-footed illegal backflip she landed at the 1998 Olympics. I swear, it's like an earthquake. Robert Krulwich: So, she doesn't get high scores? Quite frankly, Yuka Sato is an amazing skater. Tonya Harding: Our staff includes-, Sandra Bezic: Simon Adler, Brenna Farrell, David Gebel, Marie-Renie Le: Matt Kielty, Robert Kruller, Tonya Harding: Latin Nasser. All Rights Reserved. Tracie Hunte: Outside of competition she would do these ice shows and exhibitions, and that's when you would see what she can really do. Robert Krulwich: I'm Robert Krulwich. 458 Surya Bonaly Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO All Sports Entertainment News Archival Browse 458 surya bonaly stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Tracie Hunte: You get points for trying. Tracie Hunte: Yes! She wins 8 out of 9 technical merits. So if you have a second, there is a survey at wnyc.org/participate. There was this one time we found on YouTube where she boos the judges-. Respect Sorya, je vous ai toujours admir, quelle carrire, et le salto arrire restera longtemps grav dans notre ma mmoire ! Surya Bonaly : l'ancienne patineuse victime de discrimination et de racisme durant sa.Dans les annes 1990, une jeune patineuse originaire de la campagne n. Lorsque vous avez matris un certain aspect, vous devez continuellement vous efforcer de lamliorer en essayant quelque chose de nouveau et de diffrent plutt que de vous en tenir aux mmes vieilles choses. That's okay. Find your friends on Facebook. The retailer is being called out over its strict security measures. Latif Nasser: She's never medalled at the Olympics before. I skate good, but somehow, it's not for me. TV Announcers: Raw talent there. She'll be back, and so will we for the medal ceremony. Tracie Hunte: Yeah at the various European Championships, Skate America. Latif Nasser: And, by the time 1994 rolls around, she is a favorite. If there's one thing Surya Bonaly is remembered for, it's her backflips. Surya (Bonali NDLR.) Unlike her competitors ice princesses who hid behind demure smilesSurya made her feelings known. ', raconte lathlte. And that makes someone like Surya much more vulnerable. Jad Abumrad: stay listening? var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); Latif Nasser: Does the splits in the air. Latif Nasser: You're like the GPS lady. } Tracie Hunte: And, at the Olympics, which were just a month before, the top three ladies-. TV Announcers: Oh, what's going on inside that young woman? It's like a computer, if I would have missed something, a jump, I say, "Okay, here, I can fit a triple here, obviously I can do a combo triple triple. Surya Bonaly: Those famous skater, like Katarina Witt-, TV Announcers: The ravishing Katarina Witt-. But then there's also the gentle, almost soundless quality of, say a Yuka Sato or a Katia Gordeeva, where they're like a whisper across the ice, and yet they're flipping from one edge to another edge and forward to backward, and it's just this glide. Surya Bonaly: Yeah. I was competing on the national team [in France] for 12 years, and there are [kids] who watched me for years and years performing while they were small. They didn't know what to do with me. Marie Bashkirtseff, a souvent rsid Nice. Tracie Hunte: She would do back flips, hands-. [ 1] Hailing from Nice, France, her adoptive parents named her after the Sankrit word for "the sun." Shining athletically from an early age, she burst onto . Latif Nasser: She said that she backed Surya. RELATED:See Figure Skater Nancy Kerrigan Now, 28 Years After Her Last Olympics. La prochaine ce chiffre a t essentiel pour lempcher de remporter une mdaille dor dans... 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