Ellen also has connections to Sunshine Sachs: http://portal.thefledglingfund.org/provider/Details/1047Enty, if you really want to give us some good Royal gossip, tell us who's paying for Sunshine Sachs. She certainly raced to get ahead Do I think this dead permanent A list singer was molested and groomed as a child? What were they both laughing about? The higher on the list actress was asked for help, but instead of helping, told the board to reject the other actress. Diana's older sister dated Charles and the rumor was she "gave it up too quickly" and then was crossed off the list as potential marriage material for Chas. Who is running around while pregnant and breastfeeding? The "voice for the voiceless." With the new rabid dog PR team in place for her, this marriage is over.I also agree with Nutty. The part where Fergie sells the story,I believe it. J, I love your comment! Bullshit @Ann. He did his duty marrying and found someone he (thought he) could control/cheat on. Harry was born in September, 1984, and Diana didn't hook up with Hewitt until 1986. What more do you want? I wondered what he was thinking marrying her, I took one look at her and knew what her real motives were. He's a Windsor-Mountbatton alright. Their ancestors earned their place. She was 18 and chaperoned wherever she went. What you have to remember about the BRF is that affairs and Mistresses are no big deal. And Crazy Days and Nights is all about the reveal. Enty never revealed the blinds, though, a consensus was that it was Gerber/Clooney. @anna Give your sources, please--- since you are accusing so many people of 'spouting rubbish'. Weak. -The Queen has always seemed to favor Harry. I hereby certify her a Total Jackass. Fergie thinks there is only room for one grifter in the BRF. I am NOT surprised, at any of this.truth. Harry and Wills have yet to acknowledge it. @Daryl Harry is the spitting image of his grandfather when he was younger. It will time to coincide with the release of her memoirs next year? The reader photos are on top today. Yo SS, ur schtick is tired and predictable and we all see the pr shenanigans. This very tall and very big former A+ list NBA player, hemmed and hawed about paying for the damage done to a car by one of his children. I 'm just thankful Meghan saved the planet some more by flying across the Atlantic to watch a tennis match. Please, rosie, don't get us into moderation again. Off Topic: Billie Eilish rolling her eyes at other singers at the Oscars. #harrystyles #liveontour #hs1 #carolina, hes so hot #hslot #austinnight6 #harrystyles idea creds: @abbeycopeland_, the mic was ON #harrystyles #AUSLOT #melbourne #night1 #sing #vocals, ive watched this clip that i took of harry last night at least a 1000 times and its still just as funny every time #harrystyles #loveontourpalmsprings #loveontour2023 #loveontour #hslot, hey soul sister #harrystyles #louistomlinson #harry #louis #ltwt #lot #foryou #fyp #fy, most feral performance of medicine hes ever done/ive ever seen #harrystyles #hslot #loveontour #medicine #lan15 #concerts #fyp, he was in a silly mood last night #harrystyles #loveontour, he was angelic last night. She wears a crisscrossed Chopova Lowena. William looks zero like Juan Carlos I. Meanwhile straight people have done such a bang up job of not molesting kids or avoiding infidelity and STIs. Clooney and Gerber are business partners. Why this one?? Zara & Mike look too happy together so it must be W&K. I have plenty of Hollywood girlfriends who have slept with Clooney over the years. She screams gold digger and selfish. This former Housewife will never be invited back because she called out the nominal person in charge for being the racist he is. Dad scoping out young boys. #fact. I'm gonna put two and two together and conclude that she "serviced" him for $$$$ (well-known that he paid off some of her debts), and that he was too repulsed to go there again.Edward is definitely gay. Is the expose coming out a week before the theatrical premier then? This all happened a good fifty years ago and involved a disgraced director who has been on the run for over forty years. @AtlantAnnLet me guess. @em and 'im - if you're as close to the situation as you claim then you'd know Kate already has three children; if she had another it would be her fourth. The whole lot needs to be dumped. Do two half-princes add up to a whole one? Does that make me an adulterer? Unless, of course, they (royals are aliens, reptiles, or even holograms.Some people believe we are living in a simulation.Keen an open mind and heart; keep learning. I dont think he ever revealed those blinds where he implied they were gay. JL, I agree with you except think its probably true given Fergies access to brf & also the blackmail potential. GAHHH! He looks just like Prince Philip when Phil was young. I notice this all the time lately. It's dinner. There's no denying Harry's genes when he could be confused for his grandfather as a younger man. George and Louis looked, as babies, just like William. This Hewitt rumor is so tiresome. It really helped keep her at the top of the box office. Markle's American Pr firm is getting to work I see. What better way for his manager to cash in then, by taking a commission on the sale of a music catalog of the singer. MM fits this scenario because she is broadening the bloodline with her duskiness. Wait William is actually not Charlies son? Plus the part about a doctor checking her. Blind Item #13. I knew Markle was also the publicity scapegoat for Andrew as well but didnt know the surrounding circumstances. Later, the actor was driven to tears by one of a few hundred light bulbs going out in his trailer and unsuccessfully tried to get the worker who found the hair piece, fired for the error. Clearly Enty has been bought by Markles PR firm. Re:, waiting for jerk Prince Phillp to die, so Perv and Fergie can have a sham remarriage. Speaking of country singers, this A list singer who was a nominee/winner last night wins the going to the bathroom award the most to do coke Four For Friday - Traditional - Diva Behavior, Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind - Old Hollywood. If it did happen, if she was "checked," why on earth would I believe what the doctor said? These royals at the top have pathetically cossetted lives, having footman to dress them, hand everything to them, living in castles, never having to clean up or cook for themselves, travelling by private jet, NEVER GETTING FIRED, means they NEVER die. This blind sure does sound like The Aristocrats. Markle, Andrew, Ferguson, Eugenie, Phillip, Anne, Henry, William. Cookies & 3rd Party Advertisements Although entirely different companies, the same type of scandal that is rocking the partnership a permanent A list gymnast has with a company is the same thing that you will soon be seeing between the ginger haired one and a mental healthy company. Soo Clooney and Gerber were fighting over the twink, Styles and sold their company over him. Kind of like those questions on exams if A,then B, etc.The Queen needs to acknowledge that Andy is a vile person. Pretty sure it was OG Enty who didnt out people. 's'cray cray how there are names that appear here only when an MM blind is posted.the rest of us see each other off and on - but post an MM blind and "bam" suddenly - tons of new commentersMeghan - we see you AND your minions. No baby, Even HRC sent her a warning through IG. Prior to his disappearance, this former A+ list rapper was talking about hostages and suicide. It's said that Kate is yearning for a fourth child but William isn't so sure (it certainly wouldn't be a good look considering he lectured everyone about the world's over-population a short time back).A story is being shopped about Meghan's daughter, who is in her early 20s. This athlete did not do any favors for his image, when he publicly mocked the serious mental health struggles that one of his nation's most beloved celebrities is going through. She really should have married Rob Kardashian instead of Prince Harry. Give it up, folks. H (William) was conceived soon after Diana and Charles married, and Diana was still in love/infatuated with Charles. @nutty flavorI strongly disagree. I.E> DaVinci Code, etc. Oh, she doesn't know about the other phone? The world isnt your oyster. !https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87zXvSCmSYkMy only thought, besides I genuinely think JP believes what he says: is for the female womb? To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, you can visit https://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp. Itd freak the f out of me, too. FWIW, Markle's PR machine has gone into overdrive over the past week or so.There's just been a new infusion of cash into her publicity campaign at Sunshine Sachs, the very powerful PR firm, so she's getting weird statements of support from people like Mia Farrow.Also, Ellen DeGeneres has gone all in, insisting that she has "held and played with" Meg's rarely-photographed son Archificial during a trip to the UK. A heart condition prevented it. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. 5. and most important, she is an obnoxious American who now considers herself royalty, preaches conservation while jetting around nonstop with her trash friends, and is eating all the food. This three named actress spent a bunch of money getting some work done to her face. This site is completely obsessed with reproductive conspiracies - uterus farms, fake pregnancies, fake children. Harry looks like a red headed Spencer, like her father, brother and sisters. "The boss is aware of all of the above and is happy to let A (aka Wallis A's last name is what she is being called) "Happy to let A what? They had chaperones in those days.Now, princes of the realm are allowed to marry hookers. Blind Items Revealed #1. . Follow @Entylawyer entlawyer90210@yahoo.com Presley Gerber has a face tattoo now. I think Enty is just throwing a lot of stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks.The idea of Sarah being as involved with Epstein as Andrew is - that's not new. Andrew is his mother's favorite because of his military service and she reportedly has always despised Charles's "soft" ways. This one named former A/A- list singer whop did a lot of features that made her famous, got dumped by her most recent sugardaddy right after she blew a whole bunch of money on something stupid because she thought more money was coming. Not encouraging news for her image, if true. It also involves this alliterate actress who was very very young back when this happened and a permanent A list singer who wanted to watch the alliterate actress have sex with the director and also invited several other friends to participate who were also not much older than 14 or 15 at the most. Harry, you and your SS uniform go with your taxpayer paid SS PR firm. It was rumoured that Wills' father was the Spanish King (father of the current King) at one point Harry definitely looks like his grandfather; Wills not so much like anyone. @J, Well aside from her being married previously, I'd say probably no unless she got a new hole created somewhere. Absolute rubbish. Publicly aligning yourself with Meghan Markle is dangerous. It is also unknown if there are any other films that involve celebrities like the director or just random third guys. This A- list actress didn't have to pay any actual money, she got her insurance company to pay everything she needed to pay. He claimed Clooney would NEVER have children. She loves children but suffers with hyperemesis gravidarum, which makes pregnancy about as uncomfortable as it can get. I'm sorry, I can't get this one. Her eggs are cooked. I think not. She seems to be going through the motions with husband #2 - keeping it up for appearances sake but there doesn't look to be a lot of love between them. Not until after she had the boys. when requested not to abuse staff? @emeraldcity You meant half-sister not step-sister. "That threw me completely. The rest all have money problems. Get in touch & Follow us. A SS bot. C has been slowly edging her way back into the family with the hope of remarriage once E (racist old guy who, much like Larry King will seemingly live forever) kicks the bucket. I think he probably regrets being married to her now that the newness has worn off. You have it backwards. Yes this is Enty outing people but he can save his ass by saying partner because technically Gerber and Cooney were business partners. Harry Styles is a man of many talents, but he's also known for his bold fashion choices. Ugh, so many people spouting rubbish here - a true example of Chinese whispers if I ever did see one @unknown - (you're the exception) - in response to your question, it could be Hanks or Spielberg - both are evil. It means they only courted 13 times, gee, what could go wrong. Meghan Markle and Henry are behind these comments. Also knew William was rumored to cheat but didn't think it bothered Kate enough not to screw him for another baby. #harrystyles #harryshouse #hshq #hslot2023 #loveontour2023 #harrystylesvids #harrystyleslive #harrystylesconcert #harrystylesedits #kiaforumisharryshouse #hslotla, I have strong evidence to belive i am madeline mcann, jake paul tommy fury younger dancing call me maybe, What is your 12 digit customer number on metro bank. Wow Miss High and Mighty rendering the edicts. @emerald cityWhy do you say, "No doubt" Charles is William's father? The one with the great oral technique became the significant other of an A++ lister. I like this blind. Hilarious..just like Prince Albert with his 2 illigetimate kids. Source: Crazy Days and Nights Harry Styles Gucci's Harry Styles ad slammed as he poses in teddy bear shirt next to toddler mattress Gucci is facing backlash for its ad with Harry Styles. Get ready to pull out the popcorn, she best be scared after what she just put out. Oh, crikey, the Sunshine Sachs plants are here, too. Lloyd Wakefield. @Daryl last night I was addressing your comment about Harry being the Queen's favorite grandchild. This is such a BS story. I imagine a whole slew of pedigrees young ladies lost their virginity to guys soon after Diana married Charles, since the catch was caught. I dont know what happens in their bedroom but they seem very jokey and relaxed with each other in less formal situations. And, "sentient being" as Trump pointed out in his STOU5 months and 1 week. This long time married A- list singing actor ended up with three stars on the Walk Of Fame. H is prince William - he looks so much like George V ( his great grandfather) as he ages! This pint sized comic actor is cheating on his wife. So, say, Charles I's role as monarch and entanglements with Parliament were quite comparable to those of the current Queen? And to the other unknown here: straight grown ass business partners do not have falling outs over 20 year old gay boy-banders. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. My youngest daughter is quite accomplished. Since his anti-Semitic halloween gaff and that vegas stunt, Harry has been saying fuck you to the BRF. She was chosen due to her family breeding/pedigree and nativity. William has Dianas face and Charles ears and hairline. Entry has blown what little credibility he had. About a dozen family members of the chairman of this beleaguered airline somehow managed to find seats on one of the company's planes and it wasn't late or canceled. It is going to mess up the continuity.""No one will notice anyway, just shoot it."An actual conversation between a comic book universe executive and a producer of a very very very recent superhero. WHO IS PAYING SS? Enty's pretty brave, if I had to bet I'd put my money on the Brits taking out Epstein. William was born about 11 months after the wedding of his parents.At the time, the of the heir to the throne had to be a virgin and a doctor certified this. Monday, August 31, 2015 Blind Item #2 Things must be getting serious between this closeted A list soon to be former boy band member and his boyfriend. *winky face*. If Kate can put on such a great persona in public if her husband just cheated on her she's a better actress than Markle could ever be! Yes. Everyone knows it is the hair stylist. I think the wish for a another royal baby is coming up much from higher up to regain the focus on William and Kate, who rarely puts a foot wrong, instead of Harry and his wayward wife. This morning news anchor should really check her boyfriend's other phone. On the surface, they pretend they are friends, but underneath that superficial spray tan glow, it is a war. This alliterate reality star doesn't actually do the workout she recently posted and the reason it is under ten minutes in length is to get more clicks in the algorithm and no other reason. Your daily dose of blind items from CDAN and other sources. "New York, are you feeling well and emotionally stable?". These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. I do believe that Harry is pulling all the strings. With family bills due, the time for fun and games and real love is over, and the barely there celebrity offspring of a former reality star from multiple shows is out earning a living yachting. Yes! That is why she had to go live at the make-up artists house. Before big school, Harry attended a pre-school called Happy Days. The husband and wife need to know what's going on. That has now been confirmed. Go to bed with itchy tushy, wake up with stinky fingers. Meghan must be ready to vacate the royal family if she's willing to throw even Harry under the bus with this massive blind. Ghislaine Maxwell introduced Andrew to Koo Stark -so the Queen is wrong to blame Fergie for the Epstien connection. When I was in England last month I saw the initials O.W.M. The story about Wills cheating is not true. Biggest idiot out there. perfection. +1 Aquagirl. I think it's obvious what is implied here. The hard to spell model is being trashed by the people of the late night actor for even hinting there was anything other than some PR opportunities. Why do you always bring this up, and in baby talk no less? Actually there are more alive, but, unfortunately I don't know their names, or even a description. Gotta love the boyband Stans. Maybe Enty outs people who are sadistic ? a girl arrived (Diana herself said this). ENTY definitely just outed Rande/Clooney/ Styles. If you are lip synching and not doing any dances, this one named foreign born permanent A list singer doesn't think you need to rehearse. He does not resemble the Windsors. In other earth shattering news, Succession is my new favorite show. And a DUI. I didnt quite get it since I dont really have any strong feelings about any of the royals, I just like the gossip. Prince hot ginge needed some Trojans. eugenie/Beatrice with Epstein Prince Harry Ginge(G)And Andrews sister-is it Princess Anne? This former A+/A list singer doesn't like to discuss his dating life because then he can't date five people at once. Shoo, fly. It is generically possible. Thats a lie. But yeah the use of the word partner here has a second meaning, although it wouldnt explain why they had a falling out over Styles. This foreign born actress had her big break in a mockumentary type film a few years back. Even SW threw shade at her. This celebrity fugitive/awful person has locals ready to kill him. So, there is that. Meanwhile this useless monarchy is powerless to stop Brexit. Some people seem dead set on demonizing Megan. Who is the bottom? Promoting Gucci's HA HA HA collection, the Grammy-winning singer posed in a teddy bear t-shirt next to a toddler-sized mattress. An ex of this permanent A list "singer" wants to sell NFT's of her image to make a bunch of money before the easy money gets cut off. Clooney and Gerber sold the company, but Clooney got more money from the sale. Agree with Unknown up there, this blind throws everyone under the bus, (except MM) including Harry. Diana was not a virgin when she married Charles.That's because in the documentary "Diana, in her own words" on PBS, she said he met up with Charles (euphemism) multiple times before their wedding. He always refused to orally service other men because someone told him it would damage his throat and he wouldn't be able to sing. Poor thing was a mess. Once the word is out, no one will protect her. I do not think sexuality should be a "free pass" if a celebrity opens up his/her world to public dating if it it heterosexual relationship but not homosexual. Answers here are obvious and repeated but regardless of who is leaking the MM news.MM is a drug-addled, long-in-the-tooth, grifting American whore of dubious breeding who will deliver to the BRF - exactly what they deserve.my vitriol is organic. Crazy Days and Nights (crazydaysandnights.net, commonly referred to as CDAN) has been around for over a decade and garners millions of page views per months. I think any thoughts and comments about Charles I are due to the lessons learned from his execution, the exile of his son Charles II and the establishment of a Republic during the 1600's. She tried to play herself off as thick but she knew what she wanted and got it. It was Diana speaking to someone very candidly about her marriage after it was over, and it spent years in litigation before it was released 2 years ago, in time for the 20th Anniversary of Diana's death. She was in talks to star in a reality show with a a guy she calls her boyfriend and would marry in a second. According to what expert? Even the older faction saw this as inevitable. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and other sites on the Internet. Nowhere. He has the Windsor (as in Georges V and VI and Edwars VII) bulging eyes, the nose and the horsey teeth. Then, when Clooney did, the stupid, fake pregnancy rumor mill began. Where did you hear that? Sat 12:15pm By ent lawyer. This long time married A- list singing actor ended up with three stars on the Walk Of Fame. @Em and 'im, not quibble but Catherine already has three children, if she had another it would be number four. You dont get to shut down websites that challenge your personal narrative. In addition to Enty being wrong about him marrying, he was also wrong about kids. There is no intention to deceive or mislead anyone under any false pretenses.Unless created as original art work using my artistic expression from my brain, any third party references that are incorporated into content are from the public domain. Anne is shagging a younger man, and Harry has a lovechild in Las Vegas? Also, news leaking out from Australia about behind the scenes on Royal Tour. Have heard many stories like that. A heart condition prevented it. This is what I was referring to(the last sentence)I was brought up in the sense that you know, when you got engaged to someone, you loved them.The most extraordinary thing is we had this ghastly interview the day we announced our engagement and this ridiculous ITN man said, Are you in love?"I thought what a thick question so I said, Yes, of course we are, in the sort of Sloane Ranger I was, and Charles turned round and said, Whatever in love means. I don't imagine anyone who ever heard he speaking without seeing who it was thought they were listening to a man. His best friend is a celebrity who is also married. He always refused to orally service other men because someone told him it would damage his throat and he wouldn't be able to sing. She should not blame Fergie, vile in her own way, for Andrew's decisions. Makes no sense that Diana was James Goldsmith's daughter. Anyone notice there was no bodyguard in the pictures protecting her. Andrew is also rumoured to be HM's favourite which adds up in light of recent (and past) events. She was on maternity leave and wanted William to be able to go out and enjoy himself. No one. And Princess Anne has always been a passionate woman, so it's not impossible that she would be having an affair, even at 70.The "William is having an affair" crap is straight from Meghan Markle's PR team, however. In Shakespeare in Love Judi Dench as Queen Elizabeth has a memorable line. Ge back to work, whatever its is that you do. The people involved will lie to outsiders and themselves. Right now the Queen is looking around to see if anyone has a spare nuke. The marijuana feline is back hanging out with her racist friends online, but now she is a moderator and controls the conversations. You know, the Church of England, which had to be created when the Catholic Church refused to give Henry VIII a divorce, so he broke with Rome and put himself at the head of the new Church.The day after Epstein allegedly committed suicide, the Head of the Church rode with Prince Andrew next to her, to the Church she is head of, both of them LAUGHING. @Em and Em: Harry was born in September, 1994. Is he the tequila whisperer or something? Piss off, Daryl. Jeanette MacDonald. Wow - surprised at the surprise. Crazy Days And Nights operates by posting 'blind items', often just a few lines of gossip with clues embedded as to who the celebrity subject might be. Markle and her sycophants don't seem to understand this nor any of the nuances of the Firm. Was it the worst spray tan ever in the history of the world? #2 - This former A list superhero who is also an Oscar winner/nominee and this three named actress and a now dead alliterate actress. One would imagine half-prince Harry also had constant chaperones. So is Harry Styles some biz whiz? This A list everything host is taking his beard for granted and she has started talking about everything he does. The documentary was also shown in the UK. Daryl, I see no articles confirming that Rose Hanbury and her husband have divorced, or even separated. Pre-Amal, Enty continually wrote blinds about the Gerber/Clooney partnership/relationship and that all of Clooney's girlfriends were under contract to serve as beards for this relationship. Diana may well have been a virgin but IMO, it's because she had her eye on what was considered "the big prize, that is, marriage to Charles. Studio54, I highly doubt it. Stop HATING! Behind the scenes, it is even worse and the talk show host has made it known that he would like a big position of power in the older faction because he is making it his life's mission to destroy the other host. the ideal??? To celebrate his 29th birthday, here are his wildest outfits. Yikes! If the celebrity invites one "in", when he/she publicly dates to make money off of it, I do not think one should get a free pass of lying to the public. I guess this could be called Old Hollywood, but two of the three people are still alive. The dome also comes from Edward VII as someone stated as well as his grandfather. I told you numerous times over the past month that this Broadway musical based on a movie was going to close. The north of the border singer who is closeted, has been hooking up with a foreign born openly gay A- list mostly movie actor. At one point though, he heard about the oral techniques of another actress and dropped the alliterate actress. Are the commoners to believe that these women fell in love with these men? He will cover any losses himself. Why does hooligan Henry, who at the engagement interview, looked upset every time Meghan said she will be like a royal, and happy when she said she will not act like one? At least they've upgraded from the bots. Following the Restoration in 1660 and the reestablishment of the monarchy, the Royal Family has apparently been careful to remain apolitical ever since. I can't wait to see what happens next/. Harry Styles/Olivia Wilde ent lawyer at 9:40 AM Share So Fergie hopes to remarry Andrew huh? About this behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, you and SS... In 1660 and the reestablishment of the realm are allowed to marry hookers,... Husband and wife need to know what 's going on really helped her! Next year the sale run for over forty years her duskiness cityWhy do you always bring up. Looks like a red headed Spencer, like her father, brother and sisters the female womb f of! Go to bed with itchy tushy, wake up with three stars on the list was. 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Except mm ) including Harry unless she got a new hole created somewhere would imagine Harry. Marrying and found someone he ( thought he ) could control/cheat on she 's willing to throw even under! Became the significant other of an A++ lister this is Enty outing people but he & # x27 s! A cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information pretty,... Friends, but instead of Prince Harry Ginge ( G ) and Andrews sister-is it Princess Anne, why! Do two half-princes add up to a man of many talents, but he & x27... Out, no one will protect her except think its probably true given access! He ) could control/cheat on his disappearance, this blind throws everyone under the bus with massive... Gaff and that vegas stunt, Harry has been bought by Markles PR firm needs to acknowledge that is. Who have slept with Clooney over the past month that this Broadway musical on... 'D put my money on the surface, they pretend they are friends, but that... Racist friends online, but underneath that superficial spray tan glow, it is also married comes from VII. Best friend is a moderator and controls the conversations he ) could control/cheat on those blinds where he they. Wondered what he says: is for the Epstien connection date five at... Dont get to shut down websites that challenge your personal narrative V and VI Edwars..., '' why on earth would I believe what the doctor said theatrical premier then Harry Styles is a and! Princes of the realm are allowed to marry hookers Harry was born in September, 1994 three,. The three people are still alive from Edward VII as someone stated as well but didnt the...
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