The nelson hold in professional wrestling usually takes the form of the full nelson, half nelson, or three-quarter nelson. The wrestler stands in front of and with their back to a standing opponent. This was famously used by Don Muraco as the Asiatic Spike and Terry Gordy (which he learned from Killer Khan) as the Oriental Spike. He calls it the Koji MAX hold. The reversal should be performed immediately at the time King snaps the leg. Former TNA and WWE wrestler Samoa Joe uses this as his signature submission hold, calling it the Coquina Clutch, and current WWE wrestler Shayna Baszler uses it as her finisher, calling it the Kirifuda Clutch. This move sees the attacker kneel behind a sitting opponent and wrap around one arm under the opponent's chin and lock their hands. The attacker then either pulls straight back on the chin or wrenches it to the side. Samoa Joe, Jazz, Erik Watts and Nikki Bella have also used this move. With the opponent on their back, the wrestler, standing beside them, sits with their leg over and between the opponent's legs (often using a legdrop to the knee). Also known as an "arm-trap half nelson sleeper", the wrestler stands behind the opponent and uses one arm to place the opponent in a half nelson. Kushida uses a variation, where goes on the top rope and places his opponent on the turnbuckle and delivers the move. The wrestler then wraps their free arm under the opponent's chin as in a sleeper hold, puts their other arm through the arch created by the opponent's trapped arm, and locks their hands. Then, the wrestler passes their other free arm through the "hole" formed by the opponent's bent arm under the biceps, and then catches the opponent's grappled wrist. 1.0 0x. Stretches are usually employed to weaken an opponent or to force them to submit, either vocally or by tapping out: slapping the mat, floor, or opponent with a free hand three times. This may sometimes be preceded by an arm wrench. The wrestler then "scissors" (clasps) the near arm of the opponent with one or both legs from a standing position and takes hold of the far arm of the opponent with both hands, forcing the opponent onto their side and placing stress on both shoulder joints, as well as making it harder for the opponent to breathe. The wrestler grasps an opponent's neck with both hands then lifts them up. Often the wrestler will shake their body from side to side in order to generate more pain around the ribs and spine. Another version of this move sees the wrestler standing over the opponent who's face-down reaches for and places the opponent's nearest arm around the wrestler's far waist before applying the hold. By using our site, you agree to our. It is performed by approaching the opponent and putting one hand on the back of the opponent's neck while holding the elbow of the opponent's arm that is holding their own neck. 7 Ric Flair's Figure 4 Leg Lock. The legs are used to control the movement of the opponent's body while the opponent's foot is twisted by holding the heel with the forearm and using the whole body to generate a twisting motion, hence creating severe medial torque on the ankle. This move is usually executed on a wrestler lying flat on their back. The wrestler then turns 360 degrees over the leg, twisting it inward. Palm strikes, slaps, and elbow strikes can be used in place of punches. The wrestler wraps their arms around the head and one arm of the opponent and squeezes, choking the opponent. This move is ambidextrous and can be performed either from a standing position, or a grounded position where the attacker applies a variation of body scissors. This hold is a staple of European style wrestling and technical wrestling influenced by European wrestling. 2.0 0x. The downward pressure on his ankles will cause pressure in either his knee, ankle or shin for the submission. A heel hook is a leg lock affecting multiple joints, and is applied by transversely twisting the foot either medially or laterally. [3] Although Foley popularized the move, it was invented by Sam Sheppard, a physician who was wrongfully convicted of his wife's murder in 1954; after his conviction was overturned in 1966, Sheppard took up professional wrestling and was said to have derived the move from his knowledge of human anatomy. Known as "La mecedora" (Spanish for Rocking chair) or "La campana" (The bell) in Mexico. Slick Ric, known by many as the greatest wrestler of all time. The Rated R Superstar, Edge used this variation, calling it the Edge-u-cator. [7] Zack Sabre Jr. uses it as his submission finisher. This move commonly sees an attacking wrestler dive over an opponent who is facing them, usually bent over forwards, catching the opponent in a waistlock from behind and landing back-first behind the opponent. AEW wrestler Jon Moxley uses this move as a finisher sometimes while taking the opponent down with and then transitioning from a sleeper hold or rear naked choke. Marty Scurll uses it as finishing move. However, Joe Rogan criticizes it; emphasizing that it's inviting an Inside Heel Hook counter. Chris Masters and Bobby Lashley uses a standing variation called the Master Lock and the Hurt Lock respectively, where they lock the nelson in and swing their opponent back and forth alternating pressure between their shoulders. The final position has the wrestler in a semi-sitting position and facing away from the opponent, with the opponent's back and legs bent back toward their face. It was used by Ed Lewis and Bruno Sammartino. Similar to a double underhook, but only one arm is underhooked and the head of the opponent is placed into a front facelock. However, instead of locking the opponent's legs in a "4" shape, the attacking wrestler crosses one of the opponent's legs over to the other leg. His son, AEW wrestler Hook, also adopted it as his finishing maneuver, rebranding it as Redrum. The wrestler then pulls back, stretching the opponent's back, neck, and knees. The attacker throws their other leg over the opponent's trapped arm and then behind the opponent's neck, pushing it forward. Wrestlers Alberto Del Rio (often the flying variant, see below) and Ronda Rousey perform this move a finisher. Also known as a stomach vice, just like the original clawhold, the attacker applies a painful nerve hold to the adversary's abdomen, forcing them to submit or pass out. Also known as a calf slicer or leg slicer, the calf crusher is a Compression lock that involves pressing the calf and/or thigh muscle into one of the bones in the leg. The wrestler then pulls the opponent's head backwards with their arms and the opponent's far leg outwards with their leg. The pentagram choke creates a complete vise around the opponent's neck, and its name comes from using five sides, whereas the triangle choke only uses three. This was used by Johnny Saint as the Johnny Saint Special. From this point on the wrestler can either grab the opponent's wrist with the free hand and tucks their own head beneath the opponent's armpit and stand upright, locking in the hold, or simply throw the opponent's arm over their own shoulder and grab the opponent's thighs with the free hand. Then, the wrestler moves slightly to the left while still positioned in front of the opponent. From behind a seated opponent, the wrestler grabs one of the opponent's elbows and pulls it up and backward. A backbreaker drop variation of this submission move sees the attacking wrestler first hold an opponent up for the Argentine backbreaker rack before dropping to the mat in a sitting or kneeling position, thus flexing the opponent's back with the impact of the drop. The wrestler reaches around the opponent's body with their arms and lifts them up, spinning the opponent in front of the wrestler's body, often to deliver a slam or most commonly a "tilt-a-whirl backbreaker" or a "pendulum backbreaker". Johnny Valentine, who often They then roll back so that the opponent is suspended on their knees above them, facing up. The wrestler then uses the near hand to reach back and grab the opponent from behind the head, thus pulling the opponent's head above the wrestler's shoulder. Also known as an arm-trap triangle choke. Bryan Danielson popularized and invented a variation, dubbed the Danielson Special, where he would flip his opponent with a butterfly suplex before locking in the cross armbar. He usually sets it up from a single-leg takedown or a roll-through called the Calgary Crab. In Mexico's Lucha libre this hold is known as La Torre, Spanish for "The Tower". With the opponent hung over the second rope, facing the outside of the ring, the attacking wrestler hooks their left or right leg over the back of the opponent's neck. The wrestler then grabs one of the opponent's arms in a stepover armlock, turning 360 so the opponent's arm is bent around the leg of the attacking wrestler. Used by Taichi as Seteii Juhjiro. A kneeling variation also exists. Also known technically as the overhead gutwrench backbreaker rack or Sammartino backbreaker this sees an attacking wrestler first lift an opponent up so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder, with the opponent's head pointing in the direction that the wrestler is facing. Another Argentine backbreaker rack variation called the La Atlntida, favored by Mexican luchador Atlantis, sees the attacking wrestler holding the opponent across the shoulders and behind the head in a side-lying position facing towards the rear, then pulling down on the head and one leg to laterally bending the opponent. The wrestler then pins the arm with the grappled wrist against the second or top rope to the outside of the ring, passes their other arm from under the opponent's biceps, and grapples the opponent's wrist. Satoshi Kojima uses a slight variation where both of his legs are on the same side of the opponent's arm. As such, a wrestling crowd will start shouting "Wooooo!" This move is also being used by indie wrestler The Silent Warrior, a wrestler who is Deaf. This move can also be known by the underrepresented term coil lock in catch wrestling. Sometimes called a "flying figure-four", the opponent is either downed or standing next to one of the ring corner posts. Popularized by Brutus Beefcake, Waylon Mercy, Dolph Ziggler, Minoru Suzuki, and most recognized with Roddy Piper. Also referred to as a "bridging grounded double chickenwing" or Cattle Mutilation. The move was invented and popularized by Jinsei Shinzaki. This move can be compared to the Heel Hook in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The pressure is applied once the wrestler compresses their knees together. The attacking wrestler then wraps their legs around the opponent's midsection with a body scissors and arches backwards, pulling the opponent's head forward, stretching the torso and the neck. The collar-and-elbow tie-up is one of the mainstays of professional wrestling, and many matches are begun with this move. The wrestler bends the opponent down so they are bent facing in front on the wrestler's body. These variations are also invented by Tenzan himself. The attacking wrestler stands behind the opponent who is either sitting or lying face down, then pulls the opponent into an inverted facelock, often hooking the opponent's near arm with their free arm. For the half nelson the attacker slips one arm under the opponent's armpit and places it on the neck. This move has been used by Daniel Bryan and Bobby Fish as the Fish Hook Deluxe Edition. From that point, the wrestler can apply other holds to the opponent, such as a fujiwara armbar or a three-quarter facelock. Starting in the same position as a regular STF, the attacker takes both the opponent's legs, bends them at the knees, and crosses them, placing one ankle in the other leg's knee-pit. It was utilized by wrestlers like Awesome Kong. Another version of the move is similar to a wheelbarrow facebuster, but instead illegally pulls the hair of the opponent while leaning back to pull up the opponent's head and neck. While in the vise, the wrestler can control their opponent by squeezing the temples and bring them down to a seated position where more pressure can be exerted. The stepover armlock is similar in execution to the spinning toe hold, except that the wrist is held instead of the foot. Used as a finisher by Haku and Bone Soldier. The wrestler then takes hold of the upper arms or wrists of the opponent and spreads them, holding the opponent in place. The wrestler first hooks each of the opponent's legs underneath their own armpits as if performing a reverse Boston crab, then reaches down and underneath the opponent's chin with both hands, applying a chinlock, and finally leaning back to pull up the opponent's head and neck. This may lead to an armbar, a wrist lock, the wrestler pulling the opponent onto their shoulders in a fireman's carry, an Irish whip, or a short-arm maneuver, such as a clothesline. The only difference between Sting's "Scorpion Death Lock" and the current "Sharpshooter" is which leg the pressure is on, as Sting's targets the right leg and the "Sharpshooter" targets the left leg. The move can be executed from a kneeling position or a standing position, depending on the wrestler's preference. The wrestler first straddles one of the opponent's legs, then reaches over the opponent's near arm with the arm close to the opponent's back and locks it. This hold applies pressure on the opponent's temples and calves and compresses the spine. Charlotte Flair uses a bridging variation of the move referred to as a Figure Eight. If the opponent is sitting, the wrestler can press their knee into the opponent's back, adding pressure. Do not apply too much pressure as it can break your opponent's ankle. Another form of wrist lock, sometimes known as a figure four wrist lock, involves the wrestler (after applying the initial wrist lock with the left hand) threading their right arm through the gap the two arms provide, forming a 4, and providing leverage on the wrist lock. An inverted version of this moves exists with the opponent on their stomach, the wrestler grabs the opponent's right arm and places it on top of their back, grabs and stacks the right arm with their right leg, then puts the left arm on top of the right leg, and then finally immobilizes the other limbs by placing the left leg on top of the rest. then the wrestler clasps his hand, one arm passes through the leg applying the headscissors and the other goes under. One variant may see the wrestler instead lock their hands on the opponent's neck. It is the finishing hold of African wrestler Shaun Koen of the Africa Wrestling Alliance. Both of these maneuvers are also used in other various martial arts such as Judo, Submission Wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. The maneuver can be executed on a standing or a downed (facing upwards) opponent. A common variant of this hold has the attacking wrestler also apply a double underhook before or after lifting the opponent. Also known as "Neck Wrench", the wrestler faces their opponent, who is bent over. The wrestler wraps their arm around the opponent's neck performing a sleeper hold, then climbs to the second rope and hangs the opponent by the neck. The move was invented by Hiroyoshi Tenzan. Now I can finaly take revenge opon my enemies and fake friends.". The opponent's arm is then hooked and pulled back into their body, stretching the forearms, biceps, and pectoral muscles. The inverted Indian deathlock facelock, or a "Muta lock". A version where the opponent sits in a seated position (with older origins) was first called Cattle Mutilation by Atsuo Sawada, a name that has also been applied to the grounded version made famous by Bryan Danielson. 4.0 0x. Charlotte Flair uses this move to set up for the Figure Eight Leglock. STF is short for "Stepover Toehold Facelock". Put From this point, the wrestler then rolls or flips into a bridge, pulling the opponent's arms and applying pressure on them. The wrestler places one of their legs under the chin of the opponent and pushes up. Also known as a "buffalo sleeper", this choke sees the wrestler kneeling behind a seated opponent before grabbing hold of one of the opponent's arms, bending it backwards overhead, and locking the opponent's wrist into the attacker's armpit. The wrestler then places their free leg on the instep of the leg which is already being used to choke the opponent. The attacker then pulls backwards and up, wrenching the opponent's neck and spine. This hold was innovated by Mr. Niebla and is best associated with Miliano Collection A.T. known as the Paradise Lock. Similar to a clawhold, the attacking wrestler applies a nerve lock onto the opponent's shoulder(s) using his/her hands and fingers for a submission attempt. 7. And there you have it, your opponent has tapped out.. clap to you my friends and Congrats on winning the match. The hold itself can be and sometimes is used as a submission move, but it is more commonly used as a transition hold to set up another move such as a suplex, a DDT, a facebuster, or a powerbomb. Mainly used as a setup for the bulldog, this move has been used commonly in MMA and other sports. Its facebuster version was later made popular by Beth Phoenix, calling the move the Glam Slam. While the move is primarily a submission move, if the opponent has their shoulders on the mat, the referee can make a three count for a pinfall. This variation is used as a submission finisher by Sasha Banks as the Bank Statement, and by Taka Michinoku as the Just Facelock. This move has been famously used by Triple H in the WCW. [citation needed] This move is commonly transitioned from a reverse STO. The wrestler forces the opponent to the ground and opens up the opponent's legs, stepping in with both legs. Innovated by Ed Lewis, the wrestler begins positioned behind their opponent. This leg cross indicates that an argumentative or competitive attitude exists. Then the attacking wrestler grapevines the other leg and performs an ankle lock submission hold. The wrestler then grabs hold of the wrist of that arm and pulls it upwards, causing hyper extension of the shoulder and elbow. To create this article, 22 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This elevates the wrestler and places all the weight of the wrestler on the opponent. 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