25(a) of the BLET Bylaws states: The convention of the ND shall be held quadrennially, the date and place to be designated by the Advisory Board. FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240, National Division My union roles have included serving as a Local Chairman. . Becoming a Member In 2014, Brother Holdcraft was elected Seventh Alternate Vice President at the BLETs Third National Convention in Las Vegas. Approximately 475 delegates will represent nearly 34,000 active locomotive engineers and trainmen throughout the United States. will convene in Las Vegas, Nevada, from October 10-13, 2022. From 2008-2011, he served as Vice General Chairman of the BLETs BNSF-ATSF GCA. Convention delegates are elected by local BLET Division members. Railroads face a traffic backlog and operatorNorfolk Southern February 16, 2023 | Commuter Rail, Contract Negotiations, Headlines. Brother Crow and his brother, Randall J. They will be charged with nominating candidates for National Division office . The visitors section also contains links for hotel room and airport ground transportation reservations. Critical Illness & Accident Insurance Vice President Louiss railroad career began when he hired out with Conrail as a trainman on August 6, 1976, in Buffalo, N.Y. COVID-19; Important Phone Numbers; Subscribe by email; Operation Stop; HI-VIZ. (Source: www.nj.com, February 15, 2023) Locomotive engineers are upset with a salary offer from NJ Transit and may start voting with their feet, either by taking jobs with other commuter railroads that pay more, or going on strike, union leaders said. Peter M. Semenek was elected by acclamation to the office of National Vice President at the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmens (BLET) Fifth National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 5, 2022. He was also reelected by acclamation in 2020. Independence, Ohio 44131 Short Term Disability BNSF was hiring after my time in the Army ended. The goal is to expedite the registration process by providing as much information as possible in advance of the convention, and to serve as a one-stop information source for convention-related news, photographs and videos. He served as an appointed Local Chairman for trainmen/conductors and Vice Local Chairman before becoming Local Chairman in 2000. Vice President Fannon has served the Brotherhood on the Safety Task Force since his appointment as an investigator on November 12, 2012. While there are no major work rule changes, BLET says, the cost of the employee contribution to . FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240, National Division Memorial Page He earned promotion to locomotive engineer in 1997 and joined BLET Division 60 on October 1, 1997. The national officers for the next term will be elected by the delegates during He was reelected by acclamation in 2012 and 2015. Mark your calendars and plan to attend one or both of the BLET's 2023 regional meetings. As per our Constitution & By-Laws, Article IV (Representation). Vice President Holdcraft is a dedicated union leader who has served the Brotherhood in numerous elected offices over the years. His mother Janie was very active in the Grand International Auxiliary (GIA), serving as a national officer, and also served as Executive Secretary of the NS-Southern Lines GCA for many years. From 2012-2016, Brother Holdcraft served as Secretary-Treasurer of the BLETs Western General Chairmans Association, and was elected to serve as its Chairman in 2017. Brother Louis was elected Third Alternate National Vice President at the BLETs Second National Convention in 2010. He was elected by acclamation to the office of National Vice President at the BLETs Fifth National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 12, 2022. His brother, Jerry, was a fireman with Penn Central/Conrail who served as a Local Chairman of the United Transportation Union from 1970 to 1979. In 2012, 2015 and in 2019 Brother Bagby was elected by acclamation to the position of First Vice General Chairman. In compliance with the ND Bylaws, the Fifth National Convention of the BLET will convene in Las Vegas, Nevada from October 10-13, 2022. Tag: National Agreement. In June of 1993, he was promoted locomotive engineer working in the Soo Line yard in Bensenville, Illinois. Safety; Spokane/Hauser; Lakeside; Columbia River; Kootenai River; Resources. Vice President Gibbons comes from a long line of railroaders in his family. Mark L. Wallace is First Vice President and Alternate National President of the 57,000-member Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), a Division of the Rail Conference, International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Effective July 1, 2013, he was elevated to the office of National Vice President upon the retirement of Vice President Willard E. Knight. Online Services Brother Semenek said that he looks forward to the challenges that come with the National Vice Presidents position and will always keep his BLET Brothers and Sisters best interests first and foremost in his thoughts and actions. As General Chairman Brother Driscoll has successfully arbitrated many discipline and rule cases at both CSXT and Conrail, participating in several on-property negotiations. Posted on January 11, 2023 January 11, 2023. . Short Line More specific details will be announced at a later date. Supply, Retirement Posted on December 1, 2022 December 30, 2022. Becoming a Member He was twice elected Treasurer of the New York State Legislative Board in 2004. He transferred to Division 659 and soon became actively involved in serving the membership. He was elected by acclamation to serve as Trustee and also Fourth Alternate Vice President at the BLETs Fifth National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 5, 2022. At the time of his election in 2018, Vice President Wallace was serving as a National Division Trustee and as General Chairman of the Norfolk Southern-Southern Lines General Committee of Adjustment (GCA), which at the time represented 43 Divisions with over 3,000 members. He has been an active union member since Day 1, and has served on Division 28s Local Committee of Adjustment for 12 years. (Source: Associated Press, February 15, 2023) Residents of the Ohio village upended by a freight train derailment packed a school gym to seek answers about whether they were safe from toxic chemicals that spilled or were burned off. Auxiliary delegates will elect National Officers and consider important resolutions. Scholarship Directory Immediately prior to his 2018 election, Vice President Holdcraft served the BLET as General Chairman of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (former AT&SF) General Committee of Adjustment (BNSF-ATSF GCA), representing nearly 3,150 members from 35 different BLET Divisions. The union which represents more than 57,000 U.S. rail employees reports 99.5% of its members voted to authorize a strike if such an action becomes legal and "necessary to secure a contract worthy of their consideration," BLET National President Dennis Pierce said in a statement issued Tuesday. David P. Estes is the National Secretary-Treasurer of the 57,000-member Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), a Division of the Rail Conference, International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Approximately 475 delegates will represent more than 33,000 active locomotive engineers and He also recently led negotiations for another on-property agreement with Bombardier Transportation Services for his members working in MARC commuter rail service. "Increased participation starts with all of the people in this room. He also served as a member of the Rail Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC) Two-Person Crew Working Group. Safety Task Force National Division Rules, Sec. The visitors section provides an online pre-registration form for non-delegates who plan to attend the Fifth National Convention and observe the proceedings. Vice President Best served as Local Chairman of Division 498 from 2001 until 2013. Vice President Best was first elected to serve the CSXT Eastern Lines GCA in 2008 when he was elected 1st Vice General Chairman, a position he was reelected to in 2012. Throughout my 20 years with LECMPA, Ive loved going above and beyond to help people. He was elected BNSF-ATSF General Chairman in 2012, and was reelected by acclamation in 2014 and 2018. Also, his great uncle was a conductor for the Penn Central and the Southern Pacific. His father Fred retired as a conductor from UP in 2010 after 48 years of service. He is a CSXT locomotive engineer and a member of BLET Division 382 in Buffalo, N.Y. He was then elected Chairman of the WGCA in 2012. Hall is National President of the 57,000-member Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), a Division of the Rail Conference, International Brotherhood of Teamsters. 2022 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, Retiring Vice Presidents Pruitt, Priester address delegates as Fifth National Convention adjourns, FRA Administrator Bose talks safety on Day 3 of BLETs Fifth National Convention, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh highlights Day 2 of BLETs Fifth National Convention, President Pierce addresses delegates at Fifth National Convention. Independence, Ohio 44131 He was elected by acclamation to the office of National Division Trustee at the BLETs Third National Convention in Las Vegas on October 1, 2014. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, the founding member of the Teamsters Rail Conference, conducted the ballot count for the 2022 Election of BLET National Division Officers on Monday, December 12, 2022. Delegate registration begins on Sunday, October 9. Upcoming Events I started working for Union Pacificat at just 18 years old. The cost of the Dinner/Dance is $50.00 per person. We save homes and families what could be better? Brother Estes represented Division 60 as their delegate to the BLET First National Convention in 2006, Second National Convention 2010, and the Third National Convention 2014. Pursuant to National Division Rules Section 20(g) of the BLET Bylaws, the list of delegates to the upcoming National Convention was published in the Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen News I worked in the Illinois/Chicago Divisions then transferred to the Gulf/Red River Division. Brother Bagby is a second-generation railroader and is proud of his strong union heritage. Public Relations In 2003, he was elected Vice Local Chairman of Division 404, winning election to the office of Local Chairman in 2006 and again in 2009. He was elected by acclamation to his first term at the BLETs Fifth National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 12, 2022. _____ Sereena Hogan, National President . He continued in both positions until becoming Division 28s Legislative Representative in 2006 and full-time Local Chairman in 2008. Vice President Fannons cousin, Jamie Wallace, and brother-in-law, Patrick Jennings, also are employed by NS in Roanoke, Va. Vice President Fannons son, Shaine, is also employed by NS in Decatur, Ill. Gary D. Best is a National Vice President of the 57,000-member Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), a Division of the Rail Conference, International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Delegate registration for the BLET's Fifth National Convention will take place on Sunday, October 9, 2022. The Auxiliary National Convention is held in tandem with the BLET Convention at the same location. He was reelected Local Chairman in 2009. Brother Hall was elected on a platform of membership involvement, and looks forward to engaging and energizing BLET members in his new role as National President. Brother Bagby has been instrumental in other negotiations and settlements that have benefitted BLET members, including Vacation Agreement Settlement negotiations, a New Standing Bid Agreement, Rules Exam Arbitration, a new Field Vision Test agreement, and a Voluntary Rest-Reset agreement. My greatest reward is when a member calls to thank me because his claim was paid. As a young girl, she would toss loaves of bread to striking autoworkers in Flint, Michigan, at the risk of being chased by management guards. Vice President Fannon was elected Third Alternate National Vice President at the BLETs Fourth National Convention in 2018. Other key negotiations he was involved in include the 2004-2006 Alternative Forms of Compensation, 2008-2010 RSIA issues, 2010-2012 UP On-Property, 2009 BLET vs Union Pacific Railroad argued before the United States Supreme Court (docket 08-604) case which resulted in a 9-0 ruling in favor of the BLET. In addition, he has attended each of the LM-2 Secretary-Treasurer workshops offered by the BLET Education and Training Department from 2006 to the present. J. Alan Holdcraft is National Vice President of the 57,000-member Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), a Division of the Rail Conference, International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Short Line Vice President Semenek was elected to the office of General Chairman at the quadrennial meetings in 2011, and was subsequently reelected by acclamation in 2015 and 2019. As General Chairman, Gibbons worked with the other three General Chairmen on BNSF in negotiating several on-property agreements in coordination with national bargaining. Departments At CSXT, the General Chairmen secured an Award that overturned CSXTs practice of requiring Locomotive Engineers to transport themselves in carrier vehicles. He represented the BLET as party spokesman on several high profile investigations alongside the NTSB, including accidents at Petal, Miss. I started as a manager with Union Pacific for 10 years and I have been a trainman for the past 16 years. Safety Task Force Journals, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, FRA Certification Helpline: (216) 694-0240. In his role as Director of Regulatory Affairs, Verna represented the BLET on numerous rail safety and human factors endeavors, such as the Rail Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC) of the Federal Railroad Administration. My assignments have included: Maintenance of Way, Brakeman, Conductor, Engineer, Agent, Dispatcher, Sales Manager, and Vice President of Marketing. Health & Welfare Brother Semenek is a member of BLET Division 790 (Chicago) having joined the Brotherhood on February 1, 1995. 7061 East Pleasant Valley Road Vice President Best also was elected to the office of Ninth Alternate National Vice President at the BLETs Third National Convention in 2014 and Sixth Alternate National Vice President at the BLETs Fourth National Convention in 2018. BLET 5th National Convention Information can be found at BLETCONVENTION.ORG Railroad Retirement Board seminars can be found at RRB.GOV 2021 - October 29 - The Office of the Labor Member is pleased to announce that our Pre-Retirement Seminar presentation is now available to view online. He served as a member of the Bylaws Committee at the Third National Convention and as a member of the Arrangements Committee at the Fourth and Fifth National Conventions. Patrick T. Driscoll is National Division Trustee of the 57,500-member Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), a Division of the Rail Conference, International Brotherhood of Teamsters. He was a member of BLE Division 8 in Slater until 1993, when he moved to Kansas City, Mo. Education & Training National Legislative Office Newsletters He was nominated to office at the BLETs Fifth National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 12, 2022, and he was subsequently elected by acclamation to the unions highest office in an election that was certified on December 19, 2022. He was elected by acclamation to the office of National Vice President at the unions Fourth National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 3, 2018. The BLET also agreed -- in its national and on-property agreements -- that newly hired engineers continue to receive lower entry-level pay. Upcoming Events As with the past regional meetings, the 2022 meetings will be arranged on a Monday through Friday schedule. His mother Leona, a union baker, taught Jim the values of unionism. Lastly, the BLET Auxiliary will hold its Fourth National Auxiliary Convention at Ballys from October 10-13, 2022. National Division officers are elected once every four years by a majority vote of all active . Affiliates & Links Memorial Page 16801 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99037, USA. President Hall is a proud member of BLET Division 28 in Tucson, having joined the Brotherhood effective July 1, 1999. Per the BLET Bylaws, Brother Verna was elevated to office having been elected by acclamation to the office of First Alternate VP&NLR at the BLETs Fourth National Convention in Las Vegas on October 4, 2018. He was elected by acclamation to the office of First Alternate VP&NLR at the BLETs Third National Convention in Las Vegas on October 1, 2014. Throughout his career, Brother Estes has directly participated in most aspects of both Local Division and General Committee of Adjustment membership representation, including time claims, discipline handling, Locomotive Engineer Review Board (LERB) submissions and contract negotiations. Updates and related information will be available on the BLETs National Convention website, https://bletconvention.org. He also prepared the unions responses to various agencies proposals for rulemakings and proposed rules, and prepared responses to petitions for waiver from compliance with FRA regulations. On Tuesday, January 25, 2022, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) prohibiting both BLET and SMART-TD from authorizing, encouraging, permitting, calling, or otherwise engaging in any strikes . Brother Wallace participated in negotiations that resulted in the 2015 on-property agreement with Norfolk Southern, the current agreement with Portland & Western, the current agreement with the Pacific Harbor Lines, and the 2015 National Agreement. Delegates will also hear reports from various BLET officers. My free time is mostly spent following my daughter from softball field to softball field as she tries to earn her college scholarship. They will be charged with evaluating and voting on changes to the Brotherhoods Bylaws. He was appointed to the Assistant Coordinator of the Safety Task Force on February 3, 2020. A separate section of the BLET convention website focuses on the Auxiliarys Convention, and similarly includes links for hotel room and airport ground transportation reservations. (Source: Progressive Railroading, February 15, 2023) TheFederal Railroad Administrationyesterday announced an additional $2.2 billion in funding is being made available for theFederal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program. Election Rules & Forms, Organizing The convention will begin on Monday, October 10 and will be held at Bally's Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, 3645 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. He joined BLET Division 34 in Columbus, Ohio, on September 1, 2003, and he immediately became an active and involved leader. Brother Crow has served on the Executive Board of the former BLET Western General Chairmans Association (WGCA) from 2013-2020. He follows in the footsteps of his father, Ray C. Wallace, who was a locomotive engineer, Local Chairman, and General Chairman of the NS Southern Lines from 1986-2008. Its about making sure that they have peace of mind knowing that they will be taken care of if something were to happen. Hall, who is running as an individual against sitting President Dennis Pierce and his United Slate. His grandfather was the Superintendent on the Chicago and Alton Railroad in Slater for many years. Brother Best has arbitrated hundreds of discipline cases and been a part of arbitrating over 20 rules cases pursuant to Section 3 of the Railway Labor Act, as amended. He also successfully completed grievance mediation training in April of 2017. He was elected Local Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer of Division 659 in 1989, positions he held continuously until 1997, when he transferred to Division 382. In 1982, he began working in Conrail commuter service as a trainman/conductor in Hoboken, NJ. Health & Welfare In 2010, Brother Crow was elected 2nd Vice Chairman of the UP-NR GCA. Ballys Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, 3645 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. Scholarship Directory I went back to school in 1986, earning a BA in economics. Finally, while serving as a National Division Trustee, Brother Estes was responsible for auditing the books of the National Division on a monthly basis. The Denver regional meeting will be held at the Hilton Denver City Center and the Baltimore regional will be held at the Hilton . Scholarship Directory February 15, 2023 @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Brother Lyons also served as a Vice Chairman of the BLETs National General Chairmens Association. Prior to his railroad career, Brother Lyons attended Eastern Kentucky University, where he studied Fire Science Engineering. by Cesar Damian | Apr 19, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments. As we move forward, I am asking you to stay involved in your Union. Memorial Page He is assigned as Vice President to the current National Wage Team. Locomotive Engineers & Conductors Mutual Protective Association (LECMPA) has been protecting transportation workers in United States and Canada since 1910. Arbitration Election were published in the August-September 2021 issue of the Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen News. I started as an LECMPA Florida State agent in March of 2009. This information does not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. The convention was kicked off by the Report of the National President, delivered by BLET National President Dennis R. Pierce during the morning session of the BLET's Fifth National Convention on October 10. My mission is to continue to reach, teach, and guide others on this valuable asset that solely protects your income should you be placed in the position of suspension or termination. The BLETs national conventions are held quadrennially, or once every four years. Education & Training BLET Auxiliary From 2013-2022, Brother Lyons served the Brotherhood as General Chairman of the CSXT-Northern Lines General Committee of Adjustment (GCA), which represents nearly 3,000 active and retired members. The convention will begin on Monday, October 10 and will be held at Bally's Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, 3645 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. History One year later, he became the GCAs first-ever conductor to be elected to the office of Regional Vice General Chairman. Then, in May of 1998, I was hired onto the Chessie and spent the next 23 years working the road in engine service and serving as a union officer. Immediately prior to his elevation to the Advisory Board, Gibbons served as General Chairman of the BLETs Burlington Northern Frisco (former SL-SF)/MNA General Committee of Adjustment, a position he held for 12 years. 4 at the BLETs Fourth National Convention in 2018. 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Cassopolis Obituaries, Aggravated Assault South Dakota, Does It Rain A Lot In Eugene, Oregon, Articles B